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March 2024

Judyth Sult’s March 2024

Empowerment Newsletter

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Notes from J

Welcome to March, the month of rebirth, creativity, and awakening. March is a time of hope; as the days get longer, the weather usually gets a bit more temperate, and flowers begin to bloom. Easter, as it’s celebrated today with eggs and bunnies, is a remnant of a Pagan holiday celebrating around the Vernal Equinox. The eggs and bunnies are symbols of fertility, new life, and rebirth.

March is a great time to practice your manifestation skills, and the coaching corner has step by step instructions about how to manifest your desires. As with all of my coaching, adapt the information to your own practices and intuition. You can manifest!

A gentle reminder to talk to your guides. Remember, they are here just for you; don’t leave them alone.



                                                                                     Coaching Corner

Talking to Your Spiritual Partner

As an empowerment coach, I’m often called upon to guide my clients on how to manifest something in their lives. It might be a better job, a life partner, or some money. Whatever the desire to manifest, there are four basic steps I’ll be discussing in the next few newsletters. I’ll explain each of those steps, and the common blocks, along with suggestions for how to resolve those blocks.

A word of warning. You may have read some of the thousands of articles about how to manifest. And you may have spent a great deal of money on those resources and yet still have difficulty manifesting. What I am writing about here is a guide with the general steps because you must discover your own way that resonates with you and with your concept of spirit. This approach doesn’t cost you anything but time and practice.

I refer to my spiritual partners as angels and guides. Not everyone is comfortable with those terms, and if you are one of them, come up with your own term that represents spirit in your life. I refer to my angels and guides as my partners because we work together towards common goals.

Everyone has their own spiritual partners, and it’s important to acknowledge them. Especially if you aren’t sure that you have spiritual partners, you should begin your own form of communicating with them so that they can show themselves to you and make their presence known.

When I was a little girl, I used to talk to God frequently because that was the only name, or entity, that I was introduced to. Although the talking was usually about getting me out of trouble, or keeping me from getting caught, I felt like I was making a connection. From a fairly young age I looked for a friend in spirit, rather than the Biblical frightening know-all guy in the sky who would call for awful things to happen if anyone didn’t do exactly as he commanded.

Finally, when I was still a fairly young adult, I was introduced to the world of non-religious spiritual belief. As I just wrote this, I almost used the term, non-traditional rather than non-religious, but this belief that we work with the spirits is a tradition as old as humanity. Working with spiritual partners is personal, beautiful, and magical.

How do you know that your spiritual partners hear you? It’s when everything seems to flow. You are being heard and in sync with your partners when there are coincidences, like thinking about a friend and that friend calls you or you run into them right away.

Two of the most common questions I’m asked as a coach are, “How can I communicate with my angels and guides?” and “How do I know if they hear me?”

I believe that almost any approach works, and if you just start you will probably find your way. I believe that your spiritual partners are here for no other reason than to guide you, help you, and reward you in your lifetime. If you ignore your guides, or are afraid to call on them, they will do the best they can, but it makes their job much more difficult. Like any partnership, it’s important to communicate well, rather than having to guess what the other wants. You are the leader in this partnership. You are the one who says what is wanted; your guides deal with the how to get it for you.

Many of my clients are surprised when they discover what a sense of joy they find when they’ve accepted that they’re being heard and responded to by their spiritual partners. The communication may come in a dream, or an answer that just comes to them. It may come with a strong sense to take an action without understanding why, and then realizing it’s the correct next step.

The feeling of being heard can be so powerful, and joyful, that your life feels more complete and secure because you know you will never be truly alone.

Fun work: Remember, this is the first step in manifesting and is critical in setting you up for success. Talk to your spiritual partners often in the course of the day. For example, when I get in the car, I try to always say, “wrapped in silver and protected.” Below are some other suggestions, but don’t limit yourself. Maybe ask your spiritual partners how they want to communicate.

1. Greet them in the morning, and thank them for being in your life.

2. Ask them to show you a sign that they are with you.

3. Meditate.

4. Pick an oracle after asking a question.

5. Create a vision board, asking them to guide you.

Listen for a response, not just with your ears, but with your heart. Play with them. Feel free to share your experiences with me. Perhaps, with your permission, I’ll add your experience to my next newsletter.


The Universal month number for March is 2, which in numerology stands for cooperation, harmony, and balance. Remember, the Universal month is calculated by adding the calendar month (which is 3 for March), to the year (2024=8). So, 3+8=11. Eleven is then reduced to a single digit, 2.

The number 2 is often linked to harmony, cooperation, balance, and relationships. It’s a gentle and diplomatic energy that encourages collaboration and finding common ground. During a month associated with the number 2, people may find themselves focusing on partnerships, teamwork, and maintaining balance in their lives.

The Personal Month is related to your birth day and tells you what energy to expect this month. Reduce your birth day and month to a single digit. For example, a November 23 birthday would be 2 (November is 11th month reduced to 2) + 5 (23 reduced to 5) = 7. For the November 23 birthday, the Personal Month is a 7, no matter what year the person was born.

Personal Month Calculation

In numerology each number from 1 to 9 carries distinct characteristics and energies. Below are the general energies associated with the number of the Personal Month that you can expect to experience this month.

The Personal Month number provides a snapshot of the predominant energies influencing an individual during a given month.

 Personal Month 1

The 1 Personal Month is the time to embrace new beginnings. Set goals for the next 9 months and welcome the chance to initiate opportunities for change.

Personal Month 2

The 2 Personal Month is the time that relationships will garner the most attention. You’ll find you seek harmony and balance, and you’ll have the urge to compromise.

Personal Month 3

The 3 Personal Month is an ideal time to express yourself creatively. Explore innovative ways to communicate or engage in artistic pursuits.

Personal Month 4

The 4 Personal Month is the time for you to be practical in the way you pursue your goals. You’ll find you are more comfortable than usual in organizing your life and objectives.

Personal Month 5

The 5 Personal Month will be a month of adventures and exploration. Be prepared to be more flexible than usual and to edge beyond your comfort zone.

Personal Month 6

The 6 Personal Month is a good time to focus on family in a nurturing way. Family can be relatives or your chosen family through friends.

Personal Month 7

The 7 Personal Month is a time for you to look deeply within. You may find yourself exploring spiritual growth as you delve into your inner self.

Personal Month 8

The 8 Personal Month brings a focus on achievement and abundance. You’ll find it’s a good time to make strategic decisions to towards your goals.

Personal Month 9

The 9 Personal Month completes the cycle you began in your 1 month.This month is a good time to finish incomplete tasks and reflect on your accomplishments. Be compassionate with yourself and others.

Sky Influences

New Moon in Pisces, March 10: Sit back, relax, and meditate. This is a good time to take time for yourself and go within.

Full Moon in Libra, Lunar eclipse, March 25: Imagine that you are the person you want to become. How do you see yourself, and what are your goals?

Oracle cards by Paige Woods

There are a lot of different kinds of oracle decks other than Tarot. I was recently introduced to a new deck by Paige Woods. This deck is made up of single words with an explanation on her website,

The card I pulled for us all for the month of March is CREATE. The message is:

What a wonderful and exciting time for you.

Something new is coming your way, if it hasn’t already. This could be a new idea, a new person or a new opportunity. This is something you deserve and have all of the tools to commit to.

This is also the time in which change is afoot, embrace it with loving arms.

Change brings growth, excitement, opportunity to shift focus. You may receive unexpected news, keep an open mind, not all news seems like good news at first glance. If this is the case, don’t react immediately.

Give yourself time to develop new perspective before moving forward.

Contact Judyth at

for Tarot Readings, Numerology Report,

or Empowerment Coaching


Personal Month Numerology for February

To determine the numerology of your personal year, add together your birth month and day number to the current year (2024=8 for this year). For a September 23 birthday (no matter the birth year), the personal year would be 9 (month) + 5 (23 reduced to 5) + 8 (Universal year) = 13, which reduces to 4. For the entire year, this birthday person will have the energy of 4, which will influence how the person makes decisions and what opportunities are likely to come her way. [Read more…]

February 2024

Judyth Sult’s February 2024

Empowerment Newsletter

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Free Card Draw

Notes from J

It seems to me that February is a month full of contradictions. It’s the shortest month in days, and even though the days are minutes longer, they are often dark and gloomy and seem to go on forever. The big holidays are past, and after four weeks in the new year I’m beginning to get accustomed to believing we’re really in the year 2024.

I thought it might be fun to introduce the use of pendulums as a tool to communicate with your helpers, or angels and guides. The pendulum can give you excellent information while being a fun way to explore what your guides want you to know. Pendulums can be a tool to confirm what you think the guides are telling you.

February is about love, and the most important person is to love yourself. Believe me, I know how difficult that can be with all of the negative feedback we’ve been given about ourselves since childhood. It took me until well into my adulthood to really feel worthy of self-love.

See the Tarot spread below for a reading about how to love yourself more. My empowerment coaching is a way to learn tools and techniques for believing in valuing yourself. Please contact me if you would like more information.



                                                                                     Coaching Corner

Pendulum Work

I have a lot of folks who want to work more closely with their angels and guides, or personal helpers. First, as always, you must acknowledge them. Welcome your personal helpers with words, and let them know what you want them to do, or how you want them to be in your life. Then, be prepared to listen to them.

One way to establish communication and know is to ask a yes/no question and then use a pendulum to divulge the answer. Below is a how to guide for pendulum work.

1. Choosing a Pendulum:

  • You can either purchase a pendulum or make one yourself. It can be anything with a weighted object attached to a string or chain.
  • Choose a pendulum that feels comfortable and balanced in your hand. It can be made of various materials like metal, crystal, or wood.

2. Understanding the Basics:

  • Hold the pendulum between your thumb and index finger, allowing it to hang freely without touching anything.
  • Ask the pendulum which way means yes and wait for the pendulum to move on its own. Be patient, and if the pendulum doesn’t move, it may not be in alignment with you in which case you can select another.
  • Ask the pendulum to show you the “no” direction.
  • Ask the pendulum to show you the “no answer,” which can indicate that you need to reword the question, or that there is not a best answer.

3. Establishing a Connection:

  • When you begin working with a pendulum, be in a comfortable and quiet space where you won’t be disturbed.
  • Take a few deep breaths to relax your mind and body.
  • Call on your angels and guides to hear you and answer your question.

4. Asking Questions:

  • Ask clear, specific questions that can be answered with a “yes” or “no” or “maybe”.
  • Remain relaxed and open-minded, allowing the pendulum to move naturally. Consider closing your eyes so you don’t influence the answer.

5. Interpreting the Responses:

  • Interpret the pendulum's movement based on your pre-established signals for "yes," "no," or "maybe."
  • Trust your intuition and the connection you've established with your guides through your pendulum.

6. Practice and Patience:

  • Like any skill, working with a pendulum requires practice and patience.
  • Keep a journal to record your questions, the pendulum's responses, and any insights or feelings you experience during the process.
  • Over time, you'll become more attuned to the subtle movements and nuances of your pendulum.

Sometimes people wear their pendulum on a long chain around their neck so that it is always available. I take my pendulum to the grocery store and will sometimes use it to decide between different products. Play with your pendulum, always remembering to call on your guides and trusting that they are communicating with you through the pendulum. And have fun!

Numerology Personal Month number for February

To determine the numerology of your personal year, add together your birth month and day number to the current year (2024=8 for this year). For a September 23 birthday (no matter the birth year), the personal year would be 9 (month) + 5 (23 reduced to 5) + 8 (Universal year) = 13, which reduces to 4. For the entire year, this birthday person will have the energy of 4, which will influence how the person makes decisions and what opportunities are likely to come her way.

The 4 energy is about setting up the structure for the future and understanding who you are and where you are going. For personal month number, add current calendar month number (2 for February) to your personal year number. You need to calculate your personal month number. In the above example, we would add 2 (the calendar month) + 4 (the personal year) = 6. For this birthday, the month of February will carry the 6 energy, which is all about home and responsibility. Where is home, who does she want in her home, what are her responsibilities to her home and those in the home? This 6 energy of the personal month will work in tandem with the 4 energy of her personal year.

Words to describe each number:

1 = Independence, creativity, and innovation. (The 1 is the beginning of a cycle of 9 months or years.)

2 = Diplomacy, cooperation, and partnership.

3 = Communication, artistic endeavors, and joy.

4 = Practicality, straightforwardness, and planning.

5 = Adventure, fun, and flexibility.

6 = Nurturance, devotedness, and family orientation.

7 = Insightfulness, serenity, and privacy.

8 = Power, authority, and abundance.

9 = Humanitarianism, empathy, and open-mindedness. (The 9 is the ending of a 9 month cycle.)

Tarot Reading for Loving Yourself

This reading addresses what steps to take to love yourself more:

What must I release to love myself?

Determination (Chariot): Slow down and release control because they are not getting you any closer to loving yourself. You have been determined, until now, to focus on what you believe is unloving about yourself.

How do I release it?

Quester (Fool): Be willing to take a risk and open the portals to new journeys and relationships. Your guides are with you and will protect you as long as you listen for their advice.

What do I call in to replace what I released?

Moon: Know that you have illusions about yourself that do not serve your highest good. Believe in the power of the Moon to discover who you are and to know that you are worthy of love.

What do I need to do to trust the cards?

Temperance: Acknowledge, honor and balance all aspects of who you are. You have many roles and responsibilities in your life, and it’s time that you acknowledge all of the good and wonderful parts of yourself.

In the Sky

New Moon in Aquarius, February 9: The Aquarius energy provides an opportunity for you to break out of old patterns and visualize what you would like to manifest in your future.

Full Moon in Virgo, February 24: Virgo provides the energy of getting things done, and the full moon is a time to make your vision from the new moon a reality.

Email Judyth for a January 2024 reading at 25% off the regular price


November 2023

Judyth Sult’s November

Empowerment Newsletter

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                Free Card Draw

Notes from J

This month I’m going to give you a summary of a workshop I sometimes offer about how to work with your angels and guides. During the workshop, we practice detailing what each person wants and clarify how best to communicate with our angels and guides. We also look for signs that they are communicating with us. I hope that you enjoy this newsletter; you are welcome to ask me questions or clarifications.

It is important to remember that, when you are working with your angels and guides or with any magic, it is not legitimate to try to make another person do or feel something. This is about you.



                                                                                     Coaching Corner

How to Manifest with your Angels and Guides

Some people call them guides, some call them angels, and others call them guardians.

Essentially, they are beings who are in your aura and whose purpose is to help you achieve your highest potential. I believe at least one has been with you since birth, and others come to you in the course of your lifetime. They are only here for that purpose.

When you communicate with these helpful beings, life will become easier and more purposeful.They are just waiting to hear from you so you can work as a team. Unfortunately, working with them may not always look like what you thought it would. Sometimes, the way to the end is indirect, and the end may not look like what you expected.

It can be difficult to trust that you have guardians, especially when you’re going through a difficult time. However, even if you aren’t sure you have guides, act as though you have them.

Trust, at least for this moment, that we all have guides, including you. Have no doubt that they have tried to communicate with you, but you may not have understood or heard the message.

Remember those “coincidences” of wanting to see someone and they gave you a call? Or taking action for no reason, other than sensing it had to be done and the time was right? Or wanting something and out of the blue it came into your life? That was the work of your angels and guides.

Setting the stage

Your guardians are here to help you achieve your highest potential. You are here, on this earth, in order to have a human experience. So often in the New Age conditioning we are told that we must ascend or move beyond the human experience. I don’t believe that at all. I believe we are here, on this plane, to do the human experience with all of its physical, mental, and emotional challenges and successes. In the process of these earthly experiences, we can learn to connect to the spiritual world, which can unite us with the One. Our angels and guides are that link between the spiritual and the One.

You may ask, “If it’s true the guides are here to help me reach my highest potential, why haven’t they saved me from the problems I’ve suffered in my life?” Your guides are just one ingredient in the mix of how your life moves forward. In all cases you have free will, and you make the decisions about, and determine your reactions to, situations that arise in this life. Your guides are your allies, not dictators.

In my coaching and Tarot readings I ensure the environment is safe and then invite our guides to use me as a vessel to communicate what the universe (the One, your guides) wants my client to know. Through these experiences, I’ve learned that although the guides are sometimes serious, they also have a wonderful sense of humor, and they love to play. They often show their humor through the irony of the card selected or the very specific wording of a message to you. Your guides will frequently show you a bit of humor in the moment. That’s not to suggest they ever laugh AT you, or that they don’t take you seriously. Laughter and joy open the heart chakra and encourage creativity and imagination. Pleasure and play open your heart chakra and let light into your soul.

The lesson for this month is to invite communication with your guides. Start by taking a moment to be quiet, and then say something like, “There is one power, the perfect power. I call on my angels and guides. I know you are with me, and I want to communicate with you. Please give me a sign.”

Look for the sign you have requested. It could be a thought or words that form a message about an issue you’ve been considering. It could come in the form of what you previously considered a coincidence, such as thinking of a person and then receiving a call or running into them.

I’ve had clients who really fight hearing their guides. They’ll often relate a coincidence that happened but brush it off. After you’ve had a “coincidental,” or other experience, practice communicating very clearly about what you want from them. They will help you if they know what you want, so it’s up to you to be clear about your intention.

When I enlist the aid of the guides in Tarot readings, the querent’s guides often give me clear exercises to be completed by the person. It might be to write something down or draw a picture, or even to visit a particular place. You must be clear about what you want to manifest and then follow what you understand your guide is trying to tell you. The message will often seem like your intuition, or the small little voice within you.

Communicate your intention clearly. For example, if your intention is to get a new job, begin by writing the characteristics of the job. Perhaps, your list might include a better financial situation, creative opportunities, fun co-workers, or the appropriate level of responsibility. Envision living with everything included in that list. Once you know what it is you want, ask your guides to manifest it with you.

When I was looking for a job, I called on my angels and guides. I was doing a reading for a new client and she mentioned she was leaving her current position because of a move. After talking a bit, I realized that job was exactly what I was looking for; it was in the esoteric world, it paid well, and the people were wonderful. I believe my angels brought this person to me because otherwise I would never have heard of the job.

Sometimes, you know what you want, your guides are trying to communicate with you, and yet, it might seem to you that nothing is happening. Actually, there are three things that typically get in the way of trusting that you are working with your guides:

1. Your intention wasn’t clear. Review what you are asking for and add some detail. Check with someone else to see if they clearly understand your intention.

2. You have a feeling that your guides are trying to show you what to do next, but it doesn’t make “sense,” so you don’t do it. Your guide may communicate through thoughts, by showing you a coincidence, or by putting a person with the answer in front of you. They communicate in many ways, so be open to whatever comes your way.

3. You know what you want, but in some deep way you don’t feel “worthy” of receiving it. This is the biggest culprit and, in my opinion, the hardest to resolve. You have to learn to trust that you are worthy of receiving whatever is in your highest good. Repeat: I am worthy of receiving whatever is in my highest good. (That can mean financial security, a good job, an understanding companion, a secure house.)

Set your intention clearly, trust your intuition, know you are worthy, and your guides will lead you to it.

In the Sky

November 13, New Moon in Scorpio: You will feel your wants and needs very strongly. This New Moon supports the theme of the month to begin talking to, and working with, your angels and guides. You are worthy to go after what you want!

November 27, Full Moon in Scorpio: This Full Moon reveals how to get what you decided you wanted during the New Moon. During this Full Moon, hone your skills, clarify your desires, practice clear communication with your Guardians.

Reach your highest potential, email Judyth to inquire about

Empowerment Coaching today


How to Manifest with your Angels and Guides

Some people call them guides, some call them angels, and others call them guardians.

Essentially, they are beings who are in your aura and whose purpose is to help you achieve your highest potential. I believe at least one has been with you since birth, and others come to you in the course of your lifetime. They are only here for that purpose. [Read more…]

May 2023

Judyth Sult’s May

Empowerment Newsletter

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                Free Card Draw

Notes from J

The first day of May is Beltane, which symbolizes fertility and marks the coming of summer. When my children were about five through eight years old, they would raid my flower beds (and sometimes those of neighbors), make child-like bouquets, and place them on the porches of several neighbors. They would ring the doorbell, run and hide and wait for the surprised occupant to open the door, giggling the entire time. They never told me ahead of time what they were doing. Now, as adults on May 1, they almost always fondly mention what fun this day represented for them.

Spiritually, the blossoms in May represent renewal and rebirth. Try to connect with the optimism that is represented by bulbs deep in the earth poking themselves up in glorious color, shapes, sizes, and smells. Let’s try to make the most of the hopefulness represented by these bright, beautiful flowers. Embrace what might come into our lives. 

This month I’m sharing the third step in manifesting what you want to call into your lives. This method does work, and sometimes having someone help stay on track, give encouragement, or point out potential blocks can be helpful. Please let me know if you would like me to be that someone. I have two spaces available.

Thank you for being a part of my readership. I love the feedback you’ve been sending, and I do respond to every message.



Photo: Louie Dog and Bella Bird had a lot to say about this month’s newsletter.

                                                                                     Coaching Corner

Working with Your Guides to Manifest, Part 3

How successful have you been at manifesting what you want to call into your life? For the last 2 months I’ve shared the first two steps in how to manifest what you want in your life. And it works! This is a method I’ve used with my clients for years and that I’ve used in my own life. I know it works, my clients know it works, and you can make it work for you. This method seems easy, but for those not accustomed to working with their guides, it can be a challenge. 

To review step 1, go here to my February newsletter. In this first step you are given the simple, but often overlooked, step of building a relationship with your angels and guides, or spiritual partners. They are here to guide you and work with you to create a life for your highest good. They are here because they love you and will always be here for you. Your first task in manifesting is to create a relationship with them of trust. Ask them to give you a sign, tell them what you want to manifest, play with them, listen for them with your heart. The challenge to step 1 is becoming comfortable and believing that you are communicating with your guides.

The second step to manifesting can be accessed here, in my April newsletter. The second step in manifesting is to clearly state what you want to create or call into your life. Maybe what you want to manifest is a new job, or a relationship, or a place to live. Talk to your guides specifically about what you want them to help you manifest, write down the details, and then repeat the details out loud, ending the statement with, “this or better.” The challenge to step 2 is to be clear and concise with what you want to manifest and to have the trust to believe in your guides.

This month, we are looking at the third step, which is often the most challenging. In this step you are to believe that you are worthy to receive what you want to manifest. The truth is that you do deserve what you want to manifest, as long as your desire harms none. You were put on this earth to experience life, and I believe that a part of that experience is working with the mystical (angelic, magical, whatever you call it) realm. If you feel unworthy, examine why you feel that way. 

Let’s say that you are looking for a promotion; maybe you haven’t had the same qualifications as your competitor. Perhaps those qualifications aren’t really necessary, and you have something else to offer which is equally of value. If additional experience is necessary, you may be provided with opportunities to get that knowledge. 

Sometimes what we want to manifest takes more time than we want it to because our spiritual partners are providing opportunities for success with that manifestation, or they are preparing for something better. Whatever the reason, your job in step 3 is to trust that you are worthy of your guides working with you to create that which is in your highest and best good. The biggest challenge in step 3 is to believe that you are worthy and deserve what you want to manifest and that your guides are working with you.

Here’s an example of how these principles work. I’ve been working with a man who has wanted to change his living arrangements for about a year. When we first started on step 1, he was willing to ask his spiritual guides to help him manifest the perfect living situation. He said he believed he was communicating with his guides. However, when he finished the exercise of talking to his guides, he would then relate to me, and anyone else around, all of the reasons his manifestation might not work. He didn’t seem to realize that he was still communicating with his guides, because everything he said was communicating with them.

He did well with part of step 2, that is, writing down what he wanted to manifest. But he didn’t write it as a manifestation; he wrote it as a letter to his agent explaining the trade he was willing to make. His problem was that he pretty much left his guides out of this step.

He seemed to work through step 3, saying that he deserved the new housing situation because it would be a smaller residence. However, it took him almost a year to really release his old residence so that everything could be put into motion.

It has taken him a year, but he has manifested his perfect housing situation. Once he realized that he wasn’t really ready to give up the larger residence, calling on his guides was not 100% genuine. He had to really understand that what he wanted to manifest was better than what he had, and, finally, he had to know that he is worthy of the new housing situation.

In summary, these are the steps in manifesting what you want:

  1. Connect with your guides.
  2. Communicate what you want to manifest.
  3. Accept that you are worthy to receive the best from the universe by way of your guides.

It’s not always easy to see when you are your own obstacle to getting what you want to create. Be willing to ask a coach or a friend for help if you feel like you just can’t make it work. Please call me if you like to chat about what you would like to manifest your future.

Tarot, Minor Arcana                                                                                                          Goddess Tarot, Kris Walder

As mentioned last month, even though I still love using Tarot of Empowerment deck I co-created with Gordana Curgus, I’m once again playing with the Minor Arcana Tarot cards from different decks. This month’s deck is the Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr, which we will use to explore the meaning of the 2 card in each suit.

In general, the number 2 represents duality, balance, harmony, and partnership. The Major Arcana connected with the number 2 are High Priestess and Justice.

In general, Swords in Tarot represent the intellect or the mind, and the 2 of Swords represents the mental conflict between choices to be made when there are different perspectives. When the 2 of Swords comes up, it’s a good time to go internally to connect with your highest good, which is your true self. The blindfold in the illustration represents going into the subconscious.

The Cups in Tarot is associated with the element of water, which represents the emotions. The 2 of Cups is about connecting, usually with one other person. This card does not always represent a romantic connection; rather it could be about one of your family members, or a business alliance, or even a stranger. It could also be choosing between two different people. Whoever it is, it is likely to be a deep relationship.

In the Goddess deck, the Wands are represented by Staves, both of which represent the element of fire. This suit is about passion, drive, and spirituality, and the 2 can symbolize the choice between alternative passions in your life and what drives you. The wall between the Staves suggests she is not quite ready to commit to a path.

Pentacles are associated with the element earth and represent money, work, or the physical world. The 2 of Pentacles represents at least two choices between opportunities or priorities. The infinity sign suggests that there is time to make the decision, not to rush, and to trust in the process.

Numerology, May is a Universal 3 month

As a reminder, we find the Universal Month by adding the Calendar Month (May is 5) to the Universal Year, which is found by adding all of the numbers in the current year (2023) and reducing them to a single digit (7): 5+7=12, reduced to 3.

The energy of 3 is creativity, good communication, unique thinking, and the love of having fun. The Universal energy that everyone feels this month will have these characteristics, but remember, the energy of any number is linear and goes from very positive to difficulty dealing with the attributes of that number. In general, the 3 energy this month is likely to be light, fun, and expansive. There will be opportunities for collaboration and trying new things.

Your Personal Month number will largely determine how you work with the 3 energy. Find your Personal Month number by adding your day of birth to your month of birth and the current year (do not use your birth year). Then reduce the number to a single digit.

Personal Month numbers in a Universal 3 month are below:

1 – Your creative energy will be very high this month, and you are likely to start new, fun projects.

2 – You may find it difficult to balance all of the energy you find in yourself in this month.

3 – You are likely to feel hyper all month as you have so many ideas and projects that you want to express.

4 – Your desire for organization and stability may be at odds with the exuberance of the 3 Universal energy.

5 – You may find May a bit chaotic, as both the 3 Universal Month and the 5 Personal month call for new adventures.

6 – You will possibly find a sense of joy and creative ways to complete your responsibilities this month.

7 – You are likely to find yourself exploring ways to be creative and fun beyond this month.

8 – You would do well to find creative ways to manage different financial aspects of your life.

9 – You will find joy in letting go of what no longer brings you happiness and creativity.

Sky Influences

Sky Influences

Full Moon and eclipse in Scorpio, May 5: This is a time of a lot of unexpected closure and endings. Be patient and kind to yourself.

Mercury goes direct, May 14: Take a deep breath. The retrograde influence may be around for a day or two longer before the confusion and disruptions end.

New Moon in Taurus, May 19: Evaluate where you are in your life, appreciate what is working, and set new goals where appropriate.

Let Judyth help you Manifest

for Empowerment Coaching


April 2023

Judyth Sult’s April

Empowerment Newsletter

Please Share this newsletter with a Friend

                Free Card Draw

Notes from J

April seems to be a month of hope and renewal. The days get longer, the flowers crop up their pretty little blossoms, and in the Pacific Northwest we can begin to shed some outer layers on occasion.

The Numerological energy of March is about balance, as is the Full Moon energy. Think about how you want to bring balance into your life. Are you spending time with your family and friends as you would like? Are you taking care of your own needs? Are you balancing what you eat and drink in a way that is in the best interest of your health? This may be your month to make change you’ve considered but have put off.

In the Coaching Corner you’ll find the next of a three part series in how to manifest whatever you want. My coaching clients have found that these steps work for them as they are able to successfully call desired change into their lives. Learning to speak to your guides is a step many people find difficult. Please contact me if I can help you get over this block.

I’m introducing a new deck, The Guardian of the Night Tarot, from a Seattle artist, MJ Cullinane. I think you will find it interesting. I still use my Tarot of Empowerment Major Arcana deck and have some available if you would like to acquire one.



                                                                                     Coaching Corner

Manifesting, Part 2

In March I introduced the first part of learning to manifest what you want to call into your life. That first step is to talk to you spiritual partners (click here to read the March article). I pointed out that even if you don’t believe you have angels and guides, or spiritual partners, just act as though you do. This will give them a chance to make themselves known to you. You might call the results a coincidence, but I still suggest you give thanks to the whoever or whatever you decide to call them because they are there for you.

Step 2 begins once you have begun communicating with your spiritual partners and you get clear about what you want to manifest. Perhaps it’s a new job. If so, get clear about what you want in a new job. Put in the details that are important to you. Do NOT write what you don’t want associated with the new job. Write down what your new job would do for you; perhaps it would be closer to home, or you would make more money. Just be sure that it is what you want, not what someone else thinks would be important in a new job. Once you are clear about what you want to manifest, write and then say, “This or better.”

The next task is as important as deciding what you want to manifest. Do NOT engage your doubts. If doubts creep into your thoughts, talk to your angels and guides by restating what you want to manifest. You are co-creating with them.

When we lived in Corvallis, Oregon, I wanted a job as a foreign student advisor, but there were no positions within the colleges or universities within an hour drive. I couldn’t imagine how a job could manifest, but I kept asking my guides. Mind you, I was pretty new at consciously manifesting, so I had all of the doubts and fears you might feel. I kept repeating, “There is one power, the perfect power. I Judyth call on the perfect power to manifest for me the perfect job.” I had already written out more details about what that perfect job would look like.

One day, out of the blue, my husband asked if I had seen a job description for a position in Washington that he just read about. I told him I couldn’t look at something that far away unless he would be willing to give up his tenured position so that we could move. He thought about it and said he would because I had supported his various ventures.

We packed up our family and moved to Bellingham and I became the Director of Foreign Students for Skagit Valley College. Not a foreign student advisor position, but better. Remember, this or better.

Just like me, you can also manifest what you want to call into your life. Review Step 1 about talking to your spiritual partners; then write down what you want to manifest. Be clear and share it with your angels and guides.

Next month I’ll explain the final step in manifesting. In the meantime, ask for what you want. Be willing to believe that you are co-creating. This or better.

Tarot, Minor Arcana                                

The Guardian of the Night Tarot

As most of you know, Gordana Curgus and I co-created a Major Arcana deck called Tarot of Empowerment. A Major Arcana deck gets right to the issue at hand and is a wonderful tool to guide you in a clear, concise manner. However, recently I got nostalgic for meandering through a full 78 card deck with the four suits and four court figures so I sought out a Major/Minor Arcana deck.

The deck I decided to use is called The Guardian of the Night Tarot, by MJ Cullinane. The images are animals who wander in the darkness, bringing light. The author writes that she found emotional release by creating this deck as a healing tool during the challenging times we’ve all experienced over the last few years.

Starting with the Ace from the Minor Arcana, this deck stays true to the traditional interpretations while introducing the reader to animals busy in the night who symbolically bring in aspects of the light. Generally speaking, my training with the Ace is that it represents new beginnings and is often a gift. The descriptions of the aces below are condensed from the author’s description in the book that accompanies the deck.

The Ace of Swords is illustrated by the bat, which represents the ability to travel instinctively through the darkness. When this card comes up, it is a reminder to call on grace and skill and to change course and find a new direction as the situation calls for.

The Ace of Pentacles is represented by the owl, who is powerful and intuitive. The owl energy will help you to see the entire picture, including what may be available in the future, a new perspective.

The Ace of Wands is represented by the spider and the firefly. The spider uses its creative energy to craft a web that will bring fresh benefits, while the firefly lights the darkness with courage and imagination on a new journey.

The Ace of Cups is represented by the black-crowned night heron, who embodies stillness and grace. The heron travels between social worlds of nesting and individual night hunting without friction or discomfort trusting in natural flow of energy.

I’m looking forward to learning more about these cards, as well as other decks, and reminding myself of the joy of the journey through the Minor Arcana.


April is the 4th month in the calendar year. In the year 2023, April has the Universal Month value of an 11/2 month. (Reduce 2023 to a single digit, which is 7. Then add the 7 to the 4, equaling 11, and reduce to a single digit, which is 2.)

The energy in an 11/2 month is twofold: first, it’s about slowing down, tapping into the intuitive nature of the 11 to bring momentum to any projects or relationships you started last month. Second, the 2 energy is about balance and partnership, so be willing to ask others for assistance or to share their ideas.

To figure out your Personal Month energy, and to understand how to get the most out of this month, add your Personal Year number to 4, the current month. Calculate your Personal Year by adding your birth day and month to 2023. For example, the Personal Month energy for a December 9 birthday would calculate like this: 12+9+2023; reduce all numbers to a single digit and we get 3+9+7=19. Reduce 19 to a single digit, and the Personal Month energy for this birthday is 1.

1 Personal Month: You are likely to think outside of the box and be willing to take some risks.

2 Personal Month: You are likely to work and play well with others and to be more intuitive than usual.3 Personal Month: You are likely to have a highly energetic month full of creativity and self-confidence.

4 Personal Month: You are likely to want to bring routine and structure into your life.

5 Personal Month: You are likely to seek out adventure and to accept changes in your life.

6 Personal Month: You are likely to be very nurturing towards others.

7 Personal Month: You are likely to decide to go within and seek quiet introspection.

8 Personal Month: You are likely to find your personal power.

9 Personal Month: You are likely to end situations and relationships that no longer work for you.

Sky Influences

Full Moon in Libra, April 5, a time for balance, collaboration, and compromise. This is especially true because the Universal Month energy for April in 2023 is also asking for balance, collaboration, and compromise.

New Moon and Eclipse in Aris-Libra Axis, April 19, the probability of unexpected change to our plans. Slow down and double check process and progress.

Mercury retrograde in Taurus, April 21 to May 14, it may seem to make it difficult to keep things moving forward. Be patient with time, electronics and travel.

Let Judyth help you Manifest

for Empowerment Coaching


February 2023

Judyth Sult’s February

Empowerment Newsletter

Please Share with a Friend

                Free Card Draw

Notes from J

Each month, when I sit down to write this newsletter, I ponder about how to make a fresh approach to empowerment. Do you know why I do this newsletter?

I know from my personal experience how important it is to come from a place of empowerment. Like many of you, I didn’t grow up with a sense of empowerment. Over the years, I’ve learned that I have attributes many people appreciate, and as I’ve acknowledged and embraced those attributes I’ve become more satisfied with life, and I’ve attracted wonderful friends and experiences. I know how important empowerment is.

Years ago when I became an Empowerment Coach, I was attacked on social media by a person who said I couldn’t empower anyone, and she was right. No one can empower you. All any coach can do is to provide tools for the person to build the skills to help her meet her goals. I write this newsletter as your coach. I hope some of it works for you.

This month I created a one-month Empowerment Calendar for February. You can download it here. Let me know what you think about it. Almost every day this past January I’ve posted empowerment suggestions on Facebook; thank you for your comments. In March I’ll continue with messages on Facebook a few times a week.



                                                                                     Coaching Corner

Looking Forward

February is often thought to be a time for romance because of Valentine’s Day. I’ve been pleased that in the last several years many single people have gotten together to celebrate being single, which can be the most empowering state to be in.

Whether you are in a relationship or not, take a day to love yourself and appreciate who you are. If you are not feeling confident about yourself, try the exercises below because you are worthy of loving yourself first and foremost.

First of all, understand that you do not have to think you are perfect. None of us is perfect. Unfortunately, many times people tend to absorb and remember hurtful or thoughtless things that people have said about them—even those things from childhood that are in no way relevant now. People often remember the hurt and pain, often when they don’t even remember the words. The message they carry is, “You are not enough.”

Unfortunately, people frequently don’t remember, or hear, the kind things that people say about them. Or they sluff the comment off, rather than hold onto it and embrace it. I don’t know each of you who is reading this exercise, but I do know that every one of you is an individual who has some wonderful traits that are valued by others in your life. Acknowledge the positive things people say about you.

Pay attention to what you say when someone compliments you. For example, when someone thanks you for something you’ve done, do you ignore the comment or say, “it was nothing”? Every time you ignore or downplay a compliment you disempower yourself.

Exercise: For 1 month, or 1 week, or 1 day listen to when people thank you, or compliment you. Or compliment you on a job well done. Write down the positive comments to reinforce them. Those are words of praise that make up a large part of who you are.

The person with the potential to know you better than anyone else is yourself. Look at the list of compliments you’ve recorded, and then add other attributes that you know are your strengths. Embrace what is good and wonderful about who you are.

When you love yourself, in spite of your faults, you will find more love in your life. Loving yourself is being an empowered self.


Always reduce the numbers to a single digit.

The Universal Year is calculated by adding all of the numbers in the year. For example, 2023 is a 7 Universal Year.

Your Personal Year is calculated by adding the month of your birth, the day of your birth, and the Universal Year (your birth year is NOT a part of this calculation). To find the Personal Year for a September 23 birthday, add 9 (September) to 5 (23 reduced) and 7 (2023 reduced). The Personal Year for this birthday is 21, which reduces to 3.

The Universal Month corresponds to the current month in the calendar. January = 1, February = 2, and so forth.

Your Personal Month is calculated by adding your Personal Year to the current month. In the example above, the Personal Month for February is 3 (Personal Year) plus 2 (February), which is 5.

To calculate the Personal Day, add your Personal Month to the current day. In this example, February 1 is a 6 Personal Day (5 Personal Month to day 1), which is about home and responsibilities. For another example, February 8 would be calculated by adding 5 (Personal Month) to 8, which is 13, reduced to 4. A 4 Personal day would be a day to organize, plan, and take stock of where you are.

Numerology interpretation for September 23 birthday:

The 2023 Personal Year energy for this birthday will be about 12 months of exploring what it means to find joy. The person is likely to be more creative than usual and to look for new ways of doing things. Travel is often a side benefit of the 3 Personal Year.

For the individual with this birthday, February is a 5 Personal Month, which is about an abundance of opportunities. This birthday person may find the desire to start a lot of new projects or look into new opportunities. The month may actually feel a bit frantic.


Take the calendar page for the month of February and figure out the Personal Day for day 1.

Write the number on the square for the first day.

Continue writing the Personal Day number for each day until the number 9. Numerology only goes from 1 to 9, so start over when you get to 9.

It might seem complicated, but just take it one step at a time, and you will begin to see how numerology can help you deal with every day life. As in all esoteric practices, this is just one aspect of your life, so don’t over depend on numerology or any other practice.

The general energy of each of number is below, whether it refers to the year, month, or day. The year energy lasts all year and is influenced by the month and day. The month energy has enough time to build on, but the influence of the year energy is always in the background. The day influence goes by so quickly that it may be difficult to really feel the energy. However, if you start at day one with a goal for the 9 day period, the energy will build on the daily numerological energy, and real progress can be seen.

Words associated with the numbers are:

1 – new beginnings, self-sufficiency, independence

2 – balance, partnership, cooperation

3 – communication, optimism, creativity

4 – practicality, stability, building

5 – freedom, curiosity, adventure

6 – compassion, responsibility, nurturing

7 – introspection, seeking, intellectual

8 – abundance, achievement, focus

9 – completion, transformation, humanitarianism

Sky Influences

Full Moon in Leo, February 5: Unexpected inspiration and the need to express what feels right and true.

New Moon in Pisces, February 20th: Spiritual awakening, revitalization, and a fresh start.

Contact Judyth at

for Tarot Readings, Numerology Report,

or Empowerment Coaching


January 2023

Judyth Sult’s January

Empowerment Newsletter

Please Share with a Friend

Free Card Draw

Notes from J

Welcome to 2023! Happy New Year to you all.

You will learn a lot about your personal Numerology energy for 2023 in this newsletter. I’ve also included a Tarot reading about what energy we are likely to attract during the course of this year. You can use this reading as a model for you to do your own annual reading.

One of my goals this year is to have more opportunities to be engaged with my readers. To that end, I’m going to post an empowerment message each day in January on my Facebook page. As many of you know, in the past I’ve seldom been on FB, so this is a real commitment to make to you. Please let me know if these messages are of interest to you.

In spite of the December solstice, January and February always feel so dark. I looked up how much daylight we’ll be gaining; in Bellingham, from January 1 to January 31, we gain 1 hour and 22 minutes. By February, even though it’s 3 days fewer, we gain 1 hour and 29 minutes. Daylight time will vary depending on where you live, but it’s nice to know in the far Northwest that the days really are getting longer.

Make this the year to become best friends with the person you most want to be.



                                                                                     Coaching Corner

New Year Beginnings

The theme for 2023 is about living your best self. It’s getting in touch with that deep part of you that is the finest of who you are. Below are some tips for getting to that person, in the hope that you can be the ideal of yourself for longer and longer periods.

Learn to recognize when you are in the flow, that is, when everything seems to effortlessly fall into place and you love the person you are in that moment.

Determine what your truth is about you and your place in the world. Learn to distinguish between what you have been told by others and what you want in your heart to be true. What are the characteristics of the best of you?

Develop your own system to support how you can enhance those characteristics. Hear the validation from others when you bring the best of you to the light of the world.

Develop a daily practice that you are motivated to follow, one that support the qualities you want to have into your life.

Tarot Play

Deck: Tarot of the Spirit, by Pamela Eakins, Ph.D

My Tarot reading for each of us to individually follow in 2023 is below. The question posed is, “What can each of us do to be the best we can be this year?” In the center is the reading that has the theme for the year; it is then broken into 4 quarters. In each quarter is a card representing body, mind, and spirit.

Theme – Moon: Trust your intuition this year. See through the illusions in order to get to the truth of your life.


Body – 10 Wind(R): The end of a cycle regarding your health. Consider starting a program for your body to heal or to be in better shape.

Mind – 5 Wind(R): Beware of adapting fear and negativity from the media or those around you.

Spirit – Lovers: It is time to make the choice of doing things as you have in the past or doing them in a new way.


Body – Mother Water(R): Be kind to your physical self. Look at the areas you have been ignoring, and put your attention there to become healthier.

Mind – Justice(R): Gather all of the information before making decisions, especially legal contracts.

Spirit – 4 Earth: You will be supported if you are willing to take on the responsibility of helping society make changes for the greater good.


Body – Heirophant: Honor the deep connection to your physical body, your work, and home.

Mind – 10 Wind(R): If you become passionately obsessed with any area of your life, take a step back and break down the walls you have built.

Spirit – Judgement(R): Become in touch with the hidden possibilities within yourself, and release their potential.

Sep – Dec

Body – Tower(R): Be willing to put up with the disruption caused by making changes in your physical world.

Mind – Emperor: Explore how to lead members of your community in a way that is in the best interests of all.

Spirit – 4 Earth: Your beliefs are the key to helping others recognize their worth.

Numerology for 2023

In Numerology, each year holds an energy derived from adding all of the numbers of the year and reducing the number to a single digit. In 2023, we add 2+0+2+3 and we get the number 7. The energy of the 7 will influence everyone this year. In order to make the best choices this year, it’s important for you to calculate your personal number for 2023.

You calculate your Personal Year Number for the year by adding your birth day, birth month, and 2023. The Personal Year number for an April 21st birthday would be 4+3+7=14=5. This birthday is a 5 Personal Year.

The Universal energy in 2023 is about taking a pause and looking inward to find our deepest purpose in life. It is a pause before a reset. Looking inward will bring up shadows, both individually and collectively. You can expect a desire to reconnect with nature and to seek periods of solitude. The energy of 2022 was about nurturing others; 2023 is about finding yourself.

In the course of finding yourself, you may also feel pain as you run into those parts of yourself that you have hidden deep within. Stay with your search for the true you, and you will find the ability to heal those childhood wounds, as well as your own regretful actions and words.

Look for the joys involved with self-discovery this year. You are a unique individual with wonderful talents and contributions to give to the world. Celebrate your uniqueness. Have the courage to work with a coach or counselor to move through this year with grace.

1 Personal Year: You are experiencing the beginning of a nine-year cycle. New opportunities and directions will present themselves to you this year. Look ahead to determine what you want to accomplish during these 9 years. Take risks by trying new ideas, foods, relationships. The 1 energy is in perfect harmony with the contemplation of the 7 Universal energy.

2 Personal Year: Hopefully you learned a lot about yourself last year because it was a 1 year. This is the year when you will benefit from building personal and professional relationships. Be an equal partner in these relationships so that you carry your own weight, but don’t lose yourself. The 7 Universal energy will encourage you to understand more about yourself so that you bring your true self to your relationships. Your intuition may be stronger this year.

3 Personal Year: This year you may find more opportunities for creativity, communication, and travel. Even with the 7 Universal energy encouraging you to look inward, you will have the energy to discover creative avenues to express yourself. As you delve deep with the Universal 7 energy, you’ll find the most creative parts of the true you. This is a wonderful year to share your thoughts and feelings with friends.

4 Personal Year: The 4 Personal Year is setting the foundation for the future. As you delve into self-discovery with the 7 Universal energy, you’ll discover the building blocks for coming years. 2023 is the year to manifest your goals by paying attention to the details of what is consistent with your true purpose in life.

5 Personal Year: The 5 year can be somewhat chaotic, especially with the 7 Universal Year energy of going within to find your true spirit. As you delve deep within to discover your true self, you may find yourself releasing old bonds and limitations imposed on you from your own self-concept or from others. This year will most likely be a time of exploration and risk-taking.

6 Personal Year: Harmony and balance are the keys to a 6 Personal Year. As you delve into the 7 Universal energy to discover more about your own needs, you will learn how to give more to your loved ones in a balanced way. This will be the year when you face your responsibilities while maintaining a balance between work and home. Your focus this year will be about home.

7 Personal Year: The 7 Personal Year magnifies the effect of the 7 Universal Year. You will need more alone time for self-discovery. This is a year to rest, rejuvenate, and practice self-care. Beware of being self-critical or over analyzing. This is a great year to journal your insights and inspirations. Be patient with yourself. Try to find time to read, walk in nature, and find peace.

8 Personal Year: The 8 Personal Year is typically a manifesting year; however, in a 7 Universal Year you will find yourself applying that action around what excites your inner being. You will still have opportunities to be a leader and influencer to others, and to build and create in the material world, but you will find yourself doing so in a more stringently ethical way.

9 Personal Year: The 9 Personal Year is the last of a 9 year cycle. This is the year during which you clear out closets, projects, and relationships that no longer work for you. Working with the 7 Universal Year energy, you first discover what is in your highest and best good, then you eliminate those projects and people who do not support you. The 9 Personal Year clears things out so that you have space next year to begin a new 9 year cycle.

Sky Influences

January 6, Full Moon in Cancer: A time of feeling nurturing towards family and friends.

January 18, Mercury goes direct. (YAY!) The retrograde will still influence electronics, communication and transportation for a few days, but things will be less disturbed.

January 21, New Moon in Aquarius: While there is a concern about humanity, there may be a need to rein in unpredictable behavior.

“Everything I do for my clients is to give them tools to

Empower themselves. Are you ready for change?” Judyth Sult

Numerology and Tarot reading, Reiki healing , Empowerment Coaching

Please call for an appointment 360 305-149


July 2022

Judyth Sult’s July

Empowerment Newsletter

Draw Your Empowerment Tarot card for the day.

Notes from J

Summer is finally here in the Pacific Northwest. Everything is in bloom and the sun is shining. It’s just beautiful.

In the US, July is typically the month to celebrate freedom and being an American. For many women, and members of the LBGTQ community, there are reasons to question what freedom means in 2022.

Being independent is being free from outside control. My wish for this month is for all people to be empowered to celebrate their independence.



                                            Coaching Corner

Knowing When To Release

“Maybe you’re not healing because you’re trying to be who you were before the trauma. That person doesn’t exist anymore. Because there’s a new you trying to be born, breathe life into that new person.” (I couldn’t find the original source of this quotation.)

I was working with a client whose very dear husband had died in the not-so-distant past. During the course of our conversation, I mentioned how well adjusted she seemed to be, and how she exuded such joy. She told me that she discovered the quotation above, and with deep work around grief, she realized that a “new her” was being born after the death of her spouse. She needed to release the person she was as a wife and make decisions for this new person being born.

My client holds the memories of her spouse, and she greatly appreciates the time that they had together. But she had to release the person she was in order to breathe life into the person she was becoming.

She is finding joy and excitement about the current direction towards her future. Her decisions are very different than what she would have made if her husband were still alive. She is empowered.

To be empowered, you need to know—and be willing to release—that which no longer serves you.

In another example, I have a friend who struggled with her desire to retire. She held the belief that retirement was not acceptable for her. We explored where those beliefs came from, and she understood that retirement was not something her family embraced. She needed to reframe her concept about what it was to be retired.

One day she called to say she realized she didn’t want to retire; she wanted to “rewire.” Her connections were frayed and not feeding her the energy she needed to continue working.

However, by rewiring, she was able to get excited about future projects and possibilities. She was then ready to release her job and breathe life into her new being.

Is it time for you to explore what you need to release in your life? Where are the obstructions that keep you from moving forward? Are you paying attention to the words you are telling yourself about who you are and what you can accomplish?

An empowered life is positive, joyful, and strong. Being empowered is having the strength to make decisions about what is in your own highest and best good.

Below is a very powerful ritual for releasing old connections.

Sky Signs

Full Moon in Capricorn, July 13. Get grounded because the energy will help you make practical decisions and finish projects.

New Moon in Leo, July 28. Set your intentions to be creative and motivated to make your inner child happy.

July is a 4 Universal month

July is a Universal four month (7+2022=7+6=13, reduces to 4). The energy of a four month is building the foundation for the future. Decisions made in this month will have profound effect on what happens in the following months and years.

Although we will all feel the effects of the Universal four month, the way that you will experience July will be based on your Personal Month number. You can calculate that number by adding your Personal Year (your birth month + birth day and 2022) to the current month, which is 7 (July is 7th month).

The 1 energy is new beginnings, leadership, and initiative.

The 2 energy is harmony, partnership, and cooperation.

The 3 energy is expansiveness, adventure, and joy.

The 4 energy is structure, order, and service.

The 5 energy is change, enthusiasm, and adaptability.

The 6 energy is home, family, and responsibility.

The 7 energy is analysis, understanding, and logic.

The 8 energy is power, money, and confidence.

The 9 energy is completion, idealism, and humanitarianism.

The card for July is Chaos. Select your card here.

Upheaval, destruction, transformation

The structure of my life is revolutionized

Show me the pieces of truth and wisdom

To rebuild new foundations in my life

Chaos is the Tower card in traditional decks. This card often causes feelings of fear and anxiety because it depicts upheaval and sudden change. The change brought on by Chaos is often unexpected, quick, and profound. The energy frequently appears dramatic and out of control because it implies cataclysmic, not catastrophic, change.

The card Chaos often comes up in a reading when you’ve chosen to stay in your comfort zone rather than to make choices to enhance your growth. Often, you know that a change is necessary but are reluctant to take the next step. When this card comes up, the choice to make a change is no longer yours. You have put yourself in the position to receive a cosmic kick-in-the-ass.Your foundations are being torn asunder. The rapid, unexpected change may come in the form of work, relationship, or some other aspect of your life. You will most likely find yourself in a position to question your security and your beliefs.

Ritual – Personal Cleansing and Energy Release

The purpose of this ritual is to release old energy and attachments. I suggest you do this ritual during the day and leave time for a nap at the end. It’s best not to do it before retiring for the night.

Light a candle and draw a bath. Use a flat stone or implement to signify cutting any web-like attachments from people or situations. Start with the intention that you are releasing all attachments and people in your life. However, know that at the end of the ritual those that love and support you will reattach and stay in your life. Those who are not in your highest good will be released.

Go over your body with the stone from the top of your head down to your toes while repeating, “I release all cords.” Be as thorough as possible. Any places you miss (like your back) will be cleared because your intention will be clear and your guides will assist you.

Images of people and scenes may come up; some may be unexpected or forgotten. Just let them pass like a slide show.

Stay in the bathtub as you drain the water so that you don’t track the psychic “gunk” in your living space. Turn the shower on and wash from head to toe. Invite healthy re-attachments by saying, “I invite only those who love and support me to re-attach to my heart and soul.”

Very often people tell me the water actually feels oily or dirty at the end of the bath and are very happy to take the shower. It’s common to feel very tired at the end of the ritual, and I suggest taking a nap rather than going to bed for the night.

The mind can be tricky and try to take you back to the negative energy that you have already released through the ritual. If you find yourself thinking about what you have already removed through the ritual, say the word “release” and brush the thought away. In the beginning you may have to say this numerous times a day, but eventually you will cease to give energy to those negative thoughts and they will seldom come up. Even if the thoughts do come up after you think you have banished them, keep saying “release.”

Let me know how this ritual works for you.