Search Results for: words of power

Words of Power to Manifest

These are powerful incantations to use when you are applying your intention to manifest. [Read more…]

Empowerment For Singles During Valentines

February is often thought to be a time for romance because of Valentine’s Day. I’ve been pleased that in the last several years many single people have gotten together to celebrate being single, which can be the most empowering state to be in.

Whether you are in a relationship or not, take a day to love yourself and appreciate who you are. If you are not feeling confident about yourself, try the exercises below because you are worthy of loving yourself first and foremost. [Read more…]

Actions Toward Empowerment

Be aware, responsible and conscious of your own attitudes, actions and beliefs. Take a day to work on each of these. Really observe yourself over a period of a week or a month to become aware of what you like and what you want to change. [Read more…]

Be Empowered To Make Wise Choices

To a certain extent we choose what we want in our life or, at least, we choose how we will respond to what life brings us. Even when we don’t make a choice, we are choosing to let our emotions rule us. Sometimes we need a reminder that we are responsible for our attitude and the joy we call into our own life. [Read more…]

New Moon Empowerment

Take time to look inside yourself and celebrate 3 things that are you. When you are going through transitions it’s good to acknowledge and own what is good that you want to keep and what to release. Everyone has at least 3 things that are good and worth keeping. What are yours? [Read more…]

Tarot and Empowerment

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the earliest use of the term empowerment was used in 1648 as a legal term to bestow power and authority to a person, government or institution. In other words, the power was given to another. [Read more…]

Ritual for a “1” New Year

At the beginning of a 1 year it is important to do ritual because you will be planting the seeds of the energy for the next 9 years. [Read more…]

Using Numerology for a Job situation

A client with a 1 personal year wanted clarity about a job situation, which I address below. [Read more…]

How to Manifest Intentions

Are you truly committed to what you want to manifest? You must be committed to focusing on what you want and learning to trust that you receive your intention. Keep your intention in the front of your mind. Say the words of power [Read more…]

Knowing When To Release

“Maybe you’re not healing because you’re trying to be who you were before the trauma. That person doesn’t exist anymore. Because there’s a new you trying to be born, breathe life into that new person.” (I couldn’t find the original source of this quotation.) [Read more…]