Ritual letter to the Higher Self

Below is an exercise that is useful for making changes in your relationship (see example above). This exercise is useful in changing the dynamics of any relationship. The results are most obvious when a person is alive, but it’s also helpful to resolve old hurts and inequities when the person has passed. [Read more…]

How Age Influences Your Personal Year

Lisa’s birthday is April 20 so she has a 1 personal year (4+8+2014=19=1), indicating the beginning of a new nine year cycle. Whatever she starts in a 1 year will have an effect for the next nine years. In 2014 Lisa is likely to start new ventures, become more independent, show leadership and learn new skills. This is an excellent year for her to clarify her goals and lay the foundation for years to come. [Read more…]

Knowing When To Release

“Maybe you’re not healing because you’re trying to be who you were before the trauma. That person doesn’t exist anymore. Because there’s a new you trying to be born, breathe life into that new person.” (I couldn’t find the original source of this quotation.) [Read more…]

How To Calculate Your Personal Month

April is the fourth month and on a universal level resonates to the number 4. The number 4 is about creating structure, boundaries, patience, and loyalty. This energy can be good news as people are creating the structure and sorting out how to end the coronavirus pandemic. [Read more…]

Talking to Your Spiritual Partner(s)

As an empowerment coach, I’m often called upon to guide my clients on how to manifest something in their lives. It might be a better job, a life partner, or some money. Whatever the desire to manifest, there are four basic steps I’ll be discussing in the next few newsletters. I’ll explain each of those steps, and the common blocks, along with suggestions for how to resolve those blocks. [Read more…]

How to Calculate your Personal Year

It’s that time of year to prepare for how the energy in 2019 is likely to affect you. Every January the theme of your energy changes according to the vibration of the numbers for that year. [Read more…]

Pendulum Work

I have a lot of folks who want to work more closely with their angels and guides, or personal helpers. First, as always, you must acknowledge them. Welcome your personal helpers with words, and let them know what you want them to do, or how you want them to be in your life. Then, be prepared to listen to them. [Read more…]

Tarot Reading for Loving Yourself

This reading addresses what steps to take to love yourself more:

What must I release to love myself?

Determination (Chariot): Slow down and release control because they are not getting you any closer to loving yourself. You have been determined, until now, to focus on what you believe is unloving about yourself. [Read more…]

Personal Month Numerology for February

To determine the numerology of your personal year, add together your birth month and day number to the current year (2024=8 for this year). For a September 23 birthday (no matter the birth year), the personal year would be 9 (month) + 5 (23 reduced to 5) + 8 (Universal year) = 13, which reduces to 4. For the entire year, this birthday person will have the energy of 4, which will influence how the person makes decisions and what opportunities are likely to come her way. [Read more…]

Tarot as an Empowerment Tool

Tarot is an old divination tool consisting of a deck of symbolic cards that has evolved from fortune-telling to a powerful empowerment tool. Whether you read with the traditional 78 cards or use a Major Arcana deck, such as in my Tarot of Empowerment deck, Tarot acts as a tool to access wisdom to navigate life’s challenges and cultivate personal growth. [Read more…]