As an empowerment coach, I’m often called upon to guide my clients on how to manifest something in their lives. It might be a better job, a life partner, or some money. Whatever the desire to manifest, there are four basic steps I’ll be discussing in the next few newsletters. I’ll explain each of those steps, and the common blocks, along with suggestions for how to resolve those blocks. [Read more…]
Pendulum Work
I have a lot of folks who want to work more closely with their angels and guides, or personal helpers. First, as always, you must acknowledge them. Welcome your personal helpers with words, and let them know what you want them to do, or how you want them to be in your life. Then, be prepared to listen to them. [Read more…]
Manifesting Part 1
Talking to Your Spiritual Partners
This is Manifesting Part 1 – See Part 2 here, Part 3 here.
As an empowerment coach, I’m often called upon to guide my clients on how to manifest something in their lives. It might be a better job, a life partner, or some money. Whatever the desire to manifest, there are four basic steps I’ll be discussing in the next few newsletters. I’ll explain each of those steps, and the common blocks, along with suggestions for how to resolve those blocks. [Read more…]
What to do when you can’t hear your Guides
People often tell me their guides don’t speak to them or they can’t hear them. Below are the 3 most common blocks to hearing your guides. I can assure you, they do want to communicate with you, play with you and help you through life. That’s why you are here together – and every one of you has at least one angel/guide. [Read more…]
Call on Your Angels and Guides
I believe we all have at least one angel or guide that is here for one purpose, and that purpose is to help us live from our highest and best good. Just as each of us wants to be seen, so do our angels and guides want to be acknowledged by us. Here are the ways you can effectively communicate with your angels and guides. [Read more…]
Toss a Coin with Your Guides
In my recent class, How to Become Who You Want to Be, we discussed how to become comfortable communicating with guides. I suggested student set up a system to check if the information they think they are getting is from their guides or from their head. [Read more…]
3 Blocks to listening to your Guides
People often tell me their guides don’t speak to them or they can’t hear their guides. Below are the 3 most common blocks to hearing your guides. I can assure you, they do want to communicate with you. [Read more…]
Connect to your Guides
Some people call them guides, some call them angels. Learn how to communicate with those beings who are in your aura that want to help you. These are the beings who have been with you since birth and some that have come to you in the course of your lifetime. [Read more…]