Re-Imagining Your Life

On our recent camping trip to Eastern Washington I took a look at the book Life Reimagined by Richard Leider and Alan Webber. I was struck by the correlation etween the suggestions the authors make to recreate your life and the Major Arcana lessons in the Tarot of Empowerment deck. [Read more…]

If you could, would you? Facing the “Shoulds”

The theme of many readings lately has been around the dilemma concerning what a person thinks s/he “should” be doing, rather than what the person wants to do. In a moment, I’ll let you know how being a victim of my own limited thinking delayed my commitment to what has become my life’s passion and purpose. [Read more…]

Is This Energy Yours, Or Does It Belong To Someone Else?

An empath is a person who is highly sensitive to the emotions and energy of other people or events. Empaths often feel overwhelmed when they are in crowded situations such as a mall or stadium because they may unknowingly pick up the conflicting energy of many people at the same time.  [Read more…]

Are You Worth it?

Don’t be too quick to claim the stories that you believe about your life, they can easily become blocks to creating the future you want for yourself. [Read more…]

Grumpiness is Not Empowerment

I’ve been a bit snarky to my wonderful husband lately. Could be I’m over extended, or maybe it’s about adjusting to more together time now that he has just completed his first year as a retired person. In any case, I need to remind myself that, whatever is going on with me, I do not have permission to be less than kind to those around me, especially my supportive, caring mate. [Read more…]

What Is Empowerment?

Empowerment is the ability to make choices and take actions based on those choices while understanding the consequences of those actions. [Read more…]

5 Things to Do to Re-energize Your Life

Making conscious, intentional decisions about those things you can change in your life will lead you to a more dynamic present life. [Read more…]


My style of healing is to use my tools (Tarot, Reiki, ritual, counseling) to help empower you to embrace your own power. My goal is to reveal your options for your highest good and then to explain how you can explore those options. [Read more…]

My Own Health Scare

October 2013 – When having health issues my pattern is to keep that vulnerability to myself. Having had 2 different admissions to the cardio unit for procedures in the last week, and a return trip to the ER, I’ve been convinced to share my experiences with you who have looked to me for truth and sharing. [Read more…]

Who are you listening to? 4 steps to feeling better about yourself

I had a client last week who said she had been feeling lack of worth and, although she got through that feeling, she never wanted to go through it again. We explored some techniques [Read more…]