Re-Imagining Your Life

On our recent camping trip to Eastern Washington I took a look at the book Life Reimagined by Richard Leider and Alan Webber. I was struck by the correlation etween the suggestions the authors make to recreate your life and the Major Arcana lessons in the Tarot of Empowerment deck.

The authors talk about the essence of reimaging your life to be choice, curiosity and courage. In Tarot of Empowerment the Choice card reminds you that you are empowered when you chose between doing things as you have in the part or to do them in a new way. Curiosity is shown by the Quester who is empowered by taking the journey to find answers to questions she doesn’t even know she has. Courage is depicted by many of the cards, but the card that comes to mind for me is Determination who is absolute in pursuing his goals.  Go to our online card draw and ask yourself what will help you be empowered at this point.

The concept of reinventing, reimagining, or recreating yourself is not new, but it is more accessible, and acceptable, than ever before. In today’s world people of all ages are changing professions, elders are still active and involved in the world and in their communities, families are constructed in new configurations, and even ones’ sexuality may be in transition.

Reimagining your life is an issue of empowering yourself. Empowerment is about having the courage to evaluate your life, decide where you would like to see a change and have the courage to go after that change. The purpose of my work, as an Empowerment Coach, is to hear what change you want to create, to give you tools to create that change, to provide support as you push your boundaries and to witness your transformation.

At my age I have had the opportunity to seek empowered choices in many different circumstances and over many years. The main thing I have learned is that having the courage to take the next step, even when you don’t know what it is, is essential. Of course you will feel fear when you move into the unknown, leave a job, end a relationship, or any of the other decisions that you make to be in your highest good. Feel the fear and go beyond it.

When I approached 50 I felt stagnant and too old to take risks. It really was a “poor me” period. I decided that for my birthday, in spite of a fear of heights, I would jump out of a plane (with a parachute) and it was the beginning of changes I could not imagine. It was bumpy for a few years because I didn’t understand where my path would lead me, but by facing my fears and taking action, new possibilities came up. And so far the journey has led me here, as an Empowerment Coach.