Take time to look inside yourself and celebrate 3 things that are you. When you are going through transitions it’s good to acknowledge and own what is good that you want to keep and what to release. Everyone has at least 3 things that are good and worth keeping. What are yours?
CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Make a complete list of the changes you want to make and then prioritize that list. Select one change to make and create a second list that outlines steps you think you need to take to make that step come about. For example, if it’s financial security you want, then might want to make a detailed outline of your expenses and income.
You may not want to take these steps, but outline ALL of the options on paper. Then you say the words of power to manifest your intention. By saying the words of power you are creating the space for new thoughts and creativity to come into your life. Be open to the unexpected. Make the words of power your mantra and repeat them several times a day. You will see the changes.
USE THE FULL MOON. In June the full moon will occur on the Solstice and is expecially powerful. The full moon is the time to shine the light in the dark places of your life and release that which no longer serves you. If you made a list of what you want to create during the last new moon on June 5 bring out the list, review it, and burn it. Burning your list releases the energy to manifest your desires in the universe.
For those who did not make a list at the new moon, simply release any and all things that are holding your back from whatever you would like to call into your life (new job, healing, joy, relationship, prosperity or whatever). Be empowered to ask the Universe to manifest that which is in your highest and best good.
EMPOWER YOURSELF IN RELATIONSHIPS. All too often we allow ourselves to be victim to the opinions of others, thereby giving away our power. When you concentrate on the criticism rather than the positive, you run the risk of becoming a victim. Understand that there are many options in every situation. When facing disapproval, review the critique to see if there is value in the other person’s perspective and acknowledge the useful part of what they have to say. If the information is not supportive or productive respond neutrally by saying, “I hear your perspective.” Then, mentally package the information up and send it on the wings of release from your life.
Refrain from engaging in gossip and being critical of the negative person. You can only change yourself, never another person. The more you think or talk about negativity the more power you give away. Whenever you think of her/him say, “release,” and imagine the words flying that energy away. Hold onto your power. You are not a victim.
GET PAST OLD STORIES. A big obstacle to self empowerment is getting past the old stories that you carry in your head that belittle your self-worth. I don’t know why we always hang so tightly to those conversations that makes us feel bad. Here is an exercise many of my clients have found useful:
For 3 days carry a notebook around and record those self conversations that attack your self-worth. For example, “I’m so dumb, I can’t do anything right,” “Ah, what an idiot I am,” “If I weren’t so [fat, lazy, worthless, etc] I would be happy.” You can put tick marks every time you repeat the comment, but do take note of each time the comment comes to mind. Now, see which comments you most frequently repeated and go back in your memory to identify who gave you that story.
Speak to that person’s high self, even if they have passed on, and tell them how those comments have impacted your life. Then explain that you are changing your story and that the old story is not true, and may have never been true, and that you are taking your power back. Repeat this with each of the phrases and with each person who made you feel less than adequate. Replace the negative with a positive message, “I am good at [organizing, singing, care-taking, etc.] and find joy in life.
Burn the paper with the negative words and say, “As this paper is transformed to ashes, so may I be transformed to an empowered, strong and graceful person.” After this ceremony you also need to change the habit of being a victim to the negative stories you believed for so long. When you catch yourself revisiting those negative messages say, “Release, you have no power over me, I am a good and empowered person.” You may need to do this several times a day in the beginning.
2 HOURS TO EMPOWERMENT. We are all responsible for our own lives. Sometimes we can’t control all of the circumstances, but we can practice controlling our reaction to the circumstances. You are empowered when you don’t allow circumstances to defeat your sense of who you are.
Allow yourself 10 to 30 minutes of grief, anger or sadness. Then give yourself 3 to 5 minutes to release the negative feeling. Then give yourself 30 to 60 minutes to think about and perhaps write about what you are going to do to take your power back. The circumstances might involve physical pain management, emotional angst, mental confusion, or spiritual crisis.
Whatever the cause, allow the feeling of loss, neutralize the pain, and get back your power! If you need more help, ask the community here to assist you.
Empowerment Reminders
EMPOWER YOURSELF and others by allowing them to travel their own journey. Seeing family and friends troubled by life circumstances can kick us into helping mode, which is good as long as you allow them to decide how they will continue their own journey. Sometimes the most difficult thing for you to do is to release the decision making to them and accept their decision even if it goes against your advice. On the other hand, be willing to set limits on how much help you offer and stick to those limits. Continue to love and support them in any way you can, which empowers both of you.
EMPOWER YOURSELF by giving yourself permission to stop, evaluate and continue. A constant frenzy of activity is often a distraction to run from your authentic self. Your authentic self can be active and involved in a million things, but by taking the time to stop and evaluate why you are doing what you are doing, you become empowered to follow your unique and true course of life.