These are some questions to use as a base for your New Year reading. [Read more…]
Want to be Heard? Try this Discussion Reading
This reading was devised for those times when you just don’t feel that you have been heard. [Read more…]
Why Use a Major Arcana Only Deck?
I’ve been reading Tarot for over 30 years using an assortment of 78 or 79 card Tarot decks. When Gordana Curgus and I created the Tarot of Empowerment Major Arcana deck I assumed I would read with it until we finished the Minor Arcana. However, since using this deck I have found that the readings are more powerful and straight-forward than any other Major/Minor deck I’ve used – and others have reported their readings are also right on every time. [Read more…]
How Tarot Works as a Tool of Empowerment
Tarot readers have different styles and objectives. In books and the movies Tarot is often depicted as a fortune telling device that reveals what the future has in store for the person. My problem with that kind of reading is that the person’s fate is out of her hands. This can lead to resignation rather than action. [Read more…]
Empowerment Work for The New Year
Be empowered! Use the exercise below to make a commitment to taking control of your life in the New Year. [Read more…]
Benefits Of A Major Arcana Deck
A traditional tarot deck has 78 cards, so why would a person only use 22 of those 78 cards? [Read more…]
Reading to Find Your Authentic Self
I have a friend/client who is investing her time and energy in building a jewelry business. She is taking webinars and learning how to be efficient with the many options for getting her products to market. In the course of her studies, she realized there are gaps in what she knows about her approach to business and what is her authentic business self. This is the layout I used to explore the idea. [Read more…]
Tarot and Empowerment
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the earliest use of the term empowerment was used in 1648 as a legal term to bestow power and authority to a person, government or institution. In other words, the power was given to another. [Read more…]
4 Month Tarot Spread
Originally I created this as a year reading, but it seems more useful for 4 month reading and can even be adapted as a 4 week reading. I’ve been using this reading since January and the feedback has been very positive. It may seem like a lot of information for 4 weeks but I’ve had clients in major crises that really need the detail and direction of this reading. [Read more…]
Tarot as a Tool to Sell Property
Feeling trapped or unsure about where to go or what to do next in selling your property or releasing an old relationship? We often get on a mental hamster wheel going over the same issues and options repeatedly until we end up feeling helpless and without options. Tarot is a great tool to give you new perspectives to clear the confusion. [Read more…]