Tarot readers have different styles and objectives. In books and the movies Tarot is often depicted as a fortune telling device that reveals what the future has in store for the person. My problem with that kind of reading is that the person’s fate is out of her hands. This can lead to resignation rather than action.
An empowered reading begins with formulating the right question. A fortune telling question might be, “When will I find my soul mate?” What if the cards say in 5 years, or never, or next week?
A more empowering question might be, “What action is in my highest good to attract my soul mate?” This question gives the person alternative choices of actions to take responsibility for her own life. Cards for this reading might include a theme, the best course of action, the challenge to doing the best course, and how to meet the challenge.
An even better question might be phrased as, “How can I bring contentment or joy into my life?” I person who finds joy in his or her own life will be more likely to attract a mate, or at least lead a more joyful life.
The question, “Should I quit my job?” would better be phrased, “What energy do I call to myself if I stay with my job or leave my job?” The layout for this question indicates what happens if the person stays with the job in comparison to leaving the job.
Pull a significator indicating the general current theme about you and work. Then, pull 3 cards about the energy you draw to yourself if you quit, and 3 cards to stay. This reading is usually pretty revealing. This is one of the few cases when I don’t assign a more detailed meaning for the 3 cards under each option.
Remember, the question is always about you, not what you want other people to do. Rather than, “How can I get my friend to lose weight?”, the question might become, “How do I best support my friend regarding her weight?” In this question there is less judgment.
My goal is that the person coming for a reading can look at options not previously considered, or to get clarity about the choices under consideration. The information offers options that may have been missed, opportunities or challenges that may come up, and areas of strength to call upon. The information received serves to enhance the ability to make decisions, not to diminish free will. The cards indicate how things stand at present and what is likely to influence the situation.
If you send me your question I will help you formulate it in a way that empowers you to take action.