Shower Forgiveness Ritual

Many of you have used my forgiveness bath ritual. I’ve been asked, what if I just have a shower? So here is a ritual if you only have a shower. [Read more…]

Gratitude Ritual

A life that focuses on being grateful in the world is a happier, less stressful life. It doesn’t mean that you won’t have moments of doubt or even anger, but focusing on thankfulness will take the steam out of negative feelings. [Read more…]

Celebrating the Dead Around the World

October is often said to be when the veil between the worlds is thin, allowing the spirits of those who passed on to come back to this realm. Some cultures see this time as frightening, while others see it as a joyful celebration because they believe the ancestors come back to celebrate. [Read more…]

Setting Intentions

Setting your intention is different than telling yourself what you “should” be doing or want to do. When you set your intention you state your highest desire and activate your goals. Setting your intention is active, not passive. [Read more…]

Ritual for Lubercalia (Valentines) for Everyone

Valentine day was hijacked by the early church from an established pagan festival called Lubercalia. The festival was to honor Lupa, said to be a she-wolf who helped nurse orphaned infants to save them from starvation. In addition to celebrating fertility the rituals were to clear the community of evil spirits. The Church decided the rituals were too violent and sexually-charged and replaced it with a celebration of a martyred romantic priest. [Read more…]

New Year Ritual

According to Carl Jung, symbols are the language of the soul as it connects to the intuitive rather than the rational mind. The purpose of empowerment rituals is to connect with what is in our highest and best good. As we perform rituals to manifest something, such as a job, a romance, or a new home, we are calling on our super conscious to bring the cosmic energy into alignment to create our desire. [Read more…]

Ritual Healing to Reclaim Your Power from Abuse

Women and men who have been sexually abused need to discover how to feel safe again, often years after the event. If you experienced that mistreatment it left long lasting effects on your physical and spiritual body, even if there is no long lasting physical evidence.  [Read more…]

Fall Equinox – Time for Harvesting

On September 22-23 we celebrate the Fall Equinox, the day when the sun is equally divided between light and dark. In ancient times it was a day of recognizing that the last harvests would be coming in, and the last celebration of abundance as the animals that could not be fed in the winter would be slaughtered for great feasts. [Read more…]

4 Empowerment Steps to Create Possibilities

These are four powerful rituals to create change in your life and open new possibilities. [Read more…]

December’s Global Time of Celebration

The commercial world in the US bombards us with reminders of Christmas, yet in the spirit of love and acceptance it’s a good time of the year to remember that there are many traditions that celebrate holidays during this month. [Read more…]