Search Results for: personal month

Numerology For 2024

The year 2024 is an 8 year. The number 8 is considered a powerful and authoritative number, representing balance between the material and spiritual realms

In numerology, the universal year is calculated by adding the digits of the current year until a single-digit number is obtained. For 2024, the calculation would be 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8. Therefore, the universal year number for 2024 is 8. [Read more…]

February Empowerment Calendar

I know from my personal experience how important it is to come from a place of empowerment. Like many of you, I didn’t grow up with a sense of empowerment. Over the years, I’ve learned that I have attributes many people appreciate, and as I’ve acknowledged and embraced those attributes I’ve become more satisfied with life, and I’ve attracted wonderful friends and experiences. I know how important empowerment is.

Years ago when I became an Empowerment Coach, I was attacked on social media by a person who said I couldn’t empower anyone, and she was right. No one can empower you. All any coach can do is to provide tools for the person to build the skills to help her meet her goals. I write this newsletter as your coach. I hope some of it works for you.

This month I created a one-month Empowerment Calendar for February. You can download it here. Let me know what you think about it. Almost every day this past January I’ve posted empowerment suggestions on Facebook; thank you for your comments. In March I’ll continue with messages on Facebook a few times a week.

February Empowerment Calendar


Subscribe to my Newsletter and Enter to Win a Free Reading. New winner every month!

The newsletters often include numerology for the month, card readings for the world or current issues and are fun to look back on, or to look into if you have things going on that relate.


Please include first and last name so I can identify you for a free reading:

February 2024
Love Yourself Reading, February Numerology

January 2024
What’s Your Power Number For 2024, Predictions

December 2023
End of Year Tarot & Numerology Reflections

November 2023
Learn To Work With Your Angels & Guides

October 2023
Tools For Empowerment

May 2023
Manifesting Part 3 – Working With Your Guides

April 2023
Manifesting Part 2 – Getting Clarity

March 2023
Manifesting Part 1 – Talking To Your Spiritual Partners

February 2023
You Are Your Source Of Empowerment

January 2023
New Year Tarot and Numerology Readings

December 2022
Looking Forward

November 2022
Gratitude, Options For A 3 Card Spread

October 2022
Retreat, Relax, Reflect – Thinning Of The Veil

September 2022
How To Integrate The Energy Of YOUR Numbers

July 2022
Knowing When To Release, Personal Cleansing & Release Ritual

June 2022
Is It Magic? Ritual to Manifest in 7 Days

April 2022
Happy 75th Birthday to Me

March 2022
Confessions of a Spiritual Teacher and Request for Help

February 2022
Love Rituals, Power of 8

January 2022
New Year Resolutions

December 2021
Winter Solstice Ritual

November 2021
Apply The Magic

October 2021
Embrace Your Own Story

September 2021
Speak for What You Want to Harvest in Your Life

July 2021
Healing Your Chakras

June 2021
Call on your Angels and Guides

May 2021
Manifesting and Possibilities

April 2021
Engage With Your High Self

March 2021
Self Care For March

February 2021
It’s Time for Self Care & Biden’s Numerology

January 2021
The New Year Ritual









New Year Numerology for 2023

In Numerology, each year holds an energy derived from adding all of the numbers of the year and reducing the number to a single digit. In 2023, we add 2+0+2+3 and we get the number 7. The energy of the 7 will influence everyone this year. In order to make the best choices this year, it’s important for you to calculate your personal number for 2023. [Read more…]

January 2023

Judyth Sult’s January

Empowerment Newsletter

Please Share with a Friend

Free Card Draw

Notes from J

Welcome to 2023! Happy New Year to you all.

You will learn a lot about your personal Numerology energy for 2023 in this newsletter. I’ve also included a Tarot reading about what energy we are likely to attract during the course of this year. You can use this reading as a model for you to do your own annual reading.

One of my goals this year is to have more opportunities to be engaged with my readers. To that end, I’m going to post an empowerment message each day in January on my Facebook page. As many of you know, in the past I’ve seldom been on FB, so this is a real commitment to make to you. Please let me know if these messages are of interest to you.

In spite of the December solstice, January and February always feel so dark. I looked up how much daylight we’ll be gaining; in Bellingham, from January 1 to January 31, we gain 1 hour and 22 minutes. By February, even though it’s 3 days fewer, we gain 1 hour and 29 minutes. Daylight time will vary depending on where you live, but it’s nice to know in the far Northwest that the days really are getting longer.

Make this the year to become best friends with the person you most want to be.



                                                                                     Coaching Corner

New Year Beginnings

The theme for 2023 is about living your best self. It’s getting in touch with that deep part of you that is the finest of who you are. Below are some tips for getting to that person, in the hope that you can be the ideal of yourself for longer and longer periods.

Learn to recognize when you are in the flow, that is, when everything seems to effortlessly fall into place and you love the person you are in that moment.

Determine what your truth is about you and your place in the world. Learn to distinguish between what you have been told by others and what you want in your heart to be true. What are the characteristics of the best of you?

Develop your own system to support how you can enhance those characteristics. Hear the validation from others when you bring the best of you to the light of the world.

Develop a daily practice that you are motivated to follow, one that support the qualities you want to have into your life.

Tarot Play

Deck: Tarot of the Spirit, by Pamela Eakins, Ph.D

My Tarot reading for each of us to individually follow in 2023 is below. The question posed is, “What can each of us do to be the best we can be this year?” In the center is the reading that has the theme for the year; it is then broken into 4 quarters. In each quarter is a card representing body, mind, and spirit.

Theme – Moon: Trust your intuition this year. See through the illusions in order to get to the truth of your life.


Body – 10 Wind(R): The end of a cycle regarding your health. Consider starting a program for your body to heal or to be in better shape.

Mind – 5 Wind(R): Beware of adapting fear and negativity from the media or those around you.

Spirit – Lovers: It is time to make the choice of doing things as you have in the past or doing them in a new way.


Body – Mother Water(R): Be kind to your physical self. Look at the areas you have been ignoring, and put your attention there to become healthier.

Mind – Justice(R): Gather all of the information before making decisions, especially legal contracts.

Spirit – 4 Earth: You will be supported if you are willing to take on the responsibility of helping society make changes for the greater good.


Body – Heirophant: Honor the deep connection to your physical body, your work, and home.

Mind – 10 Wind(R): If you become passionately obsessed with any area of your life, take a step back and break down the walls you have built.

Spirit – Judgement(R): Become in touch with the hidden possibilities within yourself, and release their potential.

Sep – Dec

Body – Tower(R): Be willing to put up with the disruption caused by making changes in your physical world.

Mind – Emperor: Explore how to lead members of your community in a way that is in the best interests of all.

Spirit – 4 Earth: Your beliefs are the key to helping others recognize their worth.

Numerology for 2023

In Numerology, each year holds an energy derived from adding all of the numbers of the year and reducing the number to a single digit. In 2023, we add 2+0+2+3 and we get the number 7. The energy of the 7 will influence everyone this year. In order to make the best choices this year, it’s important for you to calculate your personal number for 2023.

You calculate your Personal Year Number for the year by adding your birth day, birth month, and 2023. The Personal Year number for an April 21st birthday would be 4+3+7=14=5. This birthday is a 5 Personal Year.

The Universal energy in 2023 is about taking a pause and looking inward to find our deepest purpose in life. It is a pause before a reset. Looking inward will bring up shadows, both individually and collectively. You can expect a desire to reconnect with nature and to seek periods of solitude. The energy of 2022 was about nurturing others; 2023 is about finding yourself.

In the course of finding yourself, you may also feel pain as you run into those parts of yourself that you have hidden deep within. Stay with your search for the true you, and you will find the ability to heal those childhood wounds, as well as your own regretful actions and words.

Look for the joys involved with self-discovery this year. You are a unique individual with wonderful talents and contributions to give to the world. Celebrate your uniqueness. Have the courage to work with a coach or counselor to move through this year with grace.

1 Personal Year: You are experiencing the beginning of a nine-year cycle. New opportunities and directions will present themselves to you this year. Look ahead to determine what you want to accomplish during these 9 years. Take risks by trying new ideas, foods, relationships. The 1 energy is in perfect harmony with the contemplation of the 7 Universal energy.

2 Personal Year: Hopefully you learned a lot about yourself last year because it was a 1 year. This is the year when you will benefit from building personal and professional relationships. Be an equal partner in these relationships so that you carry your own weight, but don’t lose yourself. The 7 Universal energy will encourage you to understand more about yourself so that you bring your true self to your relationships. Your intuition may be stronger this year.

3 Personal Year: This year you may find more opportunities for creativity, communication, and travel. Even with the 7 Universal energy encouraging you to look inward, you will have the energy to discover creative avenues to express yourself. As you delve deep with the Universal 7 energy, you’ll find the most creative parts of the true you. This is a wonderful year to share your thoughts and feelings with friends.

4 Personal Year: The 4 Personal Year is setting the foundation for the future. As you delve into self-discovery with the 7 Universal energy, you’ll discover the building blocks for coming years. 2023 is the year to manifest your goals by paying attention to the details of what is consistent with your true purpose in life.

5 Personal Year: The 5 year can be somewhat chaotic, especially with the 7 Universal Year energy of going within to find your true spirit. As you delve deep within to discover your true self, you may find yourself releasing old bonds and limitations imposed on you from your own self-concept or from others. This year will most likely be a time of exploration and risk-taking.

6 Personal Year: Harmony and balance are the keys to a 6 Personal Year. As you delve into the 7 Universal energy to discover more about your own needs, you will learn how to give more to your loved ones in a balanced way. This will be the year when you face your responsibilities while maintaining a balance between work and home. Your focus this year will be about home.

7 Personal Year: The 7 Personal Year magnifies the effect of the 7 Universal Year. You will need more alone time for self-discovery. This is a year to rest, rejuvenate, and practice self-care. Beware of being self-critical or over analyzing. This is a great year to journal your insights and inspirations. Be patient with yourself. Try to find time to read, walk in nature, and find peace.

8 Personal Year: The 8 Personal Year is typically a manifesting year; however, in a 7 Universal Year you will find yourself applying that action around what excites your inner being. You will still have opportunities to be a leader and influencer to others, and to build and create in the material world, but you will find yourself doing so in a more stringently ethical way.

9 Personal Year: The 9 Personal Year is the last of a 9 year cycle. This is the year during which you clear out closets, projects, and relationships that no longer work for you. Working with the 7 Universal Year energy, you first discover what is in your highest and best good, then you eliminate those projects and people who do not support you. The 9 Personal Year clears things out so that you have space next year to begin a new 9 year cycle.

Sky Influences

January 6, Full Moon in Cancer: A time of feeling nurturing towards family and friends.

January 18, Mercury goes direct. (YAY!) The retrograde will still influence electronics, communication and transportation for a few days, but things will be less disturbed.

January 21, New Moon in Aquarius: While there is a concern about humanity, there may be a need to rein in unpredictable behavior.

“Everything I do for my clients is to give them tools to

Empower themselves. Are you ready for change?” Judyth Sult

Numerology and Tarot reading, Reiki healing , Empowerment Coaching

Please call for an appointment 360 305-149


What is Numerology?

It can be a big relief to understand your patterns and to have direction towards changing them. Numerology is an informative and fun way to learn about your lessons in life. Life Path readings are a great gift for a new born (person or business), wedding, name change, or important anniversaries.
[Read more…]

April 2022

Judyth Sult’s April

Empowerment Newsletter

Draw Your Empowerment Tarot card for the day. A

The feedback I received from my last newsletter indicated my readers like my personal stories, so I’m continuing with that format. This isn’t just self-indulgence, there are lessons for us on in my experiences. Please let me know if you like it.

Happy Birthday to Me

This April I will be 75 years old. Years OLD, even though I don’t feel old (most of the time).

It’s been an interesting journey getting here and one I couldn’t even imagine as a kid. I remember having a conversation with a playmate and discussing how long we’d each like to live. I settled on something like the mid-fifties because I figured that I would still be able to be active and presumably in fairly good health. I didn’t have grandparents or other older role models in my life, so I had no concept of what it would be like to be older than my parents.

Now that I am well past fifty, I’m in the mood to reflect.

I was in my mid-thirties the first time my mother told me she loved me. I think she finally said those words as the result of the exercise I detail in the article below. My mother came from a non-demonstrative family, and the maternal modeling was not positive. In fact, my father died when I was twelve, and Mom asked her stepfather, rather than her mother, to come to California from the mid-West for support. My paternal grandparents died before I was born, and I only saw my maternal grandparents a half dozen times until I was an adult. I don’t have memories of a grandma’s hugs or favorite recipe or stories from her childhood. Until I was an adult there was no extended family to share memories with, and even then, we were on different paths.

When I got married and had children, I decided to change the future of my family story. I couldn’t change the past, but I hoped that I could change the patterns from the past, the wounds from the past, and as an extension, my family. I realized that Mom could feel and demonstrate love because she did so with my children. I was so curious to know if she was capable of loving me, or if I was just not a person she could ever embrace. I had begun my spiritual journey and was learning about the power of working with my angels and guides through my higher self. I decided to write her a letter, enlisting the aid of my angels and guides through my higher self to her higher self (her angels and guides). [See article below.]

Ten days after writing that letter, I got a call from her saying that she loved me and wanted me to know how much she appreciated me. I was stunned. My husband was stunned. Over the next 25 years we built a much more loving and trusting relationship. As she was nearing the end of her life, she told me that she didn’t understand my spiritual beliefs, but she saw how I expressed love for her and how she had never had that. She looked at the love and respect in my family and said that I must be doing something right. Mom feared death, but she asked me to support her when her time came to transition, which I did, some years later.

There are two lessons in this experience. One, you don’t have to carry on your family patterns. My parents were headed towards divorce when Dad died. My grandmother and even great grandmother were both divorced (that was in the late 1800’s!). I wanted to change that for my story. Two, when you work with your angels and guides, you can call in a great deal of support to create the change to make your life as you want it, and as it deserves to be.

Over the years I’ve offered this letter exercise to resolve many relationship issues regarding work, family, and neighbor issues. What I love about the solutions is that they were often unexpected, as mine was.

There is one caveat. If nothing changes in the relationship after you write the letter, it may mean that it is time for you to move away from it, be it family, work, or friendship.

So, I’m calling on my angels and guides to celebrate the 75 years we’ve been together and to trust that we will continue to work for our highest and best good.

Sky Signs

April 1, New Moon in Aries, conjunct Mercury and Chiron. The New Moon is about new beginnings and is a time to set your intentions for the coming month. Mercury is the planet that represents communication, and Chiron represents the wounded healer. As this is also the first day of April, and Aries is the first sign in the zodiac, all of the energy points to looking at your goals with a new perspective and get active in making those changes that you’ve put off. Since the Moon is conjunct Chiron and Mercury, this is a wonderful time to heal (Chiron) old patterns, especially around past communications (Mercury).

April 16, Full Moon in Libra. Libra is about balance and partnership. This Full Moon will provide the energy to slightly shift the focus from your intense personal perspective about your goals created in the New Moon to how those goals affect others. This will be a time to find harmony and balance with others, while pursuing your personal goals.

April Universal Number is 1

April is the fourth month, so we add the 4 to the 6 of the universal year (2022), and we get 10, which reduces to 1.

Along with the Moon energy (see Sky Influences), this will be a time when people have opportunities not only to see, but to change the Universal world energy. Unfortunately, that does not mean that everyone will see the “new” in the same way, and this can cause conflict. However, the positive potential energy will be available to call on to communicate healing options rather than continued destructive energy.

Engaging your Angels and Guides

Ritual letter to the Higher Self

Below is an exercise that is useful for making changes in your relationship (see example above). This exercise is useful in changing the dynamics of any relationship. The results are most obvious when a person is alive, but it’s also helpful to resolve old hurts and inequities when the person has passed.

Call on your guides and angels to help you write a letter to the higher self of the person with whom you have a challenging relationship. This is a physical letter, but you are writing it through your higher self, and to this person’s higher self. The other person will not physically receive the letter.

In the letter explain the challenging lessons you learned from this relationship, even if you rejected the lessons or the lessons were hurtful. For example, if the person has been spiteful and jealous, you can point out that they did an excellent job of teaching you how a person is when they are expressing jealousy and spite. You got the lesson, and now it’s not necessary to keep teaching (showing) you this behavior any longer. Explain in the letter that through both of your guides you would like this person to learn to replace jealousy and spite with, for example, compassion and tolerance.

In your letter include the good, the bad, and everything in between regardingyour relationship. Explain the nature of the positive energy that you would like to replace the negative. Also, honor and thank this person for the positive lessons they have brought to your life. Be willing to forgive past actions because they were most likely teaching you in the only way they knew.

At the end of the letter, tell your person’s higher self what you would like to see your relationship become, in whatever time your paths will cross. In your letter, take responsibility for however you may have contributed to the difficulty in the relationship.

When you are sure you are done with the letter, burn it with the sacred intention of changing the energy in your relationship. Say something along the lines of, “As this paper is transformed to ashes, I call on my higher self and [person’s] higher self to transform the energy in our relationship to its highest potential.” Finally, blow the ashes into the wind or put them in a garden.

Feel free to contact me if you would like more guidance.


Confessions of a Spiritual Teacher and Request for Help

For many years I’ve been writing this newsletter for you. My initial motivation was twofold; to build a reader base and, most importantly, to provide tools to you, my readers, about how to apply spiritual tools to get through life. My belief is that these tools can help connect us to the Universal energy so we can navigate life’s challenges with more grace than we may otherwise have. [Read more…]

March 2022

Judyth Sult’s March

Empowerment Newsletter

Draw Your Empowerment Tarot card for the day.

Confessions of a Spiritual Teacher and Request for Help

For many years I’ve been writing this newsletter for you. My initial motivation was twofold; to build a reader base and, most importantly, to provide tools to you, my readers, about how to apply spiritual tools to get through life. My belief is that these tools can help connect us to the Universal energy so we can navigate life’s challenges with more grace than we may otherwise have.

Over the years I’ve introduced you to my interpretation of Tarot, Numerology, Chakras, Crystals, Ritual and Moon energies. The purpose of introducing these tools has been to help you become aware of, and engage the energy that assists you in communicating with your Angels and Guides.

My confession is that for the last several years I seldom use these tools myself. Each month I’ve enjoyed reconnecting to these tools to write my newsletter, but during the month I only occasionally use them myself.

Why am I confessing this? I want each of you to understand that you HAVE a connection to your Angels and Guides, whether you use these tools or not. These tools may help with the connection, or bring an additional dimension or understanding to the Universal energy, but you are already connected.

I believe that the most important tool is for you to talk to your Angels and Guides. Tell them what you want to manifest and ask for their assistance in creating that manifestation. Thank them for what they do for you. Get in the habit of asking for their protection every time you get in a car. When you have a question, ask them for a sign to find the best answer. Learn to trust them. Most importantly, acknowledge them.

Identify the tools, practices or beliefs that help YOU to connect with Spirit. Over the many years of my spiritual practice, I’ve learned about, and used all of the tools I’ve shared with you in this newsletter. Currently, I find my deepest connection is when I give Reiki and when I’m coaching. My connection comes at the beginning of each session when I say a quiet prayer inviting my Angels and Guides, and those of my client, to participate in the healing or coaching session and I allow the energy to flow through me.

I still provide Tarot and Numerology readings when requested. At the beginning of each month, I acknowledge my Personal energy number. During the month I do pay attention to the energies of the New and Full Moons. My point is, the tools are available when I need help understanding the magic of the world and my place in it, but I ALWAYS know and feel the connection to spirit.

That is what I want for you, reader. For you to understand that you are connected to Spirit. That you have Angels and Guides (or whatever you decide to call them) who are available to assist you in life. That you are not, and never will be, completely alone. There are tools that can help you connect, but your trust that there is a presence to help you is your greatest tool.

This is what I want from you as we move forward. Let me know what you would like to see in future newsletters. What would you like me to keep and what do you want me to jettison? What tools would you like to learn more about? What direction would you like me to take? How can I best assist you on your journey?

I look forward to your response.



Sky Signs

New Moon in Pisces conjunct Jupiter, March 2. An extremely beneficial time to manifest what you want to call into your life. Every New Moon is about manifesting, but the conjunction with expansive, optimistic Jupiter gives extra power to make your wishes come true.

Full Moon in Virgo, March 18. Virgo conveys practical energy and is useful to determine suitable steps to encourage the seeds planted in the New Moon to produce beautiful fruit.

Spring Equinox in Aries, new year, March 22. The Spring Equinox is when the length of day and night are equal. Aries is also the astrological beginning of the new year.

March Universal Number is 9

The March 9 energy is about completion and wholeness.

When 9 is multiplied by another number the sum of that number totals a 9. Nine added to another number reduces to the other number. Therefore, 9 represents both wholeness and completeness.

The energy this month will be one of having the potential to bring much of the world together as a whole. It is also a time to get rid of outdated ideas and projects.

Meeting World Challenges

The world has been sorely challenged over the last several years. Covid, climate challenges and now the war between Ukraine and Russia and a nuclear threat puts the world at the greatest risk it has seen. Each of you has to decide what attention you will give the world’s needs. I am both a spiritual and political person and often struggle with how and where to put my energy for the greatest good. Below is what I am asking of my Angels and Guides. Without judgement, I acknowledge it is up to you to decide what, if anything, you will do.

I call on my Angels and Guides to add my energy to the Universal energy to focus on bringing a swift resolution to the military conflict with minimal loss of lives. I ask that, as a part of the human race, we come together to recognize the damage we’ve caused to this wonderful place we call home, and make cleaning our environment the next highest priority. I ask that as part of cleaning our environment we recognize it benefits all of us to help feed and house those without food and shelter. I ask my Angels and Guides to show me how to live in this place called Earth to heal, love others and be together in peace.

For the good of all, so be it.M


January 2022

Judyth Sult’s January

Empowerment Newsletter

Draw an Empowerment Tarot card

Notes from J

Welcome to 2022!

This last year has been a disappointment for many with the new, and ongoing, restrictions around Covid 19. Few of us could have imagined that we would still be wearing masks and lining up for tests as we begin 2022.

The good news is that the energy is changing as we begin January. First of all, the energy around the numerology makes this a wonderful time to plan for the rest of the year. It’s also a time for more hope as the days slowly begin to lengthen.

I suggest that you use the month of January to prepare for the best year you can possibly have. What do you need to call into your life to make it spectacular?



Coaching Corner


January is often when people make resolutions for the new year, and March is when they often realize they haven’t kept them. This year I’m suggesting that if you decide to make resolutions, that you make a plan for how you will keep them. Below are some suggestions to help you be successful in following through with your resolutions.

  1. Write down your goals, and place them where you can see them.
  2. Talk and work with your angels and guides to reach your goals.
  3. Set measurable goals for each resolution.
  4. Create small, incremental steps on your way to success.
  5. Be willing to adjust your goals.
  6. Work with your personal numerology and astrology energy.
  7. Stick with it, and don’t give up!

I invite you to share your resolutions with me.

Is 2022 the time for you to transform your life?

Ask me about my Empowerment Coaching Program.

Sky Influences

January 2, New Moon in Capricorn. This New Moon works in tandem with the 6 energy of taking on new responsibilities. It’s time to set your intentions for 2022 in a practical, concise way.

January 17, Full Moon in Cancer. Review your intentions for the year and create a plan of action for how you will achieve those intentions. Be sure to include self-care.

January 12 to February 3, Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn. This Mercury retrograde affects the structures in your life. Be aware of what it’s time to let go of, and how you will fill that new found space. Take more time to communicate, travel and work with electronics.

2022 is a Universal 6 year

Unconditional love, balance, responsibility

As 2021 comes to an end, so too will the chaos of the 5 energy slow things down. The energy of 5 is all about change. So much of 2021 was filled with contradictory and changing information from the pandemic to work and school schedules, to openings and closures.

The energy around 2022 is a 6 Universal Year, which is about unconditional love, balance, and responsibility. This may be the year that you recognize the importance of self-love and be responsible in a way that demands that you balance between work and home.

During this 6 year, take time to look deeply within yourself to decide what contributions you want to make to the world, how you will contribute to a meaningful relationship, and what steps to take to bring stability to your life.

January is an 7 Universal month

7 Universal Month

The desire to ponder and explore new ideas and opportunities

The 7 energy is about analysis and understanding. It’s a time to review your values, reconnect to spirit, and examine your purpose in life. This can sometimes lead to confusion and fear as you seek to identify your place in the universe. As confusing as it may be, don’t give up on life; rather, surrender to your highest good. To surrender is to let your heart open, asking for help and listening and feeling for the answer.

I suggest that you use the power of the New and Full Moons to strengthen your intentions.