Search Results for: personal month

September 2022

Judyth Sult’s September

Empowerment Newsletter

Draw Your Empowerment Tarot card for the day,

and every day pick a new card!

Notes from J

September brings a shift in the energy as we move from Summer to Fall. The leaves begin to change, our focus changes, and the days grow shorter.

In this newsletter I’ve written about the numerology for September because it’s a rather intense month. I’ve also made a special offer for up for the first 4 people who want a September and October numerology calendar.

Enjoy all the season has to offer.



                                            Coaching Corner

Learn how to integrate the energy of YOUR numbers

You know how sometimes it seems like a lot of people appear to be sharing the same experiences such as anxiety, forgetfulness, or inattention? Sometimes the experience will make a lot of sense if you look at the energy of the monthly numerology as well as the energy of the New and Full Moons.

After years of working with energy, it often amuses me when I look at the astrology and numerology each month and I see how the energy of both are almost always compatible. Some of my readers have told me that they want more instruction about how to apply these tools to advantage their lives. Therefore, I’m including my interpretations of the monthly energy in this newsletter.

In September you will find that your Personal Year and your Personal Month numbers are the same. The Personal Year energy is a background influence all year. The Personal Month influence is somewhat more intense. In a 9 month, that is, September, adding your Personal Year to the 9 will always reduce to the same number as the Personal Year, therefore creating an even more intense influence. For example, a 3 Personal Year added to 9 equals 12, which reduces to 3. Try this with any single digit.

I encourage you to pay close attention to the overall energy of September in order to call into your life what you truly want to manifest. The September Numerology section below will help you figure out your Personal Year and Personal Month. Look at the numerology energy for September, and then decide how the power of the Full and New Moons could play into that overall energy for you. Mercury going retrograde and the Autumn Equinox give you additional influence to work with.


To help you understand how this could apply to your numbers, in the September Numerology section below, I have used my own birthday as an example of how to work effectively with the numerological energy of the month as well as with the influence of the Moon, the Equinox, and Mercury Retrograde.

Once you have calculated your own numerology, write a paragraph on the first few days of the calendar reminding you of your Universal and Personal Month energies for the month. Then make a note on the calendar a few days before the astrological events to alert you to pay attention for what might be coming up.

Please contact me if you want clarification about your numbers, or if you would like me to do a two month descriptive calendar for you so that you can see how to integrate your energy during that time. Your personalized numerology calendar will include an explanation of the Universal and your Personal Year and Month numbers, the influence of the Full and New Moons, as well as how to deal with Mercury Retrograde and suggestions for how to celebrate the Fall Equinox.

I’m offering the first four people a special of $100 two numerology calendars for September and October. The “September Numerology” section below illustrates the kind of information you would get on a personalized numerology calendar.

Sky Signs

September 9 to October 2, Mercury in retrograde in Libra and Virgo. Mercury is the planet of communication and travel; Libra is the sign of balance and harmony; and Virgo is represents order and systems. Mercury will travel through Libra from September 9 to the 23rd when it will go into Virgo. Until the 23rd this will be a time to concentrate on old relationships rather than establishing new ones. From the 23rd to October 2 the energy will be somewhat chaotic and systems may break down. During the entire retrograde period be patient with communication, travel and electronics.

September 18, Full Moon in Pisces. Pisces energy opens up your intuitive side so this is a good time to pay attention to your dreams and feelings.

September 22, Autumn Equinox. Practice creating balance in your communication (note that Mercury Retrograde will be going into Virgo). Create more freedom for yourself by divesting yourself of worldly responsibilities you no longer feel attached to. Pay attention to where you are spinning your wheels in your life and let that go.

September 25, New Moon in Libra. This is the perfect time for you to create a list of what you want to manifest in your life, including how you want your work and relationships to balance out. It is a time to explore new perspectives about balance in your life.

September Numerology

Each month has two numbers that relate to numerology. The first number is the current number of the month in the calendar; for example, the current month, September, would 9, the 9th month of the calendar year. The second number is the Universal Month. The Universal Month is calculated by adding the Universal Year (add all the numbers in the year: 2022=6) to the current month. The Universal Month for September 2022 is 6: 6+9=15, which reduces to 6.

The influence of the Universal Numbers reflects the energy that everyone experiences to one degree or another. To get insight into how you personally will interact with the Universal energy, I suggest that you figure out your Personal Year and Personal Month energy.

To calculate your Personal Year, add the month and day you were born to the current year (2022=6). For example, my birthday is April 21, so I add 4 (month) to 21 (day) and 2022 (current year): 4+21+2022. Reduce all numbers to a single digit: 4+3+6=13=4.

To calculate your Personal Month, add your Personal Year to the current month. For example, since my Personal Year (see prior paragraph) is 4, I would add 4 to the current month, September, which is 9: 4+9=13=4.

For this month, my Personal Year and Month are the same. Next month, my Personal Year will still be a 4, but my Personal Month will be a 5: 4+10=14, which reduces to 5.

To help you understand how to integrate the energies of the numbers and the astrological influences, I am providing an illustration of how I can work with my numbers.

Based on the 4 of my Personal Month, the approach that will best suit me during September is to use structure and focus. The structure and focus will be around the September energy of 9 (Current Month) and 6 (Universal Month). I will also paying attention to the Moon, Retrograde, and Equinox.

The 9 energy for the current month is about completing the old in order to call in the new. It’s a change of season and in the Northern Hemisphere we are looking at moving to fall from summer, the change in planting, the crispness in the air.

The Universal Month 6 energy will be about people taking responsibility for family and community. We would expect that during this month, all of us—even those of us who don’t have children or grandchildren—will turn our focus towards what is going on with children, our schools, and our community.

My Personal Month is 4 energy, which is about structure and determination. Very likely, as I move through the 9 Current Month energy and the 6 Universal energy, I’ll put my focus on organizing what I want to call into my life by making lists and plans for clearing up and cleaning up what’s left from summer.

As we approach Mercury retrograde, I’ll remind myself to be more patient with communications, especially with my partner, and to leave a bit more time for travel. I’ll remind myself that my phone and computer are just doing their “Mercury retrograde thing” and try to make a joke of it. Because of the 4 energy, which is about structure, I’ll need to remind myself over and over that it’s not me, it’s just the universe.

A good exercise for me on the Full Moon will be to stop with the focus and structure, and to remind myself of my love for all that I do. It’ll also be a good time to check my intuition on what’s in my best and highest good.

During the Equinox, I’ll do a ceremony around releasing the old and calling in the new. I’ll light candles to see into the future and see where I’m making busy work for myself, and where I want to put my energy moving forward. How can I metaphorically clean my mental, spiritual, and physical space.

By the time I get to the New Moon, I hope to have an idea of what I intend for the next several months to come. I’ll make a list of what I want to manifest and call on my Angels and Guides to support me.

Hopefully, by knowing what my numbers are, I’ll have a focus to take personal empowering action and be less frustrated when things don’t always go as planned.

Ritual – Personal Cleansing and Energy Release

On September 22-23 we celebrate the Fall Equinox, the day when the sun is equally divided between light and dark. In ancient times it was a day of recognizing that the last harvests would be coming in, and the last celebration of abundance as the animals that could not be fed in the winter would be slaughtered for great feasts.

The air changes with the new frosts, leaves change into colorful flags, schools start, schedules change and life goes on. With all of modern conveniences we often forget to touch the energy of the ancients. We can get any food we desire, any time of the year. We forget the rituals of the seasons.

Become aware of the lessons and healing opportunities in this Fall season, and in every season.

Take a moment to reflect what you planted in your mind, body and spirit six months ago during the Spring Equinox when we were moving to greater light. How is your harvest? Has your crop of ideas, projects, goals been abundant?

If you didn’t consciously plant seeds think about what has happened in your life in the last 6 months. What do you want to take forward and what do you want to release?

Enjoy your harvest. Feed your mind, body and soul. Evaluate and celebrate your crop. If the crop was not abundant decide if you still feel inclined to pursue those goals for a richer life, however you would define richer.

Acknowledge what you did correctly and what you will change in the future. Set new goals or reaffirm old ones. Use the winter months to feed the soil of your hopes and dreams. Put a cover crop of your dreams to feed it until the spring.


July 2022

Judyth Sult’s July

Empowerment Newsletter

Draw Your Empowerment Tarot card for the day.

Notes from J

Summer is finally here in the Pacific Northwest. Everything is in bloom and the sun is shining. It’s just beautiful.

In the US, July is typically the month to celebrate freedom and being an American. For many women, and members of the LBGTQ community, there are reasons to question what freedom means in 2022.

Being independent is being free from outside control. My wish for this month is for all people to be empowered to celebrate their independence.



                                            Coaching Corner

Knowing When To Release

“Maybe you’re not healing because you’re trying to be who you were before the trauma. That person doesn’t exist anymore. Because there’s a new you trying to be born, breathe life into that new person.” (I couldn’t find the original source of this quotation.)

I was working with a client whose very dear husband had died in the not-so-distant past. During the course of our conversation, I mentioned how well adjusted she seemed to be, and how she exuded such joy. She told me that she discovered the quotation above, and with deep work around grief, she realized that a “new her” was being born after the death of her spouse. She needed to release the person she was as a wife and make decisions for this new person being born.

My client holds the memories of her spouse, and she greatly appreciates the time that they had together. But she had to release the person she was in order to breathe life into the person she was becoming.

She is finding joy and excitement about the current direction towards her future. Her decisions are very different than what she would have made if her husband were still alive. She is empowered.

To be empowered, you need to know—and be willing to release—that which no longer serves you.

In another example, I have a friend who struggled with her desire to retire. She held the belief that retirement was not acceptable for her. We explored where those beliefs came from, and she understood that retirement was not something her family embraced. She needed to reframe her concept about what it was to be retired.

One day she called to say she realized she didn’t want to retire; she wanted to “rewire.” Her connections were frayed and not feeding her the energy she needed to continue working.

However, by rewiring, she was able to get excited about future projects and possibilities. She was then ready to release her job and breathe life into her new being.

Is it time for you to explore what you need to release in your life? Where are the obstructions that keep you from moving forward? Are you paying attention to the words you are telling yourself about who you are and what you can accomplish?

An empowered life is positive, joyful, and strong. Being empowered is having the strength to make decisions about what is in your own highest and best good.

Below is a very powerful ritual for releasing old connections.

Sky Signs

Full Moon in Capricorn, July 13. Get grounded because the energy will help you make practical decisions and finish projects.

New Moon in Leo, July 28. Set your intentions to be creative and motivated to make your inner child happy.

July is a 4 Universal month

July is a Universal four month (7+2022=7+6=13, reduces to 4). The energy of a four month is building the foundation for the future. Decisions made in this month will have profound effect on what happens in the following months and years.

Although we will all feel the effects of the Universal four month, the way that you will experience July will be based on your Personal Month number. You can calculate that number by adding your Personal Year (your birth month + birth day and 2022) to the current month, which is 7 (July is 7th month).

The 1 energy is new beginnings, leadership, and initiative.

The 2 energy is harmony, partnership, and cooperation.

The 3 energy is expansiveness, adventure, and joy.

The 4 energy is structure, order, and service.

The 5 energy is change, enthusiasm, and adaptability.

The 6 energy is home, family, and responsibility.

The 7 energy is analysis, understanding, and logic.

The 8 energy is power, money, and confidence.

The 9 energy is completion, idealism, and humanitarianism.

The card for July is Chaos. Select your card here.

Upheaval, destruction, transformation

The structure of my life is revolutionized

Show me the pieces of truth and wisdom

To rebuild new foundations in my life

Chaos is the Tower card in traditional decks. This card often causes feelings of fear and anxiety because it depicts upheaval and sudden change. The change brought on by Chaos is often unexpected, quick, and profound. The energy frequently appears dramatic and out of control because it implies cataclysmic, not catastrophic, change.

The card Chaos often comes up in a reading when you’ve chosen to stay in your comfort zone rather than to make choices to enhance your growth. Often, you know that a change is necessary but are reluctant to take the next step. When this card comes up, the choice to make a change is no longer yours. You have put yourself in the position to receive a cosmic kick-in-the-ass.Your foundations are being torn asunder. The rapid, unexpected change may come in the form of work, relationship, or some other aspect of your life. You will most likely find yourself in a position to question your security and your beliefs.

Ritual – Personal Cleansing and Energy Release

The purpose of this ritual is to release old energy and attachments. I suggest you do this ritual during the day and leave time for a nap at the end. It’s best not to do it before retiring for the night.

Light a candle and draw a bath. Use a flat stone or implement to signify cutting any web-like attachments from people or situations. Start with the intention that you are releasing all attachments and people in your life. However, know that at the end of the ritual those that love and support you will reattach and stay in your life. Those who are not in your highest good will be released.

Go over your body with the stone from the top of your head down to your toes while repeating, “I release all cords.” Be as thorough as possible. Any places you miss (like your back) will be cleared because your intention will be clear and your guides will assist you.

Images of people and scenes may come up; some may be unexpected or forgotten. Just let them pass like a slide show.

Stay in the bathtub as you drain the water so that you don’t track the psychic “gunk” in your living space. Turn the shower on and wash from head to toe. Invite healthy re-attachments by saying, “I invite only those who love and support me to re-attach to my heart and soul.”

Very often people tell me the water actually feels oily or dirty at the end of the bath and are very happy to take the shower. It’s common to feel very tired at the end of the ritual, and I suggest taking a nap rather than going to bed for the night.

The mind can be tricky and try to take you back to the negative energy that you have already released through the ritual. If you find yourself thinking about what you have already removed through the ritual, say the word “release” and brush the thought away. In the beginning you may have to say this numerous times a day, but eventually you will cease to give energy to those negative thoughts and they will seldom come up. Even if the thoughts do come up after you think you have banished them, keep saying “release.”

Let me know how this ritual works for you.


February 2022

Judyth Sult’s February

Empowerment Newsletter

Draw Your Empowerment Tarot card for the day.

Notes from J

February is the traditional month to celebrate the return of light, which is symbolized by fire. You can light a candle, practice a ritual, or a dance around a bonfire. Be aware, it is also a month that celebrates fertility, so be mindful of what you want to bring into the world.

In my work, I am seeing many people that are finding it difficult to get into 2022. For whatever reason, many of the folks I talk have felt unsettled or despondent in January. This month I have two rituals that I hope will bring you joyfully into the rest of 2022 because you deserve to feel wonderful. The light is returning to our beautiful earth, let the light return to you through love.

                                                                Love Ritual

This Valentine’s Day, whether you are partnered or alone, I urge you to set aside some time to become aware of, and acknowledge, the love you have in your life.

First, start with yourself. Note the attributes that you really appreciate about yourself. For at least this moment, acknowledge your strengths and hear what others have said they appreciate about you. Make a list. Now, make an appointment, even if it’s just with yourself, to indulge in special time for self-care.

Next, make notes of the people in your life who you love and of those who love you. The two lists may not be the same. Make a note about what it is you love about each person. As an act of love towards them send them a card, email or text, or get together with them to let them know what you love about them.

Celebrate the love that you are able to receive, and the love that you are able to give others. Know that love opens your heart chakra and when your heart chakra is open you are empowered to manifest almost anything you want in your life. But first, you must acknowledge and accept you are already loved.



                                            Coaching Corner

Self Love                                                                                    

Be kind to yourself, believe you are worthy and

you will become empowered to attract what you want to manifest in your life.

For such a short month, there is a lot of action around self-awareness in February. It’s the second month of the year, which is about expressing love and nurturing relationships that could include a special someone, your community, or yourself.

When was the last time that you did real self-care? Self-care is about acknowledging the stress in your life and then taking action to reduce that stress with the intention of finding balance. Many of us tend to neglect to nurture ourselves as we deal with the stress and anxiety in life.

Below are suggestions you might take to bring balance to your life. Remember, in order to take care of others, you must first take care of yourself.

  1. Review, or make your own resolutions for 2022.
  2. Resolve to take care of yourself this year. If you can’t go to a spa, give yourself a spa day at home by indulging in a bath with special oils or scents. Perhaps invite a friend to take turns giving each oher manicures and pedicures.
  3. Be firm with your boundaries with others.
  4. Turn off your phone for a specific time to rest, read or be creative.
  5. Tell yourself every morning that you are a good person, and thank yourself every evening for being alive.

Sky Signs

February 1, New Moon in Aquarius. This New Moon is a good time to decide what you want to call into your public and social life. Be willing to take a chance and embrace those aspects of yourself that you have been afraid to bring forward. Take a risk and believe in yourself.

February 1, Chinese New Year. The year of the tiger, which is associated with power, rebellion, adventure and unpredictability.

February 3, Mercury goes direct. YAY! It will be a few days to shake off the effects of this Mercury retrograde, but you can begin to feel a bit more freedom from the constraints you may have felt in much of January.

February 16 Full Moon in Leo.  A good time to value yourself and take a positive look at who you are and what you contribute to the yourself and those in your world. Trust me, you do contribute in a positive way!

February is an 8 Universal month

Numerology: 8 Universal Month

In an 8 Universal Month everyone will be in the energy of attaining money and business, so one can expect power grabs as those in power compete for what they are striving to accomplish. The Olympics, which begin in February, are a perfect example of the most powerful striving for top prizes.

In addition to the Olympics, you can expect your life may be affected, or influenced, by conflict related to business, money or other areas of power. This would be the month when governments struggle for power and sanctions (money) may be put in place.

Your Personal Month energy can help you deal with the universal 8 energy. Calculate your personal month by adding your personal year to the current month. The formula for your personal year is: your birth day + birth month +2022 and reduced to single digit. You then add your personal year to 2, the number for February.

1 – The 1 energy of new beginnings, leadership and initiative.

2 – The 2 energy of harmony, partnership and cooperation.

3 – The 3 energy of expansiveness, adventure and joy.

4 – The 4 energy of limits, order, and service.

5 – The 5 energy of change, enthusiasm, and adaptability.

6 – The 6 energy of home, family and responsibility.

7 – The 7 energy of analysis, understanding and logic.

8 – The 8 energy of power, money and confidence.

9 – The 9 energy of completion, idealism, humanitarianism

Tarot – The Power of 8

In Tarot, the Major Arcana reflects the spiritual lessons in life, while the Minor Arcana reflects the experiences along the path. In the coming months I will point out the relationship between numerology and the Major and Minor Arcana.

In numerology this month is an 8, which in Tarot is the Strength card (in some decks Strength and Justice are interchanged). This card suggests strength through gentleness and kindness, towards yourself as well as towards others. As you focus on issues that arise in your life your best course of action is to focus on your intuitive grace and move beyond the impulse to respond with anger or fearful emotions in difficult situations.

In the suite cards, the 8 represent a shift in the energy.

8 of Fire/Wands – Expect huge infusion of energy is coming to move forward.

8 of Water/Cups: Stop and evaluate your emotions or relationships before moving forward.

8 of Air/Swords: Beware of being paralyzed by overthinking because the way is there.

8 of Earth/Pentacle: Enjoy your work as you accomplish mastery.


November 2021

Judyth Sult’s November

Empowerment Newsletter

What Card Draws you Today?

Notes from J

The purpose of this newsletter is to give you tools to utilize the current universal energy to manifest changes you want to make in your life. Do the work, and the magic will happen!

Engaging the magic of life is not a passive venture. Each month as I write about the energy of Numerology and the New and Full Moons, my goal is to help you understand how those energies work so that you have these tools to create the life you want for yourself. These tools hold the energy that is a part of the universal consciousness. Becoming aware of—and working with—the energy of Numerology of the month and year, along with the power of the moon, can help you fulfill your intentions. You can manifest the best of who you want to be.

You are the magic! Please let me know if you’d like to talk about it.



                                                                                     Coaching Corner

Apply the Magic

October’s Coaching Corner exercise was to identify the positive aspects about who you are. This month the exercise is to learn to reinforce the qualities you identified last month that benefit you. If you missed it, click here.

Remember how we talked about creating the magic? Well, this is the work of magic. Set your intentions, follow these instructions and the magic will come into your life. Really!

1. Review your positive traits from the exercise, and make a commitment to take action that expands on those traits.

2. Start your day by stating what you are grateful for in your life – even if it’s just waking up!

3. Call on your angels and guides (or whatever you call the magical force) and ask for support today. Bring them onto your team by sharing your intentions for the day.

4. Review your self-talk. Are you falling into old habits where you say things like, “I’m no good at . . .” or “I can’t keep a job” or “I’m not good enough to . . .”

    When you catch yourself in negative talk, immediately change the conversation. Use phrases that rewrite your story to something like, “I’m learning new skills,” or “I’m paying attention and am doing the best job I can” or “It’s a process and I’m doing my part.”

5. Surround yourself with positive people. As you become more positive, you will find you attract others who are also positive.

6. Treat yourself to something fun to bring joy into your life. Engaging in joy opens your chakras and is healthy self-care.

You may find it’s helpful to ask a friend to do these exercises with you. That way you can each reinforce the positive and bring joy to both of your lives.

Tarot of Empowerment

I asked the cards what the most useful lesson would be to share with my readers and got reversed Authority. I also asked how to apply that lesson and got the upright Sun.

Authority represents leadership and power and, as such, is inherently neither good nor bad. In the reversed position this card suggests an internal process and reinforces the coaching exercise for November. Go within to find your strengths and areas of power; then apply those positive attributes to your work in the world.

The Sun card is the card of YES! She is in an upright position saying that, when you complete your work for this month, you will be well on your way to finding your life purpose, and you will know how to share your work with others. Have confidence!

Tarot of Empowerment cards and books can be purchased here for you or as a gift for a friend.

Sky Influences

New Moon in Scorpio, November 4. The New Moon is a time to release the old form of your life that does not support your new intentions. Scorpio is about transformation and going deep within to recognize your shadow side, or the side of yourself that is hidden. Use this moon energy to acknowledge your shadows to begin to make peace with them.

Full Moon in Taurus, November 19. Taurus generally doesn’t like change, but this is the time to look at your values and decide what needs to change. This is especially relevant after the Scorpio New Moon. Look at how you are spending your money and taking care of your possessions. Beware of being drawn into emotional chaos.

November is a 7 month (11+2021=2032 and reduces to 7)

The 7 energy is about analysis and understanding. It’s a time to review your values, reconnect to spirit, and examine your purpose in life. This can sometimes lead confusion and fear as you seek to identify your place in the universe. As confusing as it may be, don’t give up on life; rather, surrender to your highest good. To surrender is to let your heart open, asking for help and listening and feeling for the answer.

November is a month for you to listen and feel, rather than taking action. Use this month to ask spirit for a clear vision of your purpose so that you are in the flow of life. Ask for help, and trust that it will come to you, even if you don’t know how it will come. Be willing to feel and listen for the answer.

You can calculate your personal month by calculating your personal year, then adding that number to the Universal Month and reducing it to a single digit.

For example, 2021 is a 5 year, so the personal year for a birthday on September 23 is 9+5+5=19=10=1. The Personal Month in November for this birthday is 7+1=8. The energy of 8 is about money and leadership. If this birthday person works with the numerology energy, she will be able to get answers to questions about how to support herself and be in integrity with her purpose in life.

You can read the meaning for the Personal Months here.

“Everything I do for my clients is to give them tools to

Empower themselves. Are you ready for change?” Judyth Sult

Numerology readings and classes, Tarot reading and classes, Reiki healing , Empowerment Coaching.

Please call for an appointment 360 305-1491


October 2021

Judyth Sult’s October 2021

Empowerment Newsletter

I Invite you to Draw a Card for Today

Notes from J

Ahh, October is the time when we begin to notice the change in the air towards fall. The air smells different as the leaves begin to turn and crisp nights make for chilly walks.

This is the time of the year when it’s said that the veil is thin. Because I’ve been asked to explain what that means, I’ve included an article below that discusses Samhain and Dia de Los Muertos.

We’re still in Mercury retrograde until October 18, so remember to be careful with communication, take time getting places and be patient with others.

Are you being good to yourself? This month’s Coaching Corner is about telling your own story, and not the ones you were told as a child.

Stay safe, stay warm, be nice to a stranger.


                                                                                     Coaching Corner

Embrace Your Own Story 

One of the most familiar phrases I hear as a coach is, ”I was always told . . .” or “made to believe . . .” [fill in the blank]. And that remembered conversation or belief is almost always negative and disempowering.

When we believe the critical voices from the past we are making a choice to limit ourselves. Our memories are in the past, we are now living in the present, and we’re making decisions that affect our future.

When you were a child, your circumstances and care givers were the authors of your story. You weren’t in a position to negate their claims about you or the world. And they were often passing along their wounds from childhood and what had been told to them.

If you are still responding to those messages from the past, I invite you to change your story. The exercises here are for those of you who want to create a true present to prepare for the future you want to create.

1. Write down only your positive traits or accomplishments. Only the positive. For example, maybe you are a kind person, or you were the first in your family to finish high school, or you successfully got yourself out of a difficult relationship. Write those down.

2. Ask a trusted friend to help you with the list. Embrace that this is who you are in the present. Only the positive traits and accomplishments.

3. Write a story about how those positive traits and accomplishments will play in your future.

4. When the negative screams that you are less than, write down that trait and then burn it. It is no longer you.

It’s up to us if we chose to limit ourselves or, alternatively, to embrace our best self and acknowledge that we’ve come a long way from the negativity of the past.

Sometimes it’s helpful to enlist a coach to assist in making changes.

Thinning of the Veil

What does it mean that the veil between the worlds is most thin at this time of the year? Old religions from Europe, and independently from Mexico and Central America, invite and celebrate the dead to return to feast and be remembered at the time after the last harvest.

Pagan holidays are based on the stars and the seasons. Two of the most important celebrations are Samhain and Beltane. Samhain (pronounced Sow-in) celebrates the final harvest and the time to enter darkness, which is the beginning of the new year. These pagans believed that during Samhain the veil between the worlds of the living and dead was thin and that they could communicate with the those who had crossed over. (Beltane is the movement back to the light and will be discussed in a later newsletter.)

Even today Pagans celebrate Samhain and may bring out mementos of the dead, prepare their favorite food, and light candles or bonfires to show the departed the way home. There is a belief that death is not to be feared because the person lives on in another dimension. In ancient times there was often a parade with costumes on behalf of the gods and goddesses of the underworld. Some would wear masks to hid from spirits that may be malevolent. Because it was the new year it was also a time to plan for the future.

The Day of the Dead came from traditions of the Aztecs, Maya and Toltec to celebrate the memories of their dead. The belief among these people is that the death does not end life, but new life comes from death, just as the new crops come the old soil. Like Samhain, the Day of the Dead comes at the end of harvest going into the winter.

The Day of the Dead is celebrated with music and dancing. A temporary alter is set us to honor the dead. Along with photos and momentous, there are offerings of the four elements to help the departed on their journey. Water is placed nearby to quench their thirst. Wind is represented by wind spinners, tissue paper or chimes. Earth is represented by food such as bread. Candles, often in the form of a cross, represent fire. Brightly decorated skulls, flowers, and costumes represent the celebratory cycle of life. Monarch butterflies arrive in Mexico on November 1 and are often thought to hold the spirit of the dead.

In 601 A.D. Pope Gregory the First realized that people from the old traditions would not give up their celebrations and spiritual beliefs, so the church’s holy days were chosen to correspond to symbols of native spiritual holidays. In the 7th century Pope Boniface IV declared All Saints Day and the evening before was hallowed, or holy, eve. Thus, October 31 became Halloween and the end of harvest celebration was set to a specific date.

This has been a year of deaths for so many of us. You may choose your own way during this time to communicate, honor and appreciate those who have crossed over.

Sky Influences

Mercury Retrograde, September 27 to October 18. When Mercury is in retrograde there are often issues around communication, transportation, and electronics. Remember to take your time going places and be patient with others who may be late. Are you listening carefully to others? Are you taking time to get from place to place?

New Moon in Libra, October 6. As noted above, Libra is about balance, so this New Moon is a good time to review where you need to bring equilibrium into your life. Are there areas you are ignoring? How is your work/life balance?

Full Moon in Aries, October 20. Aries tends to be impatient to move forward, start something new, or move ahead before a project is completed. Are you ready to start new projects? Where are you exhibiting impatience in your life?

Numerology 6 Month, responsibility for your dream

October is a 6 month (10+2021=2031 and reduces to 6)

In Numerology in 2021 October is a 6 month which is about taking responsibility and family. Choose what dream you have for you and your family, and then take responsibility for nurturing that dream. Put a name to your dream. Decide what will nourish the dream to come true and then feed it. Call on your guides to help you manifest your dream.

The energy of your Personal Month can work with the Universal Month to manifest your desires. For example, a September 23 birthday has a Personal Year of 1 (9+23+2021=1). The Personal Month is calculated by adding the Personal Year, which for this birthday is 1, to the calendar month, which in October is the 10th month. The 10 is reduced to 1 which is then added to the 1 Personal Year. A September 23 birthday has a Personal Month in October of 2.

You can read the meaning for the Personal Months here.

“Everything I do for my clients is to give them tools to

Empower themselves. Are you ready for change?” Judyth Sult

Numerology readings and classes, Tarot reading and classes, Reiki healing , Empowerment Coaching.

Please call for an appointment 360 305-1491


September 2021

Judyth’s September 2021

Empowerment Newsletter

I Invite you to Draw a Card for Today

Notes from J

Wow! There is so much happening as we move into September. The theme for this 5 month is balance during transition. In September we experience the Fall equinox when the day is perfectly balanced between night and day, while celebrating the abundant end of the harvest. This is a good time for you to think about what you are harvesting from what you’ve grown in your life over the last several months.

One of the themes that comes up repeatedly with my clients is how to create the changes they believe would improve their lives. In the Coaching Corner, I discuss how to reframe your desires and how to work with your guides to make those desires more attainable.

The energy of the cosmos seems to work the themes of balance and transition with the Universal month number of 5, which means to expect the unexpected. Expecting the unexpected is a key lesson of working with your angels and guides. It’s both exciting and challenging.

Practice loving life and being in gratitude this month, and every month.



                                                                                     Coaching Corner

Speak for What You Want to Harvest in Your Life

There are a few steps in this month’s coaching, so follow through to the end.

Take a moment to think about what you want to call into your life. Are you being positive, or are you blocking your desires when you think about or verbalize what you want?

I’ve noticed that people often speak or write their desire in a positive way when they are doing an exercise to manifest, but their conversation often brings up the negative about the same subject. For example, as an exercise, a person may write that she wants a good job, but in conversation she consistently brings up what she doesn’t like about her job. Phrases that are often repeated are most likely to be manifested, so don’t just say the positive when you are in ceremony or a class.

Speak up for what you do want, rather than what you don’t want. For example:

I want a clean house, rather than, I don’t want to have a dirty house.

I want to be with a wonderful, compatible person, rather than, I don’t want to be alone.

I want to have wonderful communication with my partner, rather than, I don’t want to fight with my partner.

I want a job that is creative and supportive with good money, rather than my job is not interesting or challenging.

Try to catch yourself as you are speaking throughout the day to understand what you are actually manifesting.

Next, call on your Guides to help you manifest what you want to call into your life. It’s important to communicate directly with them so that they know you want their help. Just like you want to be acknowledged, your Guides want to be recognized by you.

The deal about working with your Guides is that you need to expect the unexpected. They work from a different realm than you do and have powers that can be bewildering. Have you ever had the experience of thinking about a friend and the phone rings to find them on the line? Have you ever wanted to purchase something and then suddenly the money shows up? These are examples of your guides wanting to be noticed. Imagine what you could do as a team!

So, call on your Guides, ask them to play, and let them know what you want, but don’t expect the outcome to manifest in a particular way. Expect what you want to come in an unexpected way.

Sky Influences

New Moon in Virgo, September 6. All new moons are a time to set your intention for what you want to manifest. The relationship of this Moon in Virgo to the other planets suggests that it is time to release confusion and the feeling (or reality) of being stuck. Go after what you want!

Full Moon in Pisces, September 20. Pisces is an intuitive and spiritual sign, so this could be a great time to communicate with your Guides. Tell them what you want their help with, ask them for a sign, and then pay attention!

Fall Equinox, September 23. Celebrate the harvest by supporting local farmers and/or restaurants by eating local. Have fun with the food in your region of the world.


Anticipating change

This is a reading I did for myself for September. Use these questions and pull from your own deck, or go here to draw cards.

What is the most important thing to call into my life at this moment?

Life Cycles, reversed. It’s important to realize that there is a major ending coming in my life around September. Because the card is in a reversed position, the timing is not immediate. Since I asked what to call in, it means that I must be willing to give something up that no longer serves me. An aspect of the Life Cycle card is that there is often grief associated with what is being left, but the leaving makes room for the new.

What is the most important thing to leave behind?

The Chaos card represents releasing my attachment to something that has been with me for a long time. The collapse of the bridge represents the past breaking of the past with the future. It’s in an upright position, so it relates to what I am calling into my life at this time.

How do I best move forward?

The World card is the last card in the deck and represents the celebration of completing the journey through the Major Arcana. The woman is dancing with joy and accomplishment. Like Life Cycles, the card calls for endings, but where that card is attached to grief, this card is celebratory.

All three cards represent ending, so I can expect there will be a major change for me in September and that my future will look very different from my past. I call on my Angels and Guides to give me strength through what could be a challenging time.

Numerology 9 Month, endings

September 2021 is a 5 month (add 9+2021=9+5=14=5). The numerological energy for the month is about change. Many people immediately groan when they are told to expect change, but think of how difficult it would be if nothing ever changed!

This month I suggest you take the lead on the energy for the month and decide where YOU want change to manifest in your life. When manifesting something new, you must be willing to give something up to make room for what you have called into your life.

You can calculate your Personal Month for September by going here.

Everything I do for my clients is to give them a tool to

Empower themselves. Are you ready for change?

Numerology readings and classes, Tarot reading and classes, Reiki distant healing , Empowerment Coaching.

Please call for an appointment 360 305-1491


April 2021

Judyth Sult’s April 2021

Empowerment Newsletter

I Invite you to Draw a Card for Today

Notes from J

Spring is finally here! The days are lighter, if not much warmer, plants are full of buds and change is in the air.

Looking at Numerology, Tarot and Astrology, it appears the Universe is conspiring to help you create the change you want to call in for your future. In Numerology 2021 is a 5 month promising adventures and changes, while April is a 9 month that encourages you to begin the transition from who or what you have been to your true heart’s desire.

The New Moon in Aries is about declaring your intention step towards the changes you want to make, while the energy of the Full Moon in Libra helps you release what no longer resonates with you.

In Tarot, Introspection, the ninth card, advises you to go within to align your soul with your unique path.

Take a deep breath and have the courage to go for what it is in your highest and best good!



Engage with your High Self

                                                Coaching Corner

Most of us have at least one area of our lives that we would like to change or at least adjust. What is yours?

You do not have to have a deck of cards for the following exercise. You can go to, free card draw, or choose your own Tarot or oracle deck.

Now, that you have identified the area of your life you want to bring into better alignment with your highest good, let’s ask the cards the best way to move forward. I am using the online Tarot of Empowerment deck and I’ll give you my interpretation of the reading below these instructions.

Call on your angels and guides to give the perfect reading:

1.      Pick a card that represents the next step to become better aligned with your highest good. (Entrapment, Devil)

2.      Choose a card that points to your best course of action to become better aligned with your highest good. (Unknown)

3.      What card represents the challenge for you to complete your best course of action? (Choice Lovers)

4.      Which card represents the energy for overcoming the challenge in order to be successful? (Introspection, Hermit)

5.      What is the card that represents what else your angels and guides want you to know. (Awakening, Judgement)

Click on the links for a full explanation of each.

Entrapmentrepresents the energy for this person to make the change for her to become better aligned to her highest good. This means that she is stuck, but she will find the way out of the trap when she opens her mind and heart and commits to making a change.

The Unknown card represents the energy for her best course of action. This card means that the Universe is not ready to reveal her best course of action. She must first be willing to release what is holding her back from making the commitment to open her mind and heart.

In this reading, Choice is the card that represents her challenge to reveal her best course of action, the Unknown. Choice means that she can do things as she has before, or she can take a do things in a new way. These first three cards seem to be saying that she has not really made the commitment to make the changes she says she wants to make in order to change.

In order to overcome the challenge of Choice and the Unknown, her card is Introspection (Hermit). This card is telling her to explore what is really in her highest and best good, not the direction someone else tells her or she what thinks the community wants from her. When she goes within, she can trust that the truth will come to her.

Awakening, her final card, tells her that her angels and guides want her to know that after she goes deep into Introspection she will have a true AHA! moment and all will become clear to her.

Sky Influences

New Moon in Aries, April 12 Aries is the first sign in the zodiac and reinforces the new beginning you are calling into your life. Aries is the “Let’s do it!” and is strong, confident and involved.

Full moon in Scorpio, April 26 Scorpio holds intense energy and is a wonderful time to release anything that no longer serves you. As you move down the road to call in new changes in your life, release the burden of anything you have outgrown or that is no longer serves your highest and best good.

Numerology 9 Month, endings

April is a 9 Universal month (4+2021=9). In Numerology nine represents completion and has a humanitarian aspect to it. This month is about recognizing that change is coming and that it’s in your best interest to release relationships, projects, and commitments that are no longer in your best interest.

The best way for you to deal with a 9 Universal month is to discover your Personal month number because using that energy will be to your greatest advantage. To calculate your Personal month, add your Personal year number to the number of the Universal month.

The Personal year is calculated by adding your birth day and month (ignore the year). For example, September 23 is calculated (9+23+2021=9+5+5=19=1).

The Personal Month is found by adding the Personal year to the number of the month. So, for this birthday April is a 5 Personal month (1+4=5).

My reading for the person with a 5 Personal month is recognize that she will have a many different opportunities in April, and it may become very distracting. The energy around her (9 Universal month) is to clear out people, possessions, and projects that no longer serve her. When she releases what she no longer needs, many different opportunities will come her way. If she does not use that 9 energy to release what she no longer needs, she will be overwhelmed.

You can use this formula to calculate your personal month and find a brief explanation of the numbers here.

Services I offer:

Numerology readings and classes, Tarot reading and classes, Reiki distant healing (for now), Empowerment Coaching.

Please call for an appointment 360 305-1491


President Biden’s Numerology, 11/20/1942

Life Path 2
Soul Urge 5
Personality 8
Secret Desire 3

The most important number in a person’s chart is the Life Path because it represents the life lessons and the theme that will repeat throughout one’s life. [Read more…]

February 2021

Judyth Sult’s February 2021

Empowerment Newsletter


Notes from J

For such a short month, there is a lot of action around self-awareness in February. It’s the second month, which is about expressing love and nurturing in relationships that could include a special someone, your community, or yourself. The Coaching Corner has suggestions for self-care during these unsettling times that has many of us on sustained alert.

I’ve included a numerology report for President Biden and the second part of the report gives a very brief month-by-month description of what to expect from him based on numerology.

Please consider doing some of the activities suggested in the articles below to get the most out of this month.

Oh, yes, one more thing: Mercury is retrograde from January 30 to February 20. See how to deal with that energy.



Yes, It’s Time for Self-Care

             Coaching Corner

With everything that’s going on in the world, there is little doubt that most, if not all, of us are in desperate need of self-care. We so often put off the nurturing for ourselves as we deal with the stress and anxiety in our families and in the world at large.

Self-care is about acknowledging the stress in your life and then taking action to reduce that stress with the intention of finding balance.

Exercise: Fold a paper into four equal quadrants. Title each quadrant with one of the following words: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

Under each of the above titles, list what attention, negative or positive, each of these areas has received in the last week. Look at the balance between these areas. Where do you need to relieve tension? Is there an area you have neglected?

Below are suggestions you might take to bring balance to your life. Remember, in order to take care of others, you must first take care of yourself.

    1. Take a break from social media.

    2. It’s not the time to go to a spa but give yourself a spa day at home by     indulging in a bath with special oils or scents. Take the time for a     manicure and pedicure.

    3. Be firm with your boundaries with others. Turn off your phone for a     specific time if you need to.

    4. Turn off the news or limit your exposure if you think you would feel     more stressed not knowing what’s going on in the world.

    5. Reach out to someone who loves and supports you by phone or zoom     and share a drink or a meal together while apart.

    6. Tell yourself every morning and every night that you are a good     person.

President Biden’s Numerology, 11/20/1942

Life Path 2

Soul Urge 5

Personality 8

Secret Desire 3

The most important number in a person’s chart is the Life Path because it represents the life lessons and the theme that will repeat throughout one’s life. President Biden’s Life Path is an 11/2. The 11 energy is about spiritual enlightenment or working from one’s highest good. The 11 reduces to 2 which is about balance, partnership, and diplomacy. This energy is represented by his pledge to try to unite the parties.

The Expression is the way the person appears in the world. Biden’s Expression is 8, which is about getting things done around management, money, and status. The 8 energy may bring the appearance that Biden wants to be the boss and control the way money is spent. The 8 energy may be tempered by his Life Path which is the ability of seeing both sides of an issue and a willingness to compromise.

The Soul Urge, sometimes referred to as the Heart’s Desire, is about connection on the deepest level. Biden’s Soul Urge is a 5, which represents change that comes from freedom. This energy suggests that Biden will be flexible as he gathers new information, and he will always seek to adjust and bring in fresh ideas.

The Secret Desire is what deep down the human Biden wants, and that energy is a 3. The 3 is about finding joy, being positive, and projecting optimism. The 5 Soul Urge and 3 Secret Desire help explain why Biden has a positive can-do attitude in spite of the difficulties he’s had in his life. And it explains why he was so determined to be President no matter how long it took.

The Personal Year for Biden is 9 (birth month+birth day+current year). The 9 year is the last year in a 9-year cycle. The emphasis of the 9 energy is about completing what has been building up for the last 9 years and about clearing the way for the new ideas and projects that will come in 2022. The other aspect of the 9 energy is about doing what is good for humanity. Fighting the pandemic and taking steps for climate change are actions that come to mind for the 9 energy regarding the work for the good of humanity.

The Sky Influences

Mercury Retrograde – January 30 to February 20

When Mercury appears to be moving backwards in the sky, it is said to be retrograde. When a planet is retrograde, the characteristics of the planet appear to be challenged. The characteristics for Mercury communication, transportation, and electronics. What could go wrong, right?

Here are some ways to deal with issues that might come up during Mercury retrograde. Mercury is in the sign of Aquarius, which is water, so use your intuition when planning, communicating, or traveling. Take extra time for everything. Think about what you want to say before you say it. Clarify that others hear what you are trying to communicate. And clarify if there is a possibility you misheard or misread a communication from others.

Be aware that you may find delays getting somewhere, or that others may be delayed meeting you. Practice patience.

This is not a good time to make major decisions, make purchases, or sign contracts. If you do need to do any of these things, be incredibly careful to understand the agreement around the actions. Ask your angels and guides to help you distinguish between your intuition and your desires.

An area that works well for most people during Mercury retrograde is dealing with issues from the past, especially the results of poor communication. Going backwards to resolve old disputes may move you forward.

February 11, new moon in Aquarius

Aquarius traits are to initiate positive change through creative and original ideas. During this new moon, set your intention to bring about positive change in yourself, your family, or your community. Acknowledge your unique gifts, and decide how you will use them. Write your intentions, and review them during the Full Moon.

February 27, full moon in Virgo

Virgo, the most meticulous and organized of all twelve signs. Remind yourself to review your New Moon intentions. Use the Virgo energy of this Full Moon to organize and celebrate what changes you have accomplished and where you will go with these intentions in the future.

Biden’s Personal Month Energy for 2021

January was a 1 Personal Month for Biden (personal year+current month). This means that while Biden was completing his 9 year, his energy for January was to bring new ideas, show leadership, and act somewhat independently.

February is a 2 Personal Month for him. We would expect to see strengthening partnerships, especially because of the heavy influence of 2 in his chart. We would also expect a strong effort for him to listen to the other side and a willingness to cooperate more than he was willing to do in January.

March is a 3 Personal Month for Biden which indicates an expansiveness of creative ideas and a time of increased social activity, whatever that looks like during a pandemic.

April is a 4 Personal Month. The 4 energy is about legal, property, and financial issues, which may indicate passing legislation setting the foundation for the remainder of the year or his term. April will end the first 100 days of Biden’s term.

May is a 5 Personal Month, which is about unexpected change and potential chaos. This month is after the first 100 days, and now there is room for others to introduce their ideas for how to move the country forward.

June is a 6 Personal Month, which has the energy of family and responsibility. Biden may be called on to pay special attention to personal family matters.

July is a 7 Personal Month, indicating a time when Biden’s attention may turn inward to review his actions and plans. There is also a spiritual component to this energy that may indicate Biden will turn to his church for support.

August is an 8 Personal Month that revolves around the energy of management, money, and resources. It’s a powerful leadership time. We might expect that it will take about this long to get many of the agencies filled with leadership positions and filling the ranks with new hires.

September is a 9 Personal Month which is the time for completion of actions that took place from January to August. It will be a time of letting go of some of Biden’s ideas that are not going to come to fruition in order to make way for new plans and ideas in October.

October is a 1 Personal Month, which will bring in new ideas and plans of action from Biden.

November is a 2 Personal Month when we would expect Biden to really engage his 2 Life Path energy to attempt bring balance, compromise, and partnership to the front.

December is a 3 Personal Month for Biden, which is expansive and creative.hat others may be delayed meeting you.

Services I offer:

Numerology readings and classes, Tarot readings and classes

Reiki distant healing (for now), Empowerment Coaching    

Contact me for information

Please stay safe and feel free to email me

if you would like support in any way.


January 2021

Judyth Sult’s January 2021

Empowerment Newsletter

Pull a free card here.


Notes from J

Welcome to 2021! Thank you for being a part of my world. I appreciate each one of you!

In response to several requests from my readers, each of my 2021 newsletters will focus on rituals. At different times we will use numerology and tarot, as well as moon phases and seasons. From my role as a coach, each month I’ll offer suggestions for self-empowerment.

Rituals are just patterns of gestures that help you focus on your intentions, and the focus helps those intentions manifest in your life. Brushing your teeth is a ritual with the intention of having healthy teeth. Consistent brushing is likely to manifest healthy teeth. Just as you brush your teeth in your own way, do these rituals in your own way.

2021 will be about a lot of changes and opportunities for everyone. I encourage each of you to take control of your life by setting your intentions and then doing rituals to manifest the results you want.

Please let me know if you would like me to give you suggestions about how to create a ritual for a specific purpose.

2021 is a universal 5 energy (2+0+2+1). In numerology the 5 energy is about curiosity, individualism, and adventure. The Tarot card for 2021 is Advisor (click for meaning) in Tarot of Empowerment (Hierophant in traditional decks), which is about the curiosity and adventure of exploring spiritual growth.

Use the ritual below to get out of the energy of 2020 and become empowered to move into 2021!



Release 2020, Call in 2021

             Coaching Corner

Especially after the kind of year we’ve had, it’s important to release the energy of 2020 before moving into the energy of 2021. I suggest investing in a journal to keep track of your intentions, the rituals, and your reflections as we move through the year.

Begin by calling in your angels or guides to connect to your high self. Hold the intention to feel complete with releasing the old from 2020, and making space for what is in your highest good to call in for 2021.

Sit quietly and reflect on 2020. Remember back to the beginning of the year. Allow yourself to meander through your memories of the year—the good and the not so good. After a period of reflection, write the answer to each question below in your journal.

  1. What are you most grateful for from 2020?
  2. What were your biggest challenges in 2020?
  3. What did you learn about yourself in 2020?
  4. What have you completed that you will release before going into 2021?
  5. What do you intend to manifest for yourself in 2021? Specify what you want in terms of physical well-being, emotional balance,mental development, and spiritual growth.

When you’ve completed exercise above, sit quietly and imagine your life as it will be when you achieve what you want to manifest in each area.

Fold a paper so that you have 4 rectangles. On one rectangle write a heading of physical, on the next emotional, on the third mental, and finally, in the fourth, spiritual. Under each heading write what you want to manifest for that category. Then write one thing you can do in the near future to move towards your goal.

Keep this paper and add to it during the month.

Numerology – Your Personal Year and Month

The year 2021 is a 5 universal year. Numbers 1 through 4 are more personal, and numbers 6 through 9 are more esoteric. Five is the middle number between 1 and 9 and can often indicate a change of emphasis from the individual to society.

Mind you, the universal energy means that it is a subtle underlying energy for everyone whether they believe in numerology or not. The way each individual is affected by, and interacts with, the universal number depends on several other factors including birth name, birth date, and age.

Think of the energy influence as concentric circles of personal energy becoming stronger as it moves from the universal year to the personal day.

For now, we’ll just look the energy of your personal year and month for January. Calculate your personal year by figuring the number representing the month you were born: January = 1, February = 2, March = 3, April = 4, May = 5, June = 6, July = 7, August = 8, September = 9, October = 10 (reduces to 1), November = 11 (reduces to 2), December = 12 (reduces to 3).

Add the number representing the month to the number of the day you were born. Birth days with 2 digits are added together and reduced to a single digit, for example, 12, 21, 30 all reduce to 3.

Finally, add 5 (which represents 2021) to the numbers of the month and year. September 23 would have a personal year of 9+5+5=19, which reduces to 10 and then to 1.

For the entire year this birthday will carry the energy of new beginnings, leadership, inventiveness, and independence.

The personal month is determined by adding the personal year number to the number of the month. January is the first month, so 1 personal year will work with the energy of 2 in January (personal year+ month).

Even though there are likely to be a lot of unexpected changes in January (5 universal year), this leader (1 personal year) will be looking for opportunities that will encourage harmony, teamwork, and mediation (2 personal month) in January.

Calculate your personal year and month to learn how to be empowered to make the best use of your energy in January. Click here to read the meaning of the numbers

The Sky Influences

January 12, the New Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto

Pluto is about transformation, and the New Moon is about setting intentions. On a universal level this suggests that people will be looking for new directions. What will your personal intentions be with this new moon?

January 28, Full Moon in Leo

Expect the confidence of Leo the Lion as we move into the energy of total brightness from the Full Moon. The Full Moon reveals the fulfillment of intentions you set at the new moon. How successful were you in manifesting your intentions?

January 30 to February 20, Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius

Aquarius is a social sign, so be very careful about your communication in or to groups. Mercury also rules technology, mechanics, and transportation, so be sure to take your time to speak or get some place. Try as hard as ever to hear, rather than to just listen. Be patient with others who may not know that this is the time to guard their communication.

Services I offer:

Numerology readings and classes, Tarot readings and classes

Reiki distant healing (for now), Empowerment Coaching    

Contact me for information

Please stay safe and feel free to email me

if you would like support in any way.