What to do when you can’t hear your Guides

People often tell me their guides don’t speak to them or they can’t hear them. Below are the 3 most common blocks to hearing your guides. I can assure you, they do want to communicate with you, play with you and help you through life. That’s why you are here together – and every one of you has at least one angel/guide.

1. You are not listening with an open heart because you have a lack of trust and insist on rationalizing when you get a response.

Solution: Ask your guides to help you build up trust. Ask for a sign and then pay attention to what is going on around you that could be a sign. When I drove across country with a friend last year there were always 2 hawks in the sky overhead. It took us a day or two to realize they were our animal totems for the journey. Take note when you think they may be communicating with you or guiding you and thank them for being there for you. Pay attention to what you are asking for and then pay attention to the results. Remember to ask out loud – the vibrations of your voice help the process.

2. You are in such negative energy you cannot hear your guides.

Solution: Take the time to be quiet and still. Negativity feeds on itself and can become so huge that you see no other option. Negative energy can cause pain and illness. Ask your guides to come to you to lead you away from the negative energy. Be sure you are not ignoring the small light in the darkness. Go to that light and allow it to build. Breathe deeply and ask for a sign from your angels/guides that things will get resolved. Pay attention to what comes next, the solution may not be your first desire, but look at the truth of the message.

3. You are not hearing the information you want to hear so you second guess or argue with the guides.

Solution: Be honest with yourself about the information that is coming your way. If it’s time to make a change but you keep staying in the same situation you may feel that your guides are not communicating when, in fact, they are telling you to leave. A client had a relationship that was not in her highest and best good, but she didn’t want to leave the relationship. When she stilled her thoughts she was given the image of what her potential would be outside of her relationship. She then had the courage to end the negative relationship.

Practice, practice communicating, thanking, playing and singing with your guides and you will become more aware of them with greater frequency.