What is Numerology?

It can be a big relief to understand your patterns and to have direction towards changing them. Numerology is an informative and fun way to learn about your lessons in life. Life Path readings are a great gift for a new born (person or business), wedding, name change, or important anniversaries.
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Actions Toward Empowerment

Be aware, responsible and conscious of your own attitudes, actions and beliefs. Take a day to work on each of these. Really observe yourself over a period of a week or a month to become aware of what you like and what you want to change. [Read more…]

Ritual to Manifest in 7 days

Here is an exercise for you to do each day for 7 days to co- create with spirit to manifest the change YOU want, be it a promotion, a new relationship, or a new place to live. Pay attention to your emotions as you go through this exercise. [Read more…]

Is It Magic?

When I was growing up there was little extra money in my family, and certainly not enough for things like the movies or going out with friends. Whenever I needed some cash, I’d set an amount in my mind and within a very short time, maybe a day or two, I’d get a babysitting job or some other chore for just that amount of money. I seldom had any doubt that the amount of money I wanted would come through, even if I didn’t know how it would come to me. [Read more…]

Mirror Messages to Yourself

We manifest what we pay attention to in our lives. Become aware of where you are putting your mental and emotional energy. Read below about how the mirror will help you be a reflection of who you want to become. [Read more…]

Tarot: Major Arcana Interpretations by Judyth Sult

The meaning of the card is determined by its position in the layout for the reading. The interpretation of a card in the position of Best Course of Action will be different from the same card in the position of hopes and fears. Before you interpret each card think about your question and then about the position of the card in the reading. Interpret the card with that position in mind. Click here for an interpretation of the card. [Read more…]

0 Quester

What are you seeking?
Who do you meet?
Risk to explore, to learn, to trust,
To find the truth of who you are.

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1 Magician

major arcana front with tag name longer 8-13

Earth, Air, Water, Fire
Bring me your power
Manifest my magic to do good
I call on Spirit to ignite my soul

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2 High Priestess

The High Priestess - Tarot of Empowerment Deck

You have the knowing
Call on your intuition
Meditate on the true law of the Universe
As you sit on the seat of wisdom

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3 Sustenance (Empress)

Sustain us with love and compassion
Lead us into new possibilities
Help us grow and nurture us
As we move through the world

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