What do you want for your life?

Are you the person who is mildly dissatisfied with your life? There’s nothing that really excites you and no one seems to really be interesting, or perhaps interested in you?

Ask yourself, “What do I want for my life?” Think about this question for a moment, really think about it.

  • Do you want physical things like a home, a job or more money?
  • Do you want better emotional support like more friends, a life partner or better communication with your children?
  • Do you want to stimulate your mental capacity by improving your memory, going to cultural events or reading more books?
  • Do you want to deepen your spiritual beliefs by joining a weekly group, becoming involved with music or art, or spending more time in nature?

So many times we meander through life without stopping to think about where we are and if we want to continue in the same direction. This is a good time to take stock, decide what you like and what you want to change.

Pause to determine what about your material, emotional, mental and spiritual life PLEASE you right now. Yes, think about what you want to change, but also acknowledge the areas of your life that are satisfying, or more than satisfying.  Very often, the things we are happy with make us afraid to make changes because we are afraid we’ll lose them. That need not be so.

Now, make a grid with 4 quadrants and label one Physical, then Mental, another Emotional and one Spiritual. On a scale of 1 to 5 generally how satisfied are you are in each of these arenas of your life. If you scored less than 4 in any area write down what you are most dissatisfied with and what you think would bring you happiness.

Stay strong, believe in yourself, and trust in the universe.