Life Path 2
Soul Urge 5
Personality 8
Secret Desire 3
The most important number in a person’s chart is the Life Path because it represents the life lessons and the theme that will repeat throughout one’s life. President Biden’s Life Path is an 11/2. The 11 energy is about spiritual enlightenment or working from one’s highest good. The 11 reduces to 2 which is about balance, partnership, and diplomacy. This energy is represented by his pledge to try to unite the parties.
The Expression is the way the person appears in the world. Biden’s Expression is 8, which is about getting things done around management, money, and status. The 8 energy may bring the appearance that Biden wants to be the boss and control the way money is spent. The 8 energy may be tempered by his Life Path which is the ability of seeing both sides of an issue and a willingness to compromise.
The Soul Urge, sometimes referred to as the Heart’s Desire, is about connection on the deepest level. Biden’s Soul Urge is a 5, which represents change that comes from freedom. This energy suggests that Biden will be flexible as he gathers new information, and he will always seek to adjust and bring in fresh ideas.
The Secret Desire is what deep down the human Biden wants, and that energy is a 3. The 3 is about finding joy, being positive, and projecting optimism. The 5 Soul Urge and 3 Secret Desire help explain why Biden has a positive can-do attitude in spite of the difficulties he’s had in his life. And it explains why he was so determined to be President no matter how long it took.
The Personal Year for Biden is 9 (birth month+birth day+current year). The 9 year is the last year in a 9-year cycle. The emphasis of the 9 energy is about completing what has been building up for the last 9 years and about clearing the way for the new ideas and projects that will come in 2022. The other aspect of the 9 energy is about doing what is good for humanity. Fighting the pandemic and taking steps for climate change are actions that come to mind for the 9 energy regarding the work for the good of humanity.
Biden’s Personal Month Energy for 2021
January was a 1 Personal Month for Biden (personal year+current month). This means that while Biden was completing his 9 year, his energy for January was to bring new ideas, show leadership, and act somewhat independently.
February is a 2 Personal Month for him. We would expect to see strengthening partnerships, especially because of the heavy influence of 2 in his chart. We would also expect a strong effort for him to listen to the other side and a willingness to cooperate more than he was willing to do in January.
March is a 3 Personal Month for Biden which indicates an expansiveness of creative ideas and a time of increased social activity, whatever that looks like during a pandemic.
April is a 4 Personal Month. The 4 energy is about legal, property, and financial issues, which may indicate passing legislation setting the foundation for the remainder of the year or his term. April will end the first 100 days of Biden’s term.
May is a 5 Personal Month, which is about unexpected change and potential chaos. This month is after the first 100 days, and now there is room for others to introduce their ideas for how to move the country forward.
June is a 6 Personal Month, which has the energy of family and responsibility. Biden may be called on to pay special attention to personal family matters.
July is a 7 Personal Month, indicating a time when Biden’s attention may turn inward to review his actions and plans. There is also a spiritual component to this energy that may indicate Biden will turn to his church for support.
August is an 8 Personal Month that revolves around the energy of management, money, and resources. It’s a powerful leadership time. We might expect that it will take about this long to get many of the agencies filled with leadership positions and filling the ranks with new hires.
September is a 9 Personal Month which is the time for completion of actions that took place from January to August. It will be a time of letting go of some of Biden’s ideas that are not going to come to fruition in order to make way for new plans and ideas in October.
October is a 1 Personal Month, which will bring in new ideas and plans of action from Biden.
November is a 2 Personal Month when we would expect Biden to really engage his 2 Life Path energy to attempt bring balance, compromise, and partnership to the front.
December is a 3 Personal Month for Biden, which is expansive and creative.hat others may be delayed meeting you.