Part 2 – Healing Of The Chakras – The Root (1st) Chakra

  Why learn about chakras? Last month I introduced an overview of the chakras which you can read here. When any of these energy centers are blocked we become out of balance physically, mentally or emotionally which can manifest as anxiety, illness or trauma. It’s important to recognize when you are out of balance and learn methods to clear the energy.

The first chakra is the ROOT of your energy field so it’s important to keep it clear in order to have a healthy energy flow to the other chakras. The energy center associated with the root chakra is located at the base of your spine, resonates to the color red and is associated with issues of survival, basic security, and connection to earth. This chakra is associated with your earliest time on earth and affects your sense of belonging and how safe you feel in the world.

When the root chakra is balanced we feel safe, grounded, and confident. When our first chakra is out of balance we feel insecure, fearful, and vulnerable.

Symptoms of an out of balance root chakra:

You survival needs, such as money or food are constantly challenged in a way you can’t seem to control.

You usually feel insecure in the world and you are afraid to speak your mind in your work or relationships.

You feel fearful in the world because you have a weak support network and insufficient resources.

HEALING: Grounding yourself is essential for healing the first chakra. If weather permits sit on the ground, hug a tree, dig in a garden or play in the sand. Literally plant yourself on the earth. If that’s not possible at least sit on the floor, pay special attention to house plants, or cook something delicious.

You want vital energy from this chakra to feed the other chakras. Make yourself vital by moving the lower half of your body. Each foot fall connects you to the earth in a different way than sitting on the earth.

Review your core beliefs about the security you deserve. For example, you want a good job, but a little internal voice says that you will always be prevented from acquiring the good job. Listen to your self-talk about your place in the world, not the voice that says what you want to manifest, but your ingrained belief about your place in the world. The ingrained belief will attract more attention than what you are trying to create.

Write down the ingrained negative beliefs you hear in your head. Then create a new, positive message that reinforces the positive belief you want to establish in your life. When the old message sneaks in reframe a new message that supports you.

Insecurity is an ongoing challenge that needs special nurturing on a daily basis. Find people who support you and your goals. Every day make a list of what you did RIGHT and honor yourself for being good. This activity can take months or even years until you feel safe and secure as it attracts people and situations that you will trust.

There are many tools available for assist in healing your first chakra including red stones, jewelry, meditations, music, essential oils and so much more. However, until you decide to do the work to reframe the internal messages, the tools will not help.

Be intentional!

I am available to support you as an Empowerment Coach through this process.
Contact me in confidence at JudythSult [at]