The Universal Year is calculated by adding all of the numbers in the year. For example, 2023 is a 7 Universal Year.
Your Personal Year is calculated by adding the month of your birth, the day of your birth, and the Universal Year (your birth year is NOT a part of this calculation). To find the Personal Year for a September 23 birthday, add 9 (September) to 5 (23 reduced) and 7 (2023 reduced). The Personal Year for this birthday is 21, which reduces to 3.
The Universal Month corresponds to the current month in the calendar. January = 1, February = 2, and so forth.
Your Personal Month is calculated by adding your Personal Year to the current month. In the example above, the Personal Month for February is 3 (Personal Year) plus 2 (February), which is 5.
To calculate the Personal Day, add your Personal Month to the current day. In this example, February 1 is a 6 Personal Day (5 Personal Month to day 1), which is about home and responsibilities. For another example, February 8 would be calculated by adding 5 (Personal Month) to 8, which is 13, reduced to 4. A 4 Personal day would be a day to organize, plan, and take stock of where you are.
Numerology interpretation for September 23 birthday:
The 2023 Personal Year energy for this birthday will be about 12 months of exploring what it means to find joy. The person is likely to be more creative than usual and to look for new ways of doing things. Travel is often a side benefit of the 3 Personal Year.
For the individual with this birthday, February is a 5 Personal Month, which is about an abundance of opportunities. This birthday person may find the desire to start a lot of new projects or look into new opportunities. The month may actually feel a bit frantic.
Take the calendar page for the month of February and figure out the Personal Day for day 1.
Write the number on the square for the first day.
Continue writing the Personal Day number for each day until the number 9. Numerology only goes from 1 to 9, so start over when you get to 9.
It might seem complicated, but just take it one step at a time, and you will begin to see how numerology can help you deal with every day life. As in all esoteric practices, this is just one aspect of your life, so don’t over depend on numerology or any other practice.
The general energy of each of number is below, whether it refers to the year, month, or day. The year energy lasts all year and is influenced by the month and day. The month energy has enough time to build on, but the influence of the year energy is always in the background. The day influence goes by so quickly that it may be difficult to really feel the energy. However, if you start at day one with a goal for the 9 day period, the energy will build on the daily numerological energy, and real progress can be seen.
Words associated with the numbers are:
1 – new beginnings, self-sufficiency, independence
2 – balance, partnership, cooperation
3 – communication, optimism, creativity
4 – practicality, stability, building
5 – freedom, curiosity, adventure
6 – compassion, responsibility, nurturing
7 – introspection, seeking, intellectual
8 – abundance, achievement, focus
9 – completion, transformation, humanitarianism