New Year Tarot for 2023

My Tarot reading for each of us to individually follow in 2023 is below. The question posed is, “What can each of us do to be the best we can be this year?” In the center is the reading that has the theme for the year; it is then broken into 4 quarters. In each quarter is a card representing body, mind, and spirit.

Theme – Moon: Trust your intuition this year. See through the illusions in order to get to the truth of your life.


Body – 10 Wind(R): The end of a cycle regarding your health. Consider starting a program for your body to heal or to be in better shape.

Mind – 5 Wind(R): Beware of adapting fear and negativity from the media or those around you.

Spirit – Lovers: It is time to make the choice of doing things as you have in the past or doing them in a new way.


Body – Mother Water(R): Be kind to your physical self. Look at the areas you have been ignoring, and put your attention there to become healthier.

Mind – Justice(R): Gather all of the information before making decisions, especially legal contracts.

Spirit – 4 Earth: You will be supported if you are willing to take on the responsibility of helping society make changes for the greater good.


Body – Heirophant: Honor the deep connection to your physical body, your work, and home.

Mind – 10 Wind(R): If you become passionately obsessed with any area of your life, take a step back and break down the walls you have built.

Spirit – Judgement(R): Become in touch with the hidden possibilities within yourself, and release their potential.

Sep – Dec

Body – Tower(R): Be willing to put up with the disruption caused by making changes in your physical world.

Mind – Emperor: Explore how to lead members of your community in a way that is in the best interests of all.

Spirit – 4 Earth: Your beliefs are the key to helping others recognize their worth.