Loving Your Child Self

Very often a life coach or therapist discovers several clients have the same, or similar, issues at the same time. Actually, if you consider the universal energies from numerology or planet alignment, that makes sense because the universal energy will bring up related concerns for different people.

Recently, a few of my clients have been dealing with issues related to the way they were treated as a child. The messages sent to children last a life time. It’s often sad to think that what a 3, 7, or 12 year old hears or feels affects the actions and self-concept of a 30, 40, or 60 year old adult.

This is an issue that has come up for me in the past, and the following is a simple exercise I gave myself to help me get past the feeling of not being good enough or smart enough. I share this with you from my child as well as my adult.

Exercise: Find a picture of yourself as a child and place it where you can see it. As an adult, review the positive, and only positive, things you have achieved in your life. Did you make it through school? Have you had a healthy relationship, or have you removed yourself from an unhealthy relationship? Have you had a job you feel you excelled at? Do you have hobbies that give you great joy? Do you have good friends? If you aren’t sure of the positive elements in your life, ask a friend to help you identify them.

List the accomplishments you have had in your life, and share them with that little person in the photo. As you share them, assure that little girl her life will be all right. Love that little person, and give her the support that she needed in real time when she was small and not in control of anything in her life. Love her more, and support her again.

If there are still changes you want to make in your life, assure the little girl that you are now strong enough to make those changes. Then, as the adult, begin a list of the changes you want to make and start that journey. Get help if you feel you need that. You are alive, and you are in charge of many aspects of your life. Celebrate who you have become because you are worth it!