Sometimes we get into a habit that isn’t serving us well.
We all have habits, some good, some not so good. Holding onto an old belief, relationship, feeling, or childhood message can serve to keep one from moving forward in a healthy way.
Sometimes people find themselves with a partner or a job that seemed like a perfect match, only to find that they’ve outgrown it. They may actually be in love with the potential they originally saw in the relationship rather than what it has actually become.
My heart hurts for people who come to me for a reading when the querent is more focused on getting back what was, rather than on accepting what is.
Take a symbol of what you need to release. It might be a photo, a remembrance, a business card or a word or phrase written on a paper – whatever symbolizes what you want to release. Bless it, then burn or bury it as a symbol or release.
Then write what you want to fill the space you have just created in your heart and hold it there.
Habits don’t go away with a ritual. You will still feel the tug of the old. When you do, repeat the words, “I release you and call – – into my life.”