Have you found yourself in a bad situation due to a decision you made in haste. Below is a response to a person who asked to live with a friend and then became unhappy about the situation.
Dear Desperate,
This is not the time to run out the door to the first available rental because you may find yourself in another bad situation. It is a good time to reassess your priorities. You moved into a situation with the motive of saving money for your other priorities. Might it be that you didn’t really look at your friend’s needs and how those needs would impact you? The cost of inexpensive rent in another person’s territory inevitably catches you up in their story.
Identify what’s really going on, so you can graduate beyond the lesson this situation is teaching you.
Review your priorities to see if it’s possible to make your quality of living a higher priority. Look at boundary issues in your life to see if this is a recurring problem for you. Explore how you made the decision which landed you where you are, and then look at the last several decisions you made to identify patterns.
Then it’s time to make a list of the basics for what you need to make a home for yourself, not just a place to sleep until you can get what you really want. Some people make a home by renting a room in a community situation, while others need their own apartment or house. The right answer is the one that works for you.
Once you’ve written down the basics call on your guides, call on the power of the One (or whatever and whoever you call on), and state out loud (the vibration of the words is important) what you want to manifest.
Burn your list and state something along the lines of, “As this paper is transformed to ashes, so may my desire for a new home be transformed to a reality.” Add whatever else feels appropriate. Then take the ashes and put them in a garden or spread them to the wind.
Finally, allow yourself to know that you are worthy of the home that works for you! Avoid getting in the way of manifesting by telling yourself that you don’t have enough resources, luck, or other hurdles to get past.
Believe that, yes, you can manifest positive changes!