Perhaps you want to reduce stress, create more abundance or develop a new job goal. It could be anything. The purpose of this corner is to provide some exercises for you to learn new tools that can help you achieve those goals.
Take a moment to think about what you want to change in your life. Make a list of what you want to call into your life. These things become your goals. From that list, choose a single goal. Next to the goal you have selected decide on a time frame you want to use to achieve that goal. Be sure to be realistic. For example, if you want to lose 20 lbs it may be realistic to give yourself 10 weeks rather than a shorter time.
Then, next to your goal write down a description of what gives you confidence about achieving this situation and another list identifying the blocks. Using weight loss as an example, something to give you confidence might be deciding on a particular diet, while the block may be that you don’t like to prepare new foods. Write as many as you can identify.
Once you identify your strengths and weaknesses you can decide on a course of action. Embrace what you feel confident about and use that confidence to develop a plan of action to attain your goal.
You can use additional tools, such as Tarot for guidance. Try pulling a card for each of the following questions:
1. What is your best course of action, ie, what do you do next?
2. What is your challenge, ie, what is most likely to get in the way of completing the best course of action?
3. What are your hopes and fears around the issue?
4. What more do your angels and guides have to tell you?
When you successfully achieve your goal go back to your list and select a new goal and follow the same steps.
Finally, if you feel overwhelmed about how to move forward consider consulting a coach. Just don’t give up on your goals.