A Guide for Your Life Journey

Struggling on a life path is a common theme that comes up with my mentoring clients. We all have struggles at one time or another and I feel especially blessed when I’m called upon to help clear the debris from a person’s path. Along the way I’ve discovered some musings that you might find helpful.

1. Recognize the moment you are in and appreciate it for what it is. It might be a lesson in pain or a celebration of achievement. In any case, it is YOUR moment.

2. Trust you will find your way. Sometimes the path is rocky and it may seem to disappear. At other times it may be steep. At other times your path may run through a meadow with birds singing and a nearby babbling brook. Pause when you doubt that you are on the right path. During the pause explore the energy around you – your emotions, desires and options.

3. Ask for guidance. Just ask the Universe. Asking does not need to be prayer nor does it require supplication. The Universe is there, waiting to guide you. The answers may not be in the form you expect, and it may not be what you think you want to hear, but ask and then look for signs you have been heard.

4. Be thankful for who you are in this moment and for the person you are becoming. In difficult times know that this is just one part of your journey. Be thankful that you have the strength to continue to a better place. Trust you will find your way as you follow your guidance. Be determined to do the work to grow into the person you want to become.

5. Create and repeat a mantra for this stage of your journey, no matter where you are. An example might be something like, “I am my solution. I am empowered to joyfully move along the path to journey towards my ideal self.”

I wish the best for each of you and I am available to assist you as needed.