September seems like a month of so many changes. Fall is in the air, school is starting, summer travel has come to an end. September feels like beginning to hunker down and get ready for the more substantial activities of the year.
This month I’ve provided an explanation of how Tarot is a valuable tool for empowerment coaching. Tarot really helps to cut to the chase of the matter. Whether you believe in Tarot or not, the cards you draw will give you something to consider.
I’ve also included an exercise several of my people seem to benefit from recently. It’s about healing your inner child so that you can begin to hear your adult you.
Finally, if you calculate your personal month, you can see how the energy is likely to interact with the universal year energy. When you work with the energy, you can create real magic that helps you get the most your life.
Coaching Corner
Why Tarot is a Valuable Tool in Empowerment Coaching
My clients have found Tarot can be a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation during the coaching experience. Before reading the cards, I call on the angels and guides to use Tarot to help us find the path to the change the client is seeking. I call on the angels and guides because we ALL have our own guides, and their single purpose is to help each of us be the best possible person we can be. Tarot gets to the core of the issue by identifying the issue, a best course of action, and likely challenges.
One of the most profound benefits of Tarot-guided coaching is the clarity it provides. Whether you’re facing a challenging decision, seeking a new direction, or simply feeling stuck, Tarot can help you explore new perspectives and possibilities. You may have blocks to success that can get in the way of manifesting what you want in your life. Those blocks can be negative messages you carry from childhood (see exercise in next section) or from a lack of direction. Tarot helps identify the blocks, as well as what can help you get past those them. My purpose as coach is to help you explore options and set a plan of action. Clients find that enlisting the assistance of a coach helps them be accountable, while also getting encouragement.
Every Tarot reading is unique, just as every person’s journey is unique. As your life coach, I blend the insights from Tarot with personalized coaching strategies tailored to your specific needs and goals. Whether you’re seeking to enhance your career, improve relationships, or deepen your self-awareness, our sessions are designed to address your individual circumstances. Tarot serves as a roadmap, guiding us to the areas where you need the most support and offering direction on how to overcome challenges.
The cards do not predict the future; rather, they empower you to shape it. Through our sessions, you’ll learn to communicate with your guides to make decisions that resonate with your soul’s purpose and to create a life that feels authentically yours. You already have the answers within you; our work together is to access that wisdom to apply it to your life in a practical, meaningful way.
If you’re ready to explore your potential and align your life with your deepest desires, I’m here to guide you. Let’s work together to harness the wisdom of tarot and create a future filled with possibility, purpose, and fulfillment. Send me an email if you would like to discuss how to use Tarot to communicate with your angels and guides!
The Energy for September
Your personal month energy will help you understand how what themes are most likely to come up for you this month. By learning how the universal year energy complements your personal month energy you will discover what to expect for September.
To calculate your personal month number, the first step is to calculate yourpersonal year:
Add the digits of your birth month, birth day, and the2024together and reduce to a single digit.
Example: September 23 birthday is 9+2+3+2+0+2+4= 22, which reduces to 4.
Then calculate your personal month bx add the current calendar month, September (9), to the personal year (4).
Using the example above: 9+4=13, which reduces to 4. 4 is the personal year and month.
The Universal year number represents the overarching energy that influences everyone during the year, while your personal month number represents your individual experience within that larger context. In 2024, the universal year number is 8, which means the overarching themes for the year include power, authority, material success, and financial growth.
Below shows how each personal month energy is likely to interact with the universal year for 2024:
Personal Month 1: New Beginnings, Leadership
This month is all about initiating new projects, taking bold actions, and stepping into leadership roles. The universal 8 amplifies your drive and ambition, making it a powerful time to start something new, particularly in your career or financial life.
Personal Month 2: Cooperation, Balance
This month emphasizes relationships, partnerships, and diplomacy. The 8 energy encourages you to find a balance between your personal and professional life. Collaboration with others can lead to significant progress, particularly in areas of shared goals or financial ventures.
Personal Month 3: Creativity, Communication
Creativity and self-expression are highlighted this month. The universal 8 brings a practical edge to your creative efforts, encouraging you to focus on projects that have the potential for success or financial gain. It’s a good time for marketing, networking, and communication.
Personal Month 4: Stability, Hard Work
This month focuses on building solid foundations and putting in the necessary work to achieve your goals. The 8 energy supports your efforts by providing the discipline and determination needed to see long-term success, especially in financial matters.
Personal Month 5: Change, Freedom
This is a dynamic month with opportunities for change and growth. The 8 energy encourages you to take calculated risks that can lead to greater freedom and success, particularly in your career or financial life. Flexibility and adaptability are key.
Personal Month 6: Responsibility, Relationships
This month emphasizes responsibility, particularly in your home and relationships. The universal 8 energy adds a layer of seriousness, encouraging you to address any imbalances in your life. Financial and professional responsibilities may also be highlighted.
Personal Month 7: Reflection, Spiritual Growth
This is a month for introspection, learning, and spiritual growth. The 8 energy may push you to consider how your material ambitions align with your deeper values. It’s a good time for planning and reflection rather than action.
Personal Month 8: Power, Success
This is a highly potent month, as your personal month number aligns with the universal year number. Expect significant opportunities for success, particularly in financial and career matters. This is a time of manifestation and achieving tangible results from your efforts.
Personal Month 9: Completion, Letting Go
This month is about endings and preparing for new beginnings. The Universal 8 encourages you to let go of anything that no longer serves your long-term goals, especially in the realms of career or finances. It’s a time for closure and making space for new opportunities.
Love the Child You Were
Very often a life coach or therapist discovers several clients have the same, or similar, issues at the same time. Actually, if you consider the universal energies from numerology or planet alignment, that makes sense because the universal energy will bring up related concerns for different people.
Recently, a few of my clients have been dealing with issues related to the way they were treated as a child. The messages sent to children last a life time. It’s often sad to think that what a 3, 7, or 12 year old hears or feels affects the actions and self-concept of a 30, 40, or 60 year old adult.
This is an issue that has come up for me in the past, and the following is a simple exercise I gave myself to help me get past the feeling of not being good enough or smart enough. I share this with you from my child as well as my adult.
Exercise:Find a picture of yourself as a child and place it where you can see it. As an adult, review the positive, and only positive, things you have achieved in your life. Did you make it through school? Have you had a healthy relationship, or have you removed yourself from an unhealthy relationship? Have you had a job you feel you excelled at? Do you have hobbies that give you great joy? Do you have good friends? If you aren’t sure of the positive elements in your life, ask a friend to help you identify them.
List the accomplishments you have had in your life, and share them with that little person in the photo. As you share them, assure that little girl her life will be all right. Love that little person, and give her the support that she needed in real time when she was small and not in control of anything in her life. Love her more, and support her again.
If there are still changes you want to make in your life, assure the little girl that you are now strong enough to make those changes. Then, as the adult, begin a list of the changes you want to make and start that journey. Get help if you feel you need that. You are alive, and you are in charge of many aspects of your life. Celebrate who you have become because you are worth it!
Contact Judyth at
for Tarot Readings, Numerology Report,
or Empowerment Coaching
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“I loved the class! I feel so good about myself and empowered with the information I received. Wow! What a change! Thank you, Judyth.” G.L.