October 2024

Judyth Sult’s

October 2024

Empowerment Newsletter

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                Free Card Draw

Notes from J

October is a lovely month with the changing colors from green to reds and oranges. I grew up in the Southwest and never really understood what fall was like until moving to the Northwest in my 30’s. What a delight it was to become familiar with real changes in the seasons.

October is also the time when the veil between the worlds is very thin. See the article below. When the veil is thin, it is a special time to get into contact with your spirit and your purpose for being on this place we call earth. What are the lessons we are here to learn? How can we live our best life? What legacy do we want to leave behind? I’m offering individual classes to help you find the answers to these questions.

Have a wonderful month and appreciate who you are and your place in the world. You ARE important; you DO add to the good of the world. Celebrate who you are!



                                                                                     Coaching Corner

What a Reading Can Tell You

When I do a Tarot reading for you, I’m providing information through your angels and guides to give you a new perspective about happenings in your life, as well as a course of action that might work for you. I often liken a Tarot reading to learning how to get off a hamster wheel of indecision or confusion. The reading will usually identify the core issue, and then give you direction for the best way for you to address the problem.

Let me give you a few examples from two readings. (The names have been changed). Heidi wanted to know if she should stay in a relationship. The cards told the story of how the relationship was not turning out like she had imagined it would. I must say that, from what she told me, I personally thought the cards would say it was in her best interest to leave. To the surprise of both of us, the cards said that if she left at this time she would be full of sadness and remorse. On the other hand, if she stayed, there would be an opportunity to heal and options to resolve the issues this couple faced. Heidi was then given specific steps for a course of action that would open up possibilities, rather than to close doors.

Although Heidi’s question was about staying in the relationship, she thought she had already decided to leave and was looking to the cards for confirmation. She was too angry and close to the issue to see any other option. The reading didn’t solve her dilemma, but it did suggest a plan of action that empowered Heidi to take action that was not rash and could actually end up not leading to heartbreak.

This is a great example of why I always invoke the reminder to “not let any of my own opinions enter this reading without so stating.” It’s important that I’m reading the cards as the guides wish me to, and not to project what I think they will say. Heidi contacted me later to say she and her partner were in counseling and their future looked bright.

In another reading, a card came up that indicated Pat was going to have a financial challenge. Pat rejected the card saying that his finances were in great shape. To his surprise the card came up again, was rejected, and then came up a third time. I suggested we consider what to do if this financial challenge did indeed come to pass, and drew a best course of action card.

A few weeks later Pat contacted me and said that, yep, the financial setback had occurred. But, because he knew the rest of the story according to the cards, he did not panic and took the suggested action, and everything turned out well for him.

The moral of the story is this. Tarot won’t solve your problems, but the cards can suggest a course of action to a solution you may not have considered . I suggest you pay attention to the cards, keep an open mind, and be willing to do the work to solve the problems. You have free will; the cards tell the story of what has been,what is, and what could be.

Now Available, One-on-One Classes

I LOVE teaching classes. However, I really don’t like the marketing and challenges of finding a suitable place and time for a group. Therefore, I am offering one-on-one or small group classes in person or on Zoom. By taking one of my classes, you will have individual attention, we can move at your pace, and I will be available to answer your questions in detail.

The classes I’m offering are:

Manifesting with your Angels and Guides (minimum 6 week class): Your Angels and Guides are with you all of the time. They are here for one purpose only, and that purpose is to help you become the best that you can be. This class will help you learn to trust your communication and to look for the signs your Guides are giving you.

Learn your personal Numbers (minimum 4 week class): Numerology is based on the philosophy of Pythagoras who believed that numbers hold energy and that energy affects our lives. The numbers are related to the letters in your name, your birth date, and the current year. As readers of my newsletters know, the personal energy of individuals changes each month. That’s why I often offer the formula for you to calculate your personal month energy. Numerology can teach you so much more about your life purpose and challenges and why certain themes repeat themselves over time. You can learn how to anticipate what energy in your life is static, and what energy is changing, in order to help your life run more smoothly.

Working with the 7 Chakras (minimum 8 week class): This class starts with a remote healing check in of your 7 chakras. You then decide the order of which chakras you want to study. You’ll learn techniques and tools for how to remove the blocks. Every class is different, and the assignment to go along with each chakra is determined by what we discover is specific to your blocks and needs. This is a creative, healing class.

Classes will be held once a week, by zoom or in person. Special for the month of October, each individual class is $50.


The Energy for October

Every month holds its own energy. The Universal energy for October is based on the calendar number of the month and the total of the year number.

October = 10, reduces to 1

2024 = 8


October is a Universal 9 month.

The energy of 9 represents completion, reflection, and letting go. This energy brings about a desire to resolve unfinished business, conclude projects, and make space for new beginnings. It is also a period of compassion, wisdom, and generosity, where people may feel called to serve others and engage in humanitarian efforts.

Your personal month energy will determine how you will most likely interact with the Universal Month energy. To calculate your personal month energy, first, calculate your personal year number by adding your birth month and day and the current year, 2024.

The personal year number for a September 23 birthday equals the month and day, plus the current year:

9+5+8=22, reduces to 4.

Now, add the personal year number to the calendar month number, which is 10, reduced to 1. 4+1=5. For October, the September 23 birthday personal month is a 5.

Below are descriptions for each of the personal month numbers:

1 – This month encourages you to take charge and begin something new. It’s about setting the stage for future growth by focusing on self-reliance and action.

2 – The focus is on forming partnerships, fostering harmony, and practicing patience. It’s a time for diplomacy, compromise, and nurturing connections.

3 – This month invites you to express yourself creatively and enjoy life. It’s a time for socializing, artistic endeavors, and sharing ideas.

4 – This month calls for putting in the effort, building foundations, and creating structure in your life. Focus on details, organization, and perseverance.

5 – Expect dynamic shifts and the unexpected this month. It’s a time for embracing new experiences and letting go of what no longer serves you.

6 – This month calls for quiet reflection, spiritual growth, and mental clarity. It’s a time for inner work and gaining deeper insights into yourself and your life path.

7 – This month calls for quiet reflection, spiritual growth, and mental clarity. It’s a time for inner work and gaining deeper insights into yourself and your life path.

8 – This month brings a focus on material success, career advancement, and personal power. It’s a time for manifesting goals and taking charge of your life.

9 – This month focuses on letting go of what no longer serves you and preparing for new beginnings. It’s a time to reflect on the past and clear the way for the future.

Thinning of the Veil

What does it mean that the veil between the worlds is most thin at this time of the year? Old religions from Europe, and independently from Mexico and Central America, invite and celebrate the dead to return to feast and be remembered at the time after the last harvest.

Pagan holidays are based on the stars and the seasons. Two of the most important celebrations are Samhain and Beltane. Samhain (pronounced Sow-in) celebrates the final harvest and the time to enter darkness, which is the beginning of the new year. These pagans believed that during Samhain the veil between the worlds of the living and dead was thin and that they could communicate with the those who had crossed over.

Even today Pagans celebrate Samhain and may bring out mementos of the dead, prepare their favorite food, and light candles or bonfires to show the departed the way home. There is a belief that death is not to be feared because the person lives on in another dimension.

In ancient times there was often a parade with costumes on behalf of the gods and goddesses of the underworld. Some would wear masks to hide from spirits that may be malevolent. Because it was the new year, it was also a time to plan for the future.

The Day of the Dead came from traditions of the Aztecs, Maya, and Toltec to celebrate the memories of their dead. The belief among these people is that the death does not end life, but new life comes from death, just as the new crops come from the old soil. Like Samhain, the Day of the Dead comes at the end of harvest going into the winter.

The Day of the Dead is still celebrated with music and dancing. A temporary altar is set up to honor the dead. Along with photos and mementos, there are offerings of the four elements to help the departed on their journey. Water is placed nearby to quench their thirst. Wind is represented by wind spinners, tissue paper, or chimes. Earth is represented by food, such as bread. Candles, often in the form of a cross, represent fire.

Brightly decorated skulls, flowers, and costumes represent the celebratory cycle of life. Monarch butterflies arrive in Mexico on November 1 and are often thought to hold the spirit of the dead.

In 601 A.D. Pope Gregory the First realized that people from the old traditions would not give up their celebrations and spiritual beliefs, so the church’s holy days were chosen to correspond to symbols of native spiritual holidays. In the 7th century Pope Boniface IV declared All Saints Day and the evening before was hallowed, or holy, eve. Thus, October 31 became Halloween, and the end of harvest celebration was set to a specific date rather than the ambiguous time of the end of the harvest.

And that’s why we celebrate Halloween on October 31 and Day of the Dead on November 1.

Contact Judyth at JudythSult@gmail.com

for Tarot Readings, Numerology Report,

or Empowerment Coaching