November 2024

Judyth Sult’s

November 2024

Empowerment Newsletter

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                Free Card Draw

Notes from J

Today is Halloween and the beginning of Samhain, when the veil between the worlds is the thinnest for a bit. This is a great time for magical intent and communicating with those who have crossed over.

In just a few days the U.S. will have our elections, and no matter your preference, this can be a stressful time. I anticipate the results may be controversial for some time, so I’ve included some suggestions that may help during this anxious time.

I’ve also included a reading for the 4 weeks in November for the United States. I think it turned out to be very interesting.

Heads up, Mercury will be retrograde from November 25 to December 15. A reminder that this is a key time for miscommunication, travel challenges, and electronic difficulties. Just be prepared, allow more time, and be patient.

November is the traditional month for giving thanks. No matter what is happening in our lives, or in the world, there is always, always something to be thankful for. Please find that something in your life and put your concentration and energy there.



                                                                                     Coaching Corner

Take charge and reduce your stress

This has been a difficult election season, and I believe the stress won’t end on election day. However, we can try to control how we choose to be in the world. Below are some suggestions that I invite you to consider, and hope that I can be mindful of these reminders during the next however long.

Avoid handwringing. Pondering and talking about the worst case scenario won’t change anything. When you feel yourself going down the worst case rabbit hole, try to distract yourself with a book, television (not the news), meditation, or whatever sooths your mind. When you are in this state it may not be the best time to call a friend if the conversation is likely to reinforce your handwringing.

Limit your media consumption. During times of high tension, constant media updates and social media posts can increase stress and anxiety. Set boundaries for your news intake, such as checking the news at set times instead of scrolling constantly. Balance media consumption with uplifting or neutral content that brings you joy and perspective.

Practice mindfulness and meditation. Use techniques such as deep breathing. If you need assistance with meditation, there are a lot of free on-line apps with many different approaches to meditation. Meditation doesn’t have to mean sitting in a yoga position with your eyes closed. I meditate when I put together jigsaw puzzles. Others mediate when engaged in music or hobbies that fill their mind.

Reconnect with nature. Most of you have heard about how nature is good for the soul. When you go into nature try turning off your phone, or at least, leave it in your pocket. Go to a park or walk in the forest. Put your feet in the sand around water. Sit under a tree or climb a mountain. Go for a hike.

Try self-reflection. Think about, and maybe discuss with a friend, what your values are and what centers you. Try to find ways for positive action in your life. Maybe starting a new hobby, or volunteering to help others. This might be a good time to join an organization or community that shares your values and takes positive action.

Reach out to others. Be in contact with people in your community that help you feel safe. Try to find people to laugh with, play games or go for walks. Reinforce your community by helping in schools or reaching out to the elderly. Become a part of, or expand on, your contacts within your local community.

Take positive action. Negative thoughts and words and consumption close down your chakras and increase the stress on your body. Take inventory of your fears. Assess what you can control or influence, and what is out of your hands. If you anticipate physical threats against you or your family, discuss possible safety scenarios and plans so you feel prepared.

I hope these suggestions don’t raise your anxiety, rather, that it reminds you that you have more control than you may have assumed. In a perfect world this anxiety wouldn’t be a consideration, however, this is the world we find ourselves in. My intent is to offer tools that help us through challenging times. And who knows, maybe everything will be smooth sailing post-election.

November Tarot Reading

I did a reading about the energy in the U.S. for the coming 4 weeks in November.

The center card represents the general theme for the entire month and is the 4 of Fire. The card acknowledges that the nation’s spirit is rooted in collective values and a shared desire for stability.

It’s a call to honor and protect this balance, while acknowledging that maintaining internal harmony requires active effort, vigilance, and communal focus. There’s a need for renewed focus on the basic principles that promote harmony and shared values in governance and society.

WEEK 1 – The top left card represents the first week and is the reversed Star. Reversed cards mean it’s not time yet, or there is an energy block. Upright, the Star represents a connection to a higher purpose, but when it’s reversed the card suggests that the first week of November will be time when people’s hope and inspiration are blocked. People want to connect with what they believe is a higher purpose, but the way will be blocked for a time.

WEEK 2 – The card on the upper right is the reversed Father Earth representing the second week of the month. This card in an upright position represents the peak of stability, but in a reversed position, suggests an unstable week. The Father signifies leadership, and the Earth is about the physical world so it would reflect economy, environment and infrastructure. Therefore, since the card is in a reversed position, it suggests a lack of leadership and the possibility of instability in the physical environment.

WEEK 3 – The card on the lower left is the One of Fire, signifying the third week of the month. This card is about igniting a new way of expressing creativity, passion, and identity. The card is in an upright position and the One is a call to action in an innovating bold way, suggesting ardent calls for identifying, or clarifying what it means to be American.

Week 4 – The card on the lower right, representing the last week in November, is the reversed 10 of Wind,. The 10 cards are about deciding what to carry forward and what to release. The Wind suit is about ideas, and philosophies. In this reading, the reversed 10 of Wind suggests a desire to discard old illusions and carry forward to the ideal of the United States, whatever that is to each group.


This reading suggests that the U.S. is in a period of both challenge and opportunity. The 4 of Fire energy influences the entire month and points to foundational stability and collective values that can unite. However, the reversed Star and reversed Father Earth highlight areas of disillusionment and misalignment in leadership, hope, and material stability. The One of Fire reminds the country of its potential for innovation and pioneering action, urging a unified return to inspiration, while the reversed 10 of Wind encourages a shedding of divisive or outdated beliefs.


The Energy for November

November is a 1 universal year (2024=8: November =11, reduced to 2; 8+2=10, reduced to 1).

In numerology, the universal month impacts everyone with similar energy. The universal 1 month emphasizes new beginnings, leadership, and forward thinking.

On a global level, a universal 1 month suggests visionary thinking and fresh leadership in many parts of the world. There can be increased tensions as the population may be impatient for a new direction. This can also be a time for new perspectives, and rethinking priorities. In places of upheaval or war, such as in Ukraine, the 1 energy can mean re-evaluating goals and looking for fresh ideas to bring peace.

One an individual level, the 1 universal year is an opportunity to think creatively about solutions, examine new goals, and lay the groundwork for a renewed future.Nov

Now Available, One-on-One Classes

I LOVE teaching classes. However, I really don’t like the marketing and challenges of finding a suitable place and time for a group. Therefore, I am offering one-on-one or small group classes in person or on Zoom. By taking one of my classes, you will have individual attention, we can move at your pace, and I will be available to answer your questions in detail.

The classes I’m offering are:

Manifesting with your Angels and Guides (minimum 6 week class): Your Angels and Guides are with you all of the time. They are here for one purpose only, and that purpose is to help you become the best that you can be. This class will help you learn to trust your communication and to look for the signs your Guides are giving you.

Learn your personal Numbers (minimum 4 week class): Numerology is based on the philosophy of Pythagoras who believed that numbers hold energy and that energy affects our lives. The numbers are related to the letters in your name, your birth date, and the current year. As readers of my newsletters know, the personal energy of individuals changes each month. That’s why I often offer the formula for you to calculate your personal month energy. Numerology can teach you so much more about your life purpose and challenges and why certain themes repeat themselves over time. You can learn how to anticipate what energy in your life is static, and what energy is changing, in order to help your life run more smoothly.

Working with the 7 Chakras (minimum 8 week class): This class starts with a remote healing check in of your 7 chakras. You then decide the order of which chakras you want to study. You’ll learn techniques and tools for how to remove the blocks. Every class is different, and the assignment to go along with each chakra is determined by what we discover is specific to your blocks and needs. This is a creative, healing class.

Classes will be held once a week, by zoom or in person. Special for the month of October, each individual class is $50.

Contact Judyth at

for Tarot Readings, Numerology Report,

or Empowerment Coaching