January 2025

Judyth Sult’s

January 2025

Empowerment Newsletter

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                Free Card Draw

Notes from J

Happy New Year!

Each of us has the capacity to manifest what we want in our lives. Working with your angels and guides is the key. They are here to help you be true to your highest and best good. Western society is interesting, in that it encourages us to strive after material goods and power, yet society often suggests that we are not worthy of getting what we want.

My work, and my goal, is to assure you that you are worthy of getting what you want to manifest, and that your guides are here to help you achieve those goals. When you work with the energy of the numbers and listen to the lessons of Tarot, you can achieve what you want to call into your life.

My goal each month is to give you some of those tools, and I encourage you to use them. Work with the energy throughout the month. Talk to your angels and guides and let them show you the way. Listen to your intuition; it’s usually spot on.

Let me know if there are questions you’d like answered in the newsletter. This is a powerful 9 year, which is all about clearing the energy to prepare for new beginnings in 2026. Get ready to clean out the old and make room for the new.



                                                                                     Coaching Corner

Preparing for a 9 Year in Numerology:

A Journey of Empowerment and Renewal

We are entering a 9 year (2025, 2+0+2+5=9), which is a profound time with opportunities for transformation. The universal energy of the 9 is about completion and rebirth. This is the year for you to reflect on your life patterns, good and bad, and to discover what those patterns have to say about yourself. In a 9 year, you have the opportunity to reflect on those attributes that are positive in your life and to release those that are contrary to your highest and best good. Below are some exercises for you to do throughout the year. This is a great year for journaling, as you reflect on what to release and decide what to embrace as you move forward.

Reflect on the Past

In numerology, we look at the numbers 1 to 9, then start over. A nine year holds the cumulative energy of the last 8 years. Look back at the past 8 years and evaluate how you dealt with challenges and what lessons you’ve learned. Celebrate your successes and acknowledge your struggles. Identify and celebrate your areas of growth.

Let Go of What No Longer Serves You

The 9 has the power of releasing that which no longer serves you. This can include relationships, habits, beliefs, or even physical possessions. Ask yourself, “Does this add value to my life?” If not, it’s time to let it go. Decluttering your emotional, mental, and physical space creates room for new possibilities to flow in. Trust that letting go is not a loss but a gift of freedom.

Embrace Forgiveness and Healing

Forgiveness is a cornerstone of the 9 year. Carrying resentment or unresolved emotions from the past can weigh you down. Practice forgiving yourself and others, understanding that forgiveness is NOT about condoning harmful behavior, rather, it’s about giving yourself permission to move along.

Cultivate Gratitude

As you release, balance the process with gratitude. Reflect on the experiences, relationships, and opportunities that have shaped you. Gratitude transforms endings into celebrations and helps you approach the transition with positivity. It also raises your vibration, aligning you with the abundant energy of the universe.

Focus on Service and Contribution

The number 9 is associated with compassion and humanitarianism. This is a powerful year to focus on how you can contribute to the greater good. Whether it’s through volunteering, mentoring, or simply being present for those in need, your acts of kindness will create ripples of positivity. Serving others not only enriches their lives but also strengthens your sense of purpose and connection.

Prepare for New Beginnings

Although the 9 year is about closure, it’s also a time to prepare for the next cycle. As the year progresses, start envisioning your dreams and goals for the future. What do you want to achieve in the next nine years? Begin laying the groundwork by setting intentions and visualizing the life you desire.

Trust the Process

The energy of a 9 year can feel intense at times, as it requires deep introspection and change. The 9 year is a sacred opportunity to release the old, heal the past, and step into the future with clarity and purpose. By embracing its energy, you can transform your life and prepare to enter the next chapter fully empowered.


Calculate your personal year energy.

Your personal year is the way your personal energy will interact with the universal energy of the 9. Add your birth day and month to the current year and reduce to a single digit. For example, April 21: 4+21+2025. This reduces to 4+3+9=16, which reduces to 7.

 Personal Number 1:

As a leader and initiator, the 1 thrives on action and new beginnings. In a 9 year, focus on completing old projects and tying up loose ends. As you release the old, you will make space for what you want to call into your life. This is preparation for 2026, when the seeds you plant this year will take root.

Personal Number 2:

The cooperative and intuitive 2 excels in relationships. In a 9 year, prioritize emotional healing and closure in personal connections. This is a year to strengthen bonds that serve your highest good and to release toxic dynamics. Trust your intuition to guide you in making these decisions. Focus on harmony, diplomacy, and self-care to maintain balance during this transitional time.

Personal Number 3:

Creative and expressive, the 3 thrives on communication and joy. In a 9 year, channel your creativity into meaningful projects that bring closure or honor the past. Reflect on how your self-expression has evolved over the years. Use your optimism to inspire others through the challenges of endings and trust that your creativity will flourish in the new cycle.

Personal Number 4:

Practical and hardworking, the 4 values stability and structure. Focus on creating a strong foundation for the future by clearing out systems or routines that no longer work. Use your organizational skills to wrap up lingering responsibilities. Embrace the process of letting go as a means of building a better future.

Personal Number 5:

Adventurous and adaptable, the 5 loves freedom and variety. In a 9 year, channel your adaptability into embracing change. Let go of restrictive situations, and seek experiences that align with your personal growth. Use this year as a time to reflect on how your exploration has shaped you and to prepare for a new phase of self-discovery.

Personal Number 6:

Compassionate and nurturing, the 6 is deeply connected to family and community. In a 9 year, focus on healing family dynamics and completing any unresolved obligations. It may be time to let go of personal relationships that are not healthy for you. Release them and clear the energy for deeper, more supportive relationships.

Personal Number 7:

The introspective and spiritual 7 thrives on reflection and inner growth. A 9 year is a natural fit for the 7’s need for contemplation. Use this time to dive deeply into spiritual practices and release limiting beliefs. This year has the potential for you to understand your higher purpose. This year, especially, is a time for you to communicate frequently with your angels and guides.

Personal Number 8:

The ambitious and goal-oriented 8 seeks success and material achievement. In a 9 year, focus on evaluating your long-term goals and releasing pursuits that no longer resonate. Let go of material attachments or outdated definitions of success. Use this year to align your ambitions with a higher purpose, paving the way for meaningful achievements in the next cycle.

Personal Number 9:

In a 9 year, those with a personal number 9 are in their element. This is a time of profound transformation and alignment with your true self. Focus on releasing the past and stepping into your role as a guide or healer for others. Your natural compassion and wisdom will inspire those around you, making this year a deeply fulfilling culmination of your journey.

                The Hermit

Hermit (Introspection in Tarot of Empowerment)

The card for the year is the Hermit. The Hermit goes within for guidance and reflection to review what is working in his life and what it is that needs to be released. He holds the answers for his future and is willing to let go of that which is not in his highest good.

Hermit from The Light Seeker’s Tarot

By Chris-Anne

Sky Watch


Mark the full and new moons on your calendar and pay attention to the energy during this time.

Full Moon: January 13, in Cancer

Cancer is a water sign which amplifies the emotions and introspection. It can be a time of deep healing and compassion, as well as emotional cleansing and clearing.

 New Moon: January 29, in Aquarius

Aquarius, an air sign, symbolizes innovation, individuality, and collective consciousness. The New Moon encourages setting intentions related to personal growth, embracing new technologies, and engaging in humanitarian efforts.

Contact me at JudythSult@gmail.com

for Tarot Readings, Numerology Report,

One-on-One Classes, Empowerment Coaching