December is a month acknowledged around the world with celebrations, including Winter Solstice (spiritual), Hanukkah (Jewish), Bodi (Buddhist), Kwanza (African American), Omisoka (Japanese), Las Posadas (Latin American), Dongzhi (Chinese), and of course, Christmas and New Year’s Eve. I apologize if I have missed a celebration that’s important to you. You are welcome to let me know what it is.
Winter Solstice is important the world over, although it’s opposite in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The return of light indicates a period of transformation and hope. I’ve included some exercises in the Coaching Corner.
I realized that integrating your Personal Month with the Universal Year energy could be confusing, so this month I’ve offered examples about how they influence each other.
Gentle reminder: Mercury is still retrograde until December 15, so speak carefully, take more time traveling, and expect delays.
Read about New Perspectives (the Hanged Man), which is the card for the month.
Last, but not least, as a thank you for being on my newsletter list, I’m offering a special price of $150 for a numerology reading for you or as a gift for someone else. I’ve described what’s included below.
Have a wonderful holiday season, no matter what you celebrate.
Coaching Corner
Spiritual Empowerment and Winter Solstice
Winter Solstice is a time ofspiritual renewal and transformation, encouraging you to embrace the beauty of endings, honor the cycles of life, and welcome the light of new beginnings. All endings are followed by new experiences and opportunities. By reviewing your life from a spiritual perspective, you have the opportunity to work with your angels and guides to have the courage to release that which no longer serves you, while setting the stage to call into your life that which truly empowers you. Below are some exercises to celebrate the end of 2024.
Review the year by looking at your achievements, challenges, and lessons. Celebrate your achievements, be realistic about your challenges, and embrace your lessons. [If you want a confidential witness, email me your achievements, challenges, and lessons for the year.]
Have the courage to release that which no longer serves you, be it a habit, relationship, or belief. Releasing empowers you to call in the new and start fresh. [You may send me a list of what you want to release, and I will burn the paper in my sacred vessel.]
Just as the Winter Solstice promises more light, decide what will bring more spiritual light into your life. This is the time to work with your spiritual partners to write your manifestation goals for the year. [You are welcome to send me your goals to go into my prayer wheel to multiply your intentions.]
This year-end empowerment ritual will help you honor your journey on this earth as you heal, grow, and shine your unique individuality in the world.
The Hanged Man
As you all know, December is the 12th month. In Tarot, the twelfth card is the Hanged Man (New Perspectives inTarot of Empowerment). This month is about surrendering in order to get a new perspective about the world and each of our places in the world. This is not a time for action; rather, it’s a time for contemplation and observation.
Universal Month Numerology for December
The Universal Month is calculated by adding the numbers in the year to the numbers in the month and reducing that number to a single digit.
So, December 2024 is an 11/2 Universal Month.
Year: 2024=8
Month: December = 12, reduces to 3
8+3=11, reduces to 2
Universal Month of 11 is first interpreted as the master number energy and is then reduced to 2, the mundane energy. The universal energy is the overriding energy and trends in the general population.
The 11 Universal Month energy suggests there will be many questions around the higher purpose in the universe. Eleven represents profound transformation and spiritual awareness.
The energy of 11 reduced to 2 suggests finding balance, creating harmony, and developing more profound, authentic connections both internally and externally.
In numerology, Universal Month energy reflects the collective vibrational influence of a specific month on the entire world, while Personal Month energy is tailored to an individual’s unique numerological profile. Universal Month energy may describe the external environment or context in which you experience life, while Personal Month energy focuses on your internal journey or specific opportunities.
To calculate your Personal Month energy for December, first calculate your Personal Year energy (reduce each number to a single digit and add birth day, birth month, 2024). Example: birthday September 23. Add 9+5+8=22, which reduces to 4.
Below are potential guides for the interaction between the 11/2 Universal Month and each Personal Month.
1 Personal Month: The assertive energy of the 1 must harmonize with the sensitive, cooperative 11/2. While there’s a push to start something new, it’s best done with mindfulness, tact, and a willingness to listen to intuition.
2 Personal Month: Both energies focus on relationships, cooperation, and intuition. This can be a deeply harmonious time, but also one where you feel heightened sensitivity or vulnerability.
3 Personal Month: The joyful, expressive energy of the 3 is steeped in the intuitive and reflective qualities of the 11/2. This can inspire creative breakthroughs or meaningful conversations, although sensitivity to others’ emotions is crucial.
4 Personal Month: The structured, grounded 4 energy can feel slightly at odds with the emotional and intuitive nature of the 11/2. However, it offers an opportunity to bring practicality to spiritual insights.
5 Personal Month: The adventurous energy of the 5 interacts dynamically with the spiritual and emotional energy of the 11/2. It’s a time of unexpected opportunities, especially those requiring adaptability and intuitive decision-making.
6 Personal Month: The nurturing 6 energy blends harmoniously with the partnership-focused 11/2. It’s a powerful time to heal relationships, deepen connections, and take on responsibilities with love and understanding.
7 Personal Month: Both energies are introspective and spiritually focused, making this a deeply reflective period. There’s a strong pull toward meditation, study, or exploring life’s deeper meanings.
8 Personal Month: The material focus of the 8 pairs with the 11/2’s spiritual energy, creating opportunities to align ambition with higher purpose. It’s a time to consider how your goals can benefit others or serve a greater good.
9 Personal Month: The transformative energy of the 9 aligns well with the 11/2’s spiritual focus. This is a powerful time for letting go of outdated patterns, forgiving, and embracing higher ideals.
Want a great Christmas or Birthday Gift?
How about a personalized Empowerment Numerology Report?
What’s in a Numerology Report? Each of the following elements.
Your Personal Year for 2025
How each Personal Month will by influenced by the Universal Year.
Your Life Path:Why you have the same experiences and challenges throughout your life.
Expression or Destiny:How you express your natural talents and how you present yourself in the world.
Soul Urge or Heat’s Desire:What your really want on a deep soul level in this life time.
Personality: How others see you in the world.
Birth day number:Identifies you special talents and gifts.
The Numerology reading is $150, which is a 25% discount. The reading includes a written report and a 1 hour in-person or phone follow-up. If you’ve had a name change in the course of your life (or want to change your name), you can add that one option at no charge.
Sky Watch
Mercury Retrograde until December 15
Full Moon in Gemini, December 15: The Full Moon in Gemini highlights communication, curiosity, and adaptability. This energy is perfect for resolving misunderstandings, sharing ideas, and seeking clarity in your interactions. It also encourages letting go of distractions or thought patterns that inhibit personal growth.
New Moon in Capricorn,December 30: The New Moon in Capricorn emphasizes themes of ambition, structure, and discipline. It’s a time to set practical and long-term goals, focusing on career, personal responsibility, and commitment. This energy encourages creating strategies for success and aligning with your life’s mission.
Contact me at
for Tarot Readings, Numerology Report,
One-on-One Classes, Empowerment Coaching
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“I loved the class! I feel so good about myself and empowered with the information I received. Wow! What a change! Thank you, Judyth.” G.L.