Judyth’s Numerology Class 2025

Judyth Sult’s Numerology Class

Learn about Your Life Purpose and

Unlock the Secrets of Your Numbers

While You Sip Soup at Kara’s Beauty Barn,

February 1, 2025 from 4 to 7pm.

Find out Your Personal Power Numbers for 2025!

Become Empowered by Unlocking the Your True Potential and Learn Your Deepest Desires with Numerology!

Using the date of your birth and your birth name, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and learn your heart’s desire through the power of numbers!

Numerology is an age-old metaphysical discipline, exploring the energy of numbers as they apply to our everyday life.

Here’s what you’ll discover:

  • Your purpose for being born in this lifetime
  • The natural talents and skills that make you who you are
  • What really drives you
  • How others see you

Who Should Join?

  • Anyone seeking clarity and purpose in their lives.
  • Those curious about spiritual and metaphysical practices.
  • Professionals looking to add a unique skill to their toolkit.
  • Individuals passionate about self-growth and personal development.

You will learn to calculate your own Personalized Numerology Chart!

Judyth will walk you through the calculations for your own Numerology Chart and you will be able to use those skills for others in your life.

This is an opportunity unlock the secrets hidden in your numbers and step into a future filled with purpose, clarity, and confidence. 

Your journey of self-discovery begins HERE.

Kara’s Beauty Barn is 20 minutes North of Bellingham, WA.

Contact Judyth at JudythSult@gmail.com

for Tarot Readings, Numerology Report,

or Empowerment Coaching