December is always a time to prepare for transitions. In this hemisphere, we feel the dark of winter, even though the days actually start to get a bit longer after the Solstice on December 22. This is a time of celebration with family and friends, be it Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule, or Kwanzaa.
You’ll see below that all of the energy this month supports the feeling of transition. December is a 9 month, which is about completion. The Winer Solstice connotes a transition to longer days. The New Moon in Capricorn suggests that it’s time to look forward and set your goals.
I suggest that you use this time constructively to create the best world you can for you. Contact me if you would like to discuss how to effectively move forward.
Happy Holidays,
Coaching Corner
Looking Forward
As we come up to the end of one year and move to the next, it’s important to take a bit of time and decide what you want to take with you into the new year and what you want to leave behind.
Think about your current life and compare where you are to where you want to be. What’s in the way of you being where you want to be? Do you question your worthiness? Are you under valuing your skills? Are you doubting your competence? If you answer yes to any of the above, it’s time to release that.
Releasing Old Thoughts and Patterns
How we think about ourselves is often unconscious, so the first step in releasing those thoughts is to become aware of what they are. When you think about what you want, what is the first thing that comes into your mind? Is it a block about WHY you can’t have what you want?
When the thought is a block, figure out how that message got into your consciousness. Did your family say or imply that you weren’t good enough? Did a teacher or other authority undermine you?
Write that thought on a piece of paper and burn it. Every time the thought comes back to you, picture the flames eating it up.
Now, write down what a positive thought response would be to what you want for yourself. This is the first step in creating what you want for yourself. Own that positive thought. Make it yours! Post the new, positive thought where you will see it often every day. Post it in the kitchen, in the bathroom, on your pillow, in your car, and on your screen saver.
Over time, add replace other negative thoughts and feelings with positive ones, but do only one at a time.
This exercise takes time and persistence, and it will change your life in a positive way if you stick with it. Please feel free to contact me if you need encouragement or want help in reframing your thought.
Tarot Play
There are dozens of ways that you can pull cards for a 3 card spread. This spread goes along with the energy for December. You can use your own deck, or go here and click on the card draw for each card.
What energy is best for me to release?
How do I release the energy?
How do I replace the energy?
Tarot of Empowerment cards and books can be purchased for you or as a gift for a friend.
Numerology for December
As we leave the 6 energy of 2022, it’s a good time to contemplate the 7 energy for 2023. This will be the Universal energy we’ll all be exposed to for the entirety of 2023.
December is a 9 Universal Month (1+2+2+0+2+2=9), so energetically the last month of the year is also the time to be done with that which no longer serves you. Keep the wisdom you have learned this year, but be willing to release what is in the way of your growth and empowerment.
In the year 2023, the 7 energy of the Universal year will be about doing the work you were meant to do, so the energy in December is about being done with thoughts, ideas, and habits that have stopped you from being the best possible you.
The Solstice is the most powerful time of the month to do a ritual releasing the old and setting intentions for the new energy. Ask Spirit to help you identify what to release, and to give you the strength to let it g
Sky Influences
Full Moon in Gemini, conjunct Mars, December 8. Be aware that communication may be more aggressive during the influence of this Full Moon.
Winter Solstice, December 21. The Solstice represents new beginnings. It’s time to set your long-term goals.
New Moon in Capricorn, December 23. This is the time you can have the focus to get things done in an efficient, practical way.
Mercury Retrograde, December 28 to January 18. Give yourself extra time in travel. Be careful how you communicate with others, and how you are hearing what others have to say.
“Everything I do for my clients is to give them tools to
Empower themselves. Are you ready for change?” Judyth Sult
Numerology and Tarot reading, Reiki healing , Empowerment Coaching
Please call for an appointment 360 305-149
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“I loved the class! I feel so good about myself and empowered with the information I received. Wow! What a change! Thank you, Judyth.” G.L.