Are You Worth it?

Don’t be too quick to claim the stories that you believe about your life, they can easily become blocks to creating the future you want for yourself. The stories often justify actions and support your dis-empowerment. In these times of transformation, think about your stories and re-write them to empower yourself. The point of power is now, and now you can create a story-foundation that will support the new, empowered you. ‪
– Karen Crane: Wisdom Work for Women

Karen’s words are so true. People often say things that lead to us feeling unworthy to accept love, money, success or joy, yet we adopt them as our story. It’s not possible to be empowered when we don’t feel worthy to claim what life has to offer.

Empowerment is about disengaging from the stories that create low self-esteem and to accept that it is our right to claim all of the majesty of life. To become empowered we need to take responsibility for our lives rather than passively accepting what comes our way. We can’t always control what life brings, but we can learn to respond from different perspectives.

You are worthy. You are worth the best that life has to offer.

Believing negative stories that others tell us about ourselves allows their perception to influence how we are in the world. Learning to reinterpret our own story from a new perspective gives us the freedom to respond in a way that we would like to become.

Over the years I’ve learned to listen to different stories from people who love and support me and now I can accept that I am more the empowered, positive person I want to be. Don’t listen to the people who don’t love you.  Listen to the people who do care.

We often don’t recognize where in our life we feel unworthy. Below is an exercise to help you identify where you lack self-esteem and how to connect with empowering changes.

Do the work. You are worth it!

1.     Pick an area in your life where you experience a lack of fulfillment or joy. Now, write down the feeling or beliefs you have about this part of your life. For example:

I feel unattractive, therefore I don’t deserve someone to love me.

I don’t have money because only selfish people have money.

I can’t improve my work (school, home) situation because this is the best I can do.

2.      Look at each of those points and identify the story behind these feelings. For example,

I was teased about my looks many years ago.

My parents were poor and were jealous of those who had money.

I was encouraged to make decisions to benefit others rather than myself.

3.      Make a list of where and from whom, you heard these stories. Acknowledge the beliefs had a hold on you and release them into the universe by burning the paper. Burning transforms the energy.

4.      Now, decide how you want to rewrite your beliefs and make a list of what beliefs you WANT to be true about yourself. Acknowledge and embrace those beliefs. Put this list in a safe place and periodically review what you have written.

5.      Finally, practice your new beliefs about yourself.

Get out of the habit of believing the negative and embrace who you want to become. Call in the energy to support your new beliefs. Every time you catch yourself reacting in the old paradigm again, release the old and firmly replace it with the new paradigm.

You are worth it. Let me know how this works for you.

More Wisdom Works for Women can be seen on facebook at Karen D Crane or she can be reached at KCsoul53 [at]